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Releases: BlueMoonVineyard/BreweryNG

1.4.1: Version bumps

04 May 02:24
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Mostly here to bump IF version to support newer MC versions.

1.4.0: On The Edge Again

07 Nov 19:51
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This update is primarily concerned with updating BreweryNG to work with new wood types (Cherry and Bamboo), and to support Folia.

Bug Fixes

1.3.0: Elaborate Effects

12 Feb 04:16
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New Features

This update introduces a new effects system, allowing for more elaborate brews. Ever wanted to have a potion that has one effect now, but a different one later? You can do that! This also lays the foundation for future features to come for even more elaborate brew effects.

In configs, when you used to have


you can now replace ingredients with more elaborate effects, such as follows:

  - type: repeat
    times: 2
    pause-between: 2
      type: sequence
      pause-between: 2
        - type: potion
          effect: HEAL/1
        - type: potion
          effect: WATER_BREATHING/1

There are four types of new-style effects:

Potion Effect

Allows you to specify a potion in the new-style syntax. The text for effect is the same as what you would have used before.

- type: potion
  effect: HEAL/1

Delay Effect

Allows you to specify an effect to run after a certain delay. effect must be a new-style effect; an old one will not work.

- type: delay
  duration: 5 # this is in seconds
    type: potion
    effect: HEAL/1

Sequence effect

Allows you to specify effects to run sequentially. effects must be new-style effects; old ones will not work.

- type: sequence
  pause-between: 2 # in seconds, allows you to specify time between effects
    - type: potion
      effect: HEAL/1

Repeat effect

Allows you to specify an effect to repeat a number of given times. effect must be a new-style effect; old ones will not work.

- type: repeat
  pause-between: 2 # in seconds, allows you to specify time between repetitions
  times: 5 # how many times to repeat the effect
    - type: potion
      effect: HEAL/1

Bug fixes

Fixes bug #4 (an infinite brew bug).

1.2.1: Bundling Hotfix

04 Dec 21:28
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A packaging error led to i18n files not getting included. This has been remedied.

1.2.0: Is It Gettext Time? Probably.

04 Dec 20:37
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The main highlight of this release is the conversion of the i18n system into a Gettext-based one. You can now use translation software such as Lokalize or Poedit in order to modify the Brewery translations. Additionally, some strings have been made easier to translate.

1.1.1: Oops, Metrics Exist

09 Aug 22:41
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This release solely exists to change the plugin ID for bstats, since yknow, polluting another plugin's stats is kinda rude.

1.1.0: The Collection

09 Aug 04:26
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This release is all about one feature: the collection!
You can now view what brews you have and haven't crafted.
For server administrators, this is enabled and disabled with the brewery.cmd.collections permission.
You can view this with /brew collection.



09 Aug 01:12
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This is the first release of BreweryNG as a separate project. Changelogs from the forked Brewery version include:

  • new cauldron liquids! Powdered snow and lava can now both be made into brews.
  • totally ruined brews give a hint as to how to not ruin them next time
  • individual quality attributes have stars instead of just colours