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Windows Linux Mac Bochanode Setup Guide

Bochacoin edited this page Aug 1, 2019 · 6 revisions


Static public IP and open Firewall ports are essential to run a Bochanode!

Run the BochaCoin wallet and let it fully sync.

Go to Tools -> Debug Console.

In the Console window enter getaccountaddress MN and copy the result.

This is your BOCHANODE DEPOSIT ADDRESS, where with windows wallet only you will deposit 10,000 coins to create a bochanode.

In the Console Debug window enter masternode genkey - this is your BOCHANODE PRIVKEY.

Go to Tools -> Open Wallet Configuration File. Open the file in Notepad. Then paste in the following lines.


masternodeprivkey=(BOCHA PRIVKEY)


Now save and close the file.

In the Console Debug window enter masternode outputs these are your BOCHANODE OUTPUT txhash and outputidx.

Go to Tools -> Open Bochanode Configuration File. Open the file in Notepad. Then paste:

bochanodename yourpublicip:15110 yourprivatekeygeneratedearlier txhash outputidx and replace bochaname, yourpublicip, yourprivatekeygeneratedearlier, txhash and outputidx.

It should look like:

PN 88TqnWpr53JfkxubvZtQZNkFVWpZ5KHewHNtXzQNwh1pzMpt84t 31e9733f33cc1e370957a6845bf013bd016c896907a9d6f7b97ee32c072ca182 0 .

Now save and close the file.

Restart wallet.

Go to Bochanodes tab, select bochanode named PN and press Start.

You should see the response:

Alias: PN

Successfully started bochanode

Congratulations, your Bochanode is now running.

All Bochanodes need to be active for a certain amount of blocks before they are recognized by the network and eligible for rewards.

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