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GitHub Action to generate semantic versions for multiple monorepo components based on the Conventional Commits specification.


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GitHub Action to generate semantic versions for multiple monorepo components based on the Conventional Commits specification.

Unlike some other versioning actions, this action makes no assumptions as to the language or ecosystem in use. Instead, it provides a version number which you can use with your package manager, container runtime, etc, of choice.

Versions are tracked using GitHub's "Releases" feature.

Changelogs are generated automatically and attached to each release.


Consider a monorepo with two components: A, and B. The repository layout may look like this:

- /
  - /a
  - /b

It may be desirable to version A and B separately. If A and B are two decoupled microservices, changes in A may not imply changes in B, and therefore incrementing B's version isn't desirable.

Using a combination of the Conventional Commits specification, and GitHub Releases, this action will maintain separate versions for A and B.

When working on A, and B, include the component that you're changing in the commit's scope. For example, if you were fixing a bug in A, then your commit message may look like this:

fix(a): corrected parsing of enums from strings

Given the following commits:

  1. fix(a): corrected parsing of enums from strings

  2. feat(b): added a new gizmo

  3. refactor(a): split the implementation of foobar into two separate classes

  4. chore(a): fixed a typo

Then when a new version of B is generated, only commit #2 will be considered. When a new version of A is generated, only commits #1, and #3 will be considered.

Versioning behaviour

TODO: In the future, these rules will be configurable.

This action maps the following Conventional Commits change types to the specified semantic version bump:

Change type Version incremented
Breaking change Major
Feature Minor
Fix Patch
Refactor Patch

The same logic applies to versions generated on non-default branches, except these version numbers will also be marked as pre-release versions, and include a suffix of the shortened commit hash.


To use this action in your project, specify a workflow configuration like so:

name: Release Component
on: workflow_dispatch
    name: Release Component
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Generate version
        id: semantic_version
        uses: bnmcg/monorepo-conventional-versioning@main
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          dry-run: 'no'
          component: 'foo'
          label: 'Foo'
          initial-version: '1.0.0'
          default-branch: master

        - name: Publish Docker image
        if: ${{ steps.semantic_version.outputs.new_version_created == 'yes' }}
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
          push: true
          tags: foo:latest,foo:${{ steps.semantic_version.outputs.version }}

The following inputs can be provided:

Input Required Default Environment Variable Notes
github-token Yes "" INPUT_GITHUB-TOKEN GitHub API token: must have permission to create new releases and tags
dry-run No "no" INPUT_DRY-RUN Whether or not to actually create the generated version. Useful for testing. If "no", a version number will be logged, but no GitHub Release will be created
component Yes "" INPUT_COMPONENT The component to version. The component is used to track different versions in the monorepo, and must be consistent between releases. Cannot include whitespace, special characters
label No "" INPUT_LABEL A human-readable label for the component. This can include whitespace, special characters. If specified, it is used in the changelog in place of the component input value
initial-version No 1.0.0 INPUT_INITIAL-VERSION The initial version generated if no previous version exists. You can set this to something other than 1.0.0 if you previously tracked version information using a different method
default-branch No main INPUT_DEFAULT-BRANCH The branch to use as the default branch. Versions generated from commits which are not on this branch will be treated as pre-release versions, and include a suffix of the shortened commit hash

Running outside of GitHub Actions

These steps are only necessary when not using GitHub Actions.

This action can be used outside of GitHub actions. To do so, pass in the input parameters using the environment variable names specified above.

All of the following additional environment variables are also required:

Environment Variable Notes
GITHUB_REPOSITORY The GitHub repository name, specified as owner/repo
GITHUB_REF_NAME The name of the branch or tag from which a version will be generated
GITHUB_SHA The commit SHA of the latest commit. The version will be calculated based on this, and previous, commits.
GITHUB_API_URL The URL of either's API, or your GitHub Enterprise Server API

Changelog generation

This action automatically generates a changelog from the commits used to derive the next version. The changes are categorised by type of change, and include the change author.

A summary of contributors to the version is also included.



GitHub Action to generate semantic versions for multiple monorepo components based on the Conventional Commits specification.







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