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Todoist API

Scott Reeves edited this page Oct 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

An example of using Todoist API with VB6-Web is included in the examples/todoist folder of the project. Some details:


The Todoist API Documentation describes how to authenticate and make requests to the Todoist API. Based on the Authorization: OAuth section the following items are needed: Client Id, Client Secret, and Redirect Url. These can be found in the Todoist App Management Console. For the redirect url, any valid url seems to work as only the querystring is used in authentication (e.g.,, etc.)

  1. Go to, create a new app if necessary, and note the Client Id and Client Secret
  2. Set a Redirect Url for your app (see above note)
  3. Determine the scope for your application from (e.g. data:read,task:add)
  4. Add The TodoistAuthenticator to your project and set it up as follows
Dim Auth As New TodoistAuthenticator
Auth.Setup _
    ClientId:="Your Client Id", _
    ClientSecret:="Your Client Secret"
    RedirectUrl:="Your Redirect Url"
Auth.Scope = "data:read,task:add"
Set Client.Authenticator = Auth

Example Request

With authentication setup for your client, you can use the normal request configuration. Here's an example of the desired url for retrieving the list of projects you have and how to setup the request: (See

' Desired request: POST
'                       ?token=SET Automatically from TodoistAuthenticator
'                       &seq_no=0
'                       &seq_no_global=0
'                       &resource_types=["projects"]
Public Function CountProjects() As Long
    Dim Client As New WebClient
    Client.BaseUrl = ""

    Dim Auth As New TodoistAuthenticator
    Auth.Setup _
        ClientId:="Your Client Id", _
        ClientSecret:="Your Client Secret"
        RedirectUrl:="Your Redirect Url"
    Auth.Scope = "data:read,task:add"
    Set Client.Authenticator = Auth

    Dim Request As New WebRequest
    Request.Resource = "sync"
    Request.AddQuerystringParam "seq_no", 0
    Request.AddQuerystringParam "seq_no_global", 0
    Request.AddQuerystringParam "resource_types", "[""projects""]"
    Dim Response As WebResponse
    Set Response = TodoistClient.Execute(Request)
    If Response.StatusCode = WebStatusCode.Ok Then
        CountProjects = Response.Data("Projects").Count
    End If
End Function


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