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Feel free to download and mess around with this app, it may or may not be updated regularly, when it is we will publicise on our twitter feed (@BlueVia)

Get your Python environment prepared

There is little to do with python. The tutorial has been prepared with Python 2.6. Further on we need three additional python modules:

The easiest way to get these is easy_install from python setup tools:

	easy_install httplib2
	easy_install oauth2
	easy_install simplejson

Sample usage of all BlueVia python routines

Some personal settings

	myMobileNumber = "44xxxxxxxxxx"

	myShortcode = "445480605" # UK
	myAdSpaceId = "xxxxx"

	# App with all API's ticked 
	my3leggedConsumer = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' #Your developer consumer key
	my3leggedSecret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' #Your developer consumer secret

	# App with advertising only
	my2leggedConsumer = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
	my2leggedSecret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'

oAuth Dance

	import bluevia
	import webbrowser 
	o3 = bluevia.BlueViaOauth(my3leggedConsumer, my3leggedSecret)
	url = o3.fetch_request_token()[1] # Opens authorisation url in browser
	reqtok = str(raw_input("Enter pin code")) #asks for authorisation pin and saves it in variable
	o3.saveAccessToken(myMobileNumber + "_acctok.pk1")

Send SMS and track delivery

	s = bluevia.BlueViaOutboundSms()
	s.loadAccessToken(myMobileNumber + "_acctok.pk1")
	r = s.sendSMS([myMobileNumber], "Hello BlueVia")

Note: to use the real radio network call (this holds for all BlueVia calless below):

	s = bluevia.BlueViaOutboundSms(sandbox="")

Receive SMS (first send one or more SMS to the sandbox shortcode)

	s.sendSMS([shortcode], "SANDBWTUT01 BlueVia")

	si = bluevia.BlueViaInboundSMS()
	si.loadAccessToken(myMobileNumber + "_acctok.pk1")

Send MMS

	m = bluevia.BlueViaOutboundMms()
	m.loadAccessToken(myMobileNumber + "_acctok.pk1")
	m.sendMMS(myMobileNumber, "Hello Multimedia BlueVia", \
			  ["Message\n Number 1", "Yet another\n Message"], \
			  ["samples/atextfile.txt", "samples/image.jpg"])

Receive MMS and retrieve the attachemnts (first send one or more MMS to the sandbox shortcode)

	m.sendMMS(myShortcode, "SANDBWTUT01 BlueVia Multimedia", \
			  ["Message\n Number 1", "Yet another\n Message"], \	
			  ["samples/atextfile.txt", "samples/image.jpg"])

	mi = bluevia.BlueViaInboundMMS()
	mi.loadAccessToken(myMobileNumber + "_acctok.pk1")
	r = mi.receiveMMS(myShortcode)
	mid = r[1]['receivedMessages']['messageIdentifier']
	mi.retrieveAttachments(myShortCode, mid)

User Context API

	u = bluevia.BlueViaUserContext()
	u.loadAccessToken(myMobileNumber + "_acctok.pk1")

Location API

	l = bluevia.BlueViaLocation()
	l.loadAccessToken(myMobileNumber + "_acctok.pk1")

Advertising API (3 legged oAuth)

	a3 = bluevia.BlueViaAds(myAdSpaceId)
	a3.loadAccessToken(myMobileNumber + "_acctok.pk1")

Advertising API (2 legged oAuth)

    import oauth2 as oauth
    a2 = bluevia.BlueViaAds(myAdSpaceId)
    a2.setConsumer(oauth.Token(	my2leggedConsumer, my2leggedSecret))

Payment API

    p = bluevia.BlueViaPayment(my3leggedConsumer, my3leggedSecret)
    amount      = 199       # no float, 199 means 1.99 EUR
    currency    = "EUR"     # EUR, GBP, ...

    # In sandbox any strings, commercially the service Id / Name given by the Mobile Payment Partner
    serviceId   = "123456"          
    serviceName = "My Digital Good" 

    p.fetch_request_token(amount, currency, serviceId, serviceName)

    # When finished copy verifier, e.g 176539
    p.savePaymentInfo("payment.pkl") # optional, token valid for 48 h
    p.loadPaymentInfo("payment.pkl") # optional
    result = p.issuePayment()
    txid = result[1]["methodResponse"]["result"]["paymentResult"]["transactionId"]


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