A command line application which enables calling/posting on mass in order to test applications under load.
The application can also be used to ensure API up-time during a deployment due to the near constant volume being sent.
Run dotnet tool install --global Doser
to install.
To update, run dotnet tool update --global Doser
Usage: Doser [options]
-u|--url <URL> Required. URL to include in calls (can be provided multiple times)
-m|--method <HTTP_METHOD> Required. The HTTP method to use (supports: GET, POST)
-g|--gap <DURATION> Required. Gap between requests (in milliseconds)
-d|--duration <DURATION> Required. Duration to run the app for (in seconds)
-p|--parallel <NUMBER> Required. The number of parallel instances
-am|--accept-mime <MIME_TYPE> The MimeType for accept
-pf|--payload-file <FILE_PATH> A file to use of post as payload content (can be provided multiple times)
-pm|--payload-mime <MIME_TYPE> The MimeType for the payload
-od|--output-dir A directory to output all HTTP request/responses
-wm|--watch-mode Only log HTTP status changes
-lfo|--log-failures-only Only log non-success HTTP responses
-v|--verbose Verbose logging
-np|--no-prompt Never prompt user input
-?|-h|--help Show help information