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Augustina Ragwitz edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 2 revisions


Let's start with questions we want answered about activity on the project.

What is the current state of our deliverable?

  • What got done in the past day? How much closer did it get us to our deliverable?
  • How much work have we done towards each feature in our deliverable?
  • How do we correlate activity with features?
  • How much work do we still have to do to finish each feature in our deliverable?
  • How do we gauge completeness?

Problem Statement

As someone interested in the BonnyCI project, I know what the team's deliverable requirements are and how far along the team is in achieving these goals.


  • Correlation to feature:
  • For now, assume that will be done by label
  • Issues and Pull Requests for each repo
  • unique id, status (open/closed), label, description (checkboxes + checkbox status)

Summarize By

  • Frequency of Issues and Pull requests associated with the requirements by status (open/closed) and MVP label
  • Frequency of Checkboxes defined in Issues by status (Checked, Unchecked) and MVP label
  • Ratio of closed items per MVP label, Ratio of open items per MVP label
  • Gauging completeness - we don't follow a planning process where we attempt to pre-task work
  • Total number of items per MVP label (describing the distribution of tasks in items deemed more complete may allow for limited prediction in less complete items)

Is there anything we should be doing that we aren't?

  • Are there any huge feature gaps in our deliverable? Is there something important we might have overlooked in planning?
  • What work items have been sitting around for awhile without any updates or activity?

What is someone currently working on?

  • I've picked up a task in an area I don't know much about. Who has done work in this area of the project that can help me?
  • What have I committed to work on? What should I be working on?
  • What have I been working on? How does it fit with my goals and the tasks I committed to do?
  • Who is free to help me with something?
  • Who can I delegate this task to?

Problem Statement

As a BonnyCI contributor, I know the status of work being done, what I am contributing, and who to ask when I need help.


Issues, Issue comments, Pull requests, pull request comments and reviews, merges for each repo actor/assignees, label, status, last updated, ??

Summarize By

Frequency of Issues and Pull Requests per label per BonnyCI organization member

How is project work distributed?

  • Are there any areas where only one or two people have done most of the work and the rest of the team isn't up to speed on?
  • Are some people doing significantly more than others?
  • How much of certain types of work are people doing? Are types of work that everyone should be doing only being done by a few people?

What is our team's upstream influence?

  • Who is doing upstream work?
  • What projects are people working on upstream?
  • How are people on our team contributing to upstream projects?

When can I expect my Pull Request to get reviewed? merged?

  • How long does it take to get review feedback on PRs?
  • How long do Pull Requests take to merge once they are in a passing/valid state?
  • Who decides to merge it?

How is our communication quality in comments and reviews?