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File metadata and controls

257 lines (187 loc) · 7.38 KB

Elasticsearch Pipes

Pipes are the processing units of a pipeline for an Elasticsearch view.

See @ref:here to get more details on how pipes are applied and how the indexing process to Elasticsearch works.

Core pipes

These pipes are provided by default by Delta.

Filter deprecated

  • Allows excluding deprecated resources from being indexed
  • No config is needed
  "name" : "filterDeprecated"

Filter by type

  • Allow excluding resources which don't have one of the provided types
  "name" : "filterByType",
  "config" : {
    "types" : [

Filter by schema

  • Allow excluding resources which haven't been validated by one of the provided schemas
  "name" : "filterBySchema",
  "config" : {
    "types" : [

Discard metadata

  • Prevents all Nexus metadata from being indexed
  • No configuration is needed
  "name" : "discardMetadata"

Source as text

  • The original payload of the resource will be stored in the ElasticSearch document as a single escaped string value under the key _original_source.
  • No configuration is needed
  "name" : "sourceAsText"

Data construct query

  • The data graph of the resource will be transformed according to the provided SPARQL construct query
  • The resource metadata is not modified by this pipe
  "name" : "dataConstructQuery",
  "config": {
    "query": "{constructQuery}"

Select predicates

  • Only the defined predicates in the data graph of the resource will be kept in the resource
  • The resource metadata is not modified by this type
  "name" : "selectPredicates",
  "config": {
    "predicates": [

Default label predicates

  • Only default labels defined as skos:prefLabel, rdf:tpe, rdfs:label, schema:name will be kept in the data graph of the resource
  • No configuration is needed
  "name" : "defaultLabelPredicates"

Add custom pipes through plugins

@@@ note { .warning }

The pipe name must be a unique identifier in Delta.

Please also note that removing pipes or modifying configuration for a pipe will prevent existing views relying on them to index resources as the pipeline will be broken. They will have to be updated with a valid pipeline so that indexing can be restarted.


Besides these core pipes, it is possible to define custom pipes through plugins.

Please visit:

Please visit @ref:Plugins to learn about how to create/package/deploy a plugin.

Inside this plugin, you can then define additional pipes:

import{Elem, PipeDef, PipeRef}
import io.circe.syntax.EncoderOps
import io.circe.{Json, JsonObject}
import shapeless.Typeable

object MyPipes {

  // A first pipe which does not need any config
  // The function to implement needs to return a `Task[Elem[Out]]`
  final class MyCustomPipe extends Pipe {
    override type In = GraphResource
    override type Out = GraphResource

    override def ref: PipeRef = MyCustomPipe.ref

    override def inType: Typeable[GraphResource] = Typeable[GraphResource]

    override def outType: Typeable[GraphResource] = Typeable[GraphResource]

    override def apply(element: SuccessElem[GraphResource]): Task[Elem[GraphResource]] =


  object MyCustomPipe extends PipeDef {
    override type PipeType = MyCustomPipe
    override type Config = Unit

    override def configType: Typeable[Config] = Typeable[Unit]

    override def configDecoder: JsonLdDecoder[Config] = JsonLdDecoder[Unit]

    override def ref: PipeRef = PipeRef.unsafe("myCustomPipe")

    override def withConfig(config: Unit): MyCustomPipe = new MyCustomPipe

      * Returns the pipe ref and its empty config
    def apply(): (PipeRef, ExpandedJsonLd) = ref -> ExpandedJsonLd.empty

  // A second pipe relying on a config
  class MyOtherCustomPipe(config: MyConfig) extends Pipe {
    override type In = GraphResource
    override type Out = GraphResource

    override def ref: PipeRef = MyOtherCustomPipe.ref

    override def inType: Typeable[GraphResource] = Typeable[GraphResource]

    override def outType: Typeable[GraphResource] = Typeable[GraphResource]

    override def apply(element: SuccessElem[GraphResource]): Task[Elem[GraphResource]] =


  object MyOtherCustomPipe extends PipeDef {
    override type PipeType = MyOtherCustomPipe
    override type Config = MyConfig

    override def configType: Typeable[Config] = Typeable[MyConfig]

    override def configDecoder: JsonLdDecoder[Config] = JsonLdDecoder[Config]

    override def ref: PipeRef = PipeRef.unsafe("myOtherCustomType")

    override def withConfig(config: MyConfig): MyOtherCustomPipe = new MyOtherCustomPipe(config)

    final case class MyConfig(types: Set[Iri]) {
      def toJsonLd: ExpandedJsonLd = ExpandedJsonLd(
            nxv + ref.toString,
              (nxv + "types").toString -> Json.arr( => Json.obj("@id" -> iri.asJson)): _*)

    object MyConfig {
      implicit val myConfigJsonLdDecoder: JsonLdDecoder[MyConfig] = deriveDefaultJsonLdDecoder

    def apply(types: Set[Iri]): (PipeRef, ExpandedJsonLd) = ref -> MyConfig(types).toJsonLd

And then declare them in the distage module definition of the plugin to make them available:

import izumi.distage.model.definition.ModuleDef
object MyPluginModule extends ModuleDef {

   Set(pipe1, pipe2)

The source code for the core pipes is available @link:here and the associated unit tests @link:here.