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A user-friendly IMGUI inspired API for drawing in-game settings menus for REF mods in MHRise

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Look at the ModUI_ExampleTest.lua file for a more detailed example to get your feet wet.

local modUI = require("ModOptionsMenu.ModMenuApi");

local someSettingValue = false;
local optionIdx = 1;

local options = {"Option1", "Option2"};

local name = "Example Mod";
local description = "It's just a test mod.";
local modObj = modUI.OnMenu(name, description, function()
	local changed;
	changed, someSettingValue = modUI.CheckBox("CheckBox", someSettingValue, "Some optional toolip style message here.");
	changed, optionIdx = modUI.Options("Options", optionIdx, options);

	--and so much more


local ModUI = require("ModOptionsMenu.ModMenuApi")

Do something like this to import the api into your script. It can be called anything you'd like.

ModUI.OnMenu(name, description, uiCallback)

Register your mod to the options menu.


  • name name of your mod that will be displayed in the menu
  • description will be displayed in the system message box to describe your mod in the mod list
  • uiCallback called every frame while your mod's menu is open. put your mod ui code in here

Returns: an object containing the mod's data


Technically you can register multiple mods through this but I would advise against it.
Make sure to only call this once for the menu you want to add and NOT inside of some kind of update function.


Displays a non-interactable header message to divide your ui sections.


Displaying two headers right next to each other allows one to be selectable with a gamepad.

ModUI.FloatSlider(label, curValue, min, max, toolTip, isImmediateUpdate)

Draws a float slider.


  • label displayed name of this setting
  • curValue the current/starting value that will be modified by the slider
  • min minimum value the slider can go to
  • max maximum value the slider can go to
  • (optional) toolTip message displayed in the system message box while hovering this element
  • (optional) isImmediateUpdateif true, the value will update immediately rather than waiting for the user to accept the change

Returns: (tuple of) wasChanged, newValue


Keep in mind this value only has precision to the nearest hundreth due to the game's limitations.

ModUI.Slider(label, curValue, min, max, toolTip, isImmediateUpdate)

Draws an integer slider.


  • label displayed name of this setting
  • curValue the current/starting value that will be modified by the slider
  • min minimum value the slider can go to
  • max maximum value the slider can go to
  • (optional) toolTip message displayed in the system message box while hovering this element
  • (optional) isImmediateUpdate if true, the value will update immediately rather than waiting for the user to accept the change

Returns: (tuple of) wasChanged, newValue

ModUI.Options(label, curValue, optionNames, optionMessages, toolTip, isImmediateUpdate)

Draws a cycle-able set of options for the user to choose between.


  • label displayed name of this setting
  • curValue the current/starting index
  • optionNames a lua table of the displayed names for each selectable option e.g. {"Option1", "Option2"}
  • (optional) optionMessages a lua table of tooltips to go along with each option
  • (optional) toolTip message displayed in the system message box while hovering this element
  • (optional) isImmediateUpdate if true, the value will update immediately rather than waiting for the user to accept the change

Returns: (tuple of) wasChanged, newIndex


lua is NOT zero indexed, and neither is the input/output index of this function.
The tables you give should be declared as variables OUTSIDE the scope of your UI callback.
This is to avoid creating a new table every frame causing the UI to redraw every frame which breaks things.

ModUI.CheckBox(label, curValue, toolTip)

An easily clickable checkbox useful for on/off values where the user doesn't have to manually select on or off


  • label displayed name of this setting
  • curValue the current/starting value
  • (optional) toolTip message displayed in the system message box while hovering this element

Returns: (tuple of) wasChanged, onOffValue

ModUI.Toggle(label, curValue, toolTip, (optional)togNames[2], (optional)togMsgs[2], isImmediateUpdate)

Basically a wrapper around ModUI.Options that only takes two options and returns the result as a boolean instead of an index


  • label displayed name of this setting
  • curValue the current/starting index
  • (optional) toolTip message displayed in the system message box while hovering this element
  • (optional) togNames[2] a lua table of the displayed names for each selectable option e.g. {"Option1", "Option2"}
  • (optional) togMsgs[2] a lua table of tooltips to go along with each option
  • (optional) isImmediateUpdate if true, the value will update immediately rather than waiting for the user to accept the change

Returns: (tuple of) wasChanged, onOffValue


The tables you give should be declared as variables OUTSIDE the scope of your UI callback.
This is to avoid creating a new table every frame causing the UI to redraw every frame which breaks things.

ModUI.Button(label, prompt, isHighlight, toolTip)

Draws clickable element in the GUI


  • label displayed name of this setting
  • (optional) prompt additional text to the right of the button
  • (optional) isHighlight if true, the label will be highlighted in yellow to make it more apparent it's a button
  • (optional) toolTip message displayed in the system message box while hovering this element

Returns: (boolean) wasClicked

ModUI.Label(label, displayValue, toolTip)

Just draws some text


  • label displayed name of this setting
  • (optional) displayValue additional text to the right of the label, useful to display values and such
  • (optional) toolTip message displayed in the system message box while hovering this element

ModUI.PromptYN(promptMessage, callback(result))

Displays a system message prompt with an option to select yes or no.


  • promptMessage text displayed within the prompt
  • callback(result) function called when the user has selected their choice


The result in the callback will be true if the user selected `Yes`, and false if `No`.

ModUI.PromptMsg(promptMessage, callback)

Displays a system message prompt.


  • promptMessage text displayed within the prompt
  • callback function called when the user has closed the prompt


The normal UI is not updated while the prompt is open.

Rich Text:

The game has its own sort of 'rich text' functionality, currently I only really know how to use colors.
I think there's a system for displaying button icons through text but you'd have to figure that out yourself.

Built-in Colors:

  • YEL
  • RED
  • GRAY
  • More colors can be added (see AddTextColor below)

ModUI.AddTextColor(colName, colHexStr)


  • colName name of the color you wish to add, should be distinct
  • colHexStr a string representing the color's hex code WITHOUT '#' symbol e.g. "9F2B68"


Call this BEFORE your UI code, otherwise will add the color every frame which would be BAD.
Keep in mind these are shared across mods so use descriptive names.
Use the name like the built in color codes e.g. if you added a color called 'purple' use `<COL purple>text</COL>`

Layout Functions:

  • ModUI.IncreaseIndent()
  • ModUI.DecreaseIndent()
  • ModUI.SetIndent(indentLevel)


You can have fairly dynamic UI layouts, but keep in mind every time something changes the entire UI needs to be rebuilt. Also the practical limits of how many elements you can have in one menu is untested currently.

Rare Functions:

  • ModUI.Repaint()

      Forces game to re-show the data and show changes.
      You probably don't need to use this anymore as almost any change should be automatically detected.
  • ModUI.ForceDeselect()

      Forces game to deselect current option.
  • modObj.regenOptions

      Can be set to true to force the API to regenerate the UI layout, but you probably dont need this.


A user-friendly IMGUI inspired API for drawing in-game settings menus for REF mods in MHRise






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