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Calculator in x86-64 NASM for Unix

Compile and run

./nasm -f elf64 -o ./main.o ./main.asm
ld ./main.o -o main

The resulting executable is 18kB in size, is statically linked and has no dependencies, not even libc or libm.

Unfortunately it currently doesn't support floats or doubles, only integers.

Debug with GDB

To used gdb you need to tell nasm to include dwarf debug symbols.

./nasm -f elf64 -g -F dwarf -o ./main.o ./main.asm
ld ./main.o -o main
gdb ./main

To dynamically link with libc

ld -I /lib64/ -lc ./main.o -o main

To use libc you will also need to let the libc entry point call your main.

extern __libc_start_main

    xor ebp, ebp                ; clear stack frame pointer
    mov r9, rdx                 ; 6. rtld_fini, is probably null
    pop rsi                     ; 2. argument argc
    mov rdx, rsp                ; 3. argument argv
    and rsp, 0xfffffffffffffff0 ; align stack to 16 bytes
    push rax                    ; 7. argument stack end
    xor r8, r8                  ; 5. fini function = null
    xor rcx, rcx                ; 4. init funnction = null
    mov rdi, main               ; 1. main function
    push 0                      ; return address = null
    call __libc_start_main

Calling convention

I followed the SystemV calling convention. However i did not align the stack to 16 bytes before every function call. But because i never call any foreign code anyways, it doesn't matter.

I created the following, currently unused, macro for preparing the stack before calling a C function.

%macro call_c 1
    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp
    and rsp, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0
    call %1
    mov rsp, rbp
    pop rbp


IO works by directly calling into the OS with system calls. Only these three syscalls are used

%define SYSCALL_EXIT 60
%define SYSCALL_READ 0


I annoted every function with a type signature for my own sanity.

These are all the top level functions and their signatures.

exit: ; (rdi: code)
read: ; (rdi: fd, rsi: ptr, rdx: length) -> (rax: read|error)
write: ; (rdi: fd, rsi: ptr, rdx: length) -> (rax: written|error)

write_char: ; (rdi: fd, rsi: char) -> (rax: written|error)
write_stdout: ; (rdi: ptr, rsi: length) -> (rax: written|error)
write_char_stdout: ; (rdi: char) -> (rax: written|error)
write_newline_stdout: ; (rax: written|error)
write_indent: ; (rdi: fd)
read_stdin: ; (rdi: ptr, rsi: length) -> (rax: read|error)

print_args: ; (rdi: argc, rsi: argv)

strlen: ; (rdi: ptr) -> (rax: len)
u64_to_str: ; (rdi: ptr dst buf, rsi: n) -> (rax: len of str)
i64_to_str: ; (rdi: ptr dst buf, rsi: n) -> (rax: len of str)
str_trim_end: ; (rdi: ptr, rsi: n, dl: char to trim) -> (rsi: new length)
str_trim_start: ; (rdi: ptr, rsi: n, dl: char to trim) -> (rdi: new ptr, rsi: new len)

parse_u64: ; (rdi: ptr, rsi: len) -> (rax: n)
parse_i64: ; (rdi: ptr, rsi: len) -> (rax: n)
write_u64: ; (rdi: fd, rsi: n) -> (rax: 0|error)
write_u64_stdout: ; (rdi: n) -> (rax: 0|error)
write_i64: ; (rdi: fd, rsi: n) -> (rax: 0|error)
write_i64_stdout: ; (rdi: n) -> (rax: 0|error)

min: ; (rdi: u64, rsi: u64) -> (rax: u64)
max: ; (rdi: u64, rsi: u64) -> (rax: u64)

is_ascii_digit: ; (dil: char) -> (rax: 0|1)

init_calculator: ; (rdi: ptr calculator) -> ()

prompt: ; (rdi: ptr to name, rsi: len of name, rdx: fn parse) -> (rax: n)

operation_addition: ; () -> ()
operation_subtraction: ; () -> ()
operation_multiplication: ; () -> ()
operation_division: ; () -> ()
operation_square: ; () -> ()
operation_string: ; () -> ()

lex: ; (rdi: ptr str, rsi: len str, rdx: ptr tokens) -> (rax: number of tokens)
parse_token: ; (rdi: ptr str, rsi: len str, rdx: ptr token) -> ()
write_token_type_stdout: ; (rdi: token_type) -> ()
write_token_stdout: ; (rdi: ptr token) -> ()
write_tokens_stdout: ; (rdi: ptr tokens, rsi: len tokens)

write_expr_type_stdout: ; (rdi: expr_type) -> ()
write_expr_stdout: ; (rdi: ptr expr) -> ()

peek: ; (rdi: ptr ptr tokens, rsi: ptr len tokens) -> (rax: null|ptr token)
advance: ; (rdi: ptr ptr tokens, rsi: ptr len tokens) ->> (rax: null|ptr token)

parse_expression: ; (rdi: ptr ptr tokens, rsi: ptr len tokens, rdx: ptr expr) -> (rax: null|ptr expr)
parse_additive_expression: ; (rdi: ptr ptr tokens, rsi: ptr len tokens, rdx: ptr expr) -> (rax: null|ptr expr)
parse_multiplicative_expression: ; (rdi: ptr ptr tokens, rsi: ptr len tokens, rdx: ptr expr) -> (rax: null|ptr expr)
parse_primary_expression: ; (rdi: ptr ptr tokens, rsi: ptr len tokens, rdx: ptr expr) -> (rax: null|ptr expr)
is_additive: ; (rdi: ptr expr) -> (rax: 0|1)
is_multiplicative: ; (rdi: ptr expr) -> (rax: 0|1)
parse: ; (rdi: ptr tokens, rsi: len tokens, rdx: ptr expr) -> (rax: ptr node)

add64: ; (rdi: n, rsi: n) -> (rax: n)
sub64: ; (rdi: n, rsi: n) -> (rax: n)
mul64: ; (rdi: n, rsi: n) -> (rax: n)
idiv64: ; (rdi: a, rsi: b) -> (rax: a | b)

evaluate: ; (rdi: ptr expr) -> (rax: n)

print_operations: ; (rdi: ptr operations) -> ()
choose_operation: ; (rdi: ptr calculator) -> (rax: ptr operation)
print_chosen_operation: ; (rdi: ptr operation) -> ()

run_calculator: ; (rdi: ptr calculator) -> ()

main: ; (rdi: argc, rsi: argv) -> (rax: exit code)

_start: ; arguably not a function


Experiments in x86-64 assembly.







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