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BlueTree242 edited this page Jul 28, 2022 · 5 revisions


AdvancedPlHide is a Spigot, Bungeecord and velocity Plugin to control your tab completer, it is designed for 1.8-1.19.1 servers. it currently has little features but they are planned to expand in the future!

Installing the Plugin

  1. Drop the plugin into the plugins folder
  2. On Spigot, install ProtocolLib, on Bungee/Velocity install protocolize
  3. Configure plugin and the permissions
  4. Reload with /aph reload (/aphv for velocity, /aphb for bungee)

Plugin not working?

  • If player is op or has * Permission, make sure they do not have permission or no groups will be applied on them

  • Are you trying to list commands in whitelist mode? make sure all players are in whitelist mode with permission plhide.whitelist-mode

Please read the other pages at the side bar before configuring this plugin