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Request Access and Log in

Before you begin, you will need to have access to the Bonsai Platform preview. If you don’t have access yet, request access from your Microsoft representative or navigate to (

You will need an Azure Active Directoryor AAD account to sign up for the Bonsai platform.

Logging in

Once you have an e-mail confirmation that your Azure Active Directory Account has been whitelisted into the Beta:

  • Navigate to sign in
  • Go to the Azure Active Directory log-in page.
  • Authorize 'Bonsai' for remote connection to your Microsoft account.

If you are already logged in using Azure Active Directory, you will not need to sign in as your login will authenticate you to the Bonsai platform.

Don't have an Azure Active Directory Account?

If you do not have an AAD account, you will have to ask your administrator to add you to your Azure Active Directory organization

At this time, Bonsai does not accept Microsoft Accounts (MSA Accounts).

If your organiation does not have a Microsoft AAD Account, please ask your IT Administrator to create an AD Tenant and add you and other members of your project to it.

Create Your BRAIN

Open AI's Cartpole Gym Cartpole Trained

Before you begin, you will need to have access to the Bonsai Platform preview. If you don't have access yet, request access at

In this guide, we’ll walk you through creating a BRAIN to train the OpenAI Gym environment for Cartpole, a simple balance control problem. The walkthrough of the Inkling code and simulator interface can be found in our Examples and the full source code for you to take a look at is on Bonsai's GitHub.

If you'd prefer not to use our web interface, instead you can Use the CLI for Training for a similar guide to this one on your local computer or virtual machine.

BRAIN Dashboard

No BRAIN Dashboard

Setup Cartpole BRAIN

The dashboard has a New BRAIN button as pictured. Click on it to create a BRAIN.

Create New BRAIN

Select ‘Cartpole’ from the set of BRAIN templates. The Cartpole simulation can be managed on Bonsai’s servers, so you don't need to run anything locally on your computer to train this simulation. At this time, you will also be asked to give your BRAIN a name and a description.

Click on the "Create" button which will take you to the BRAIN Details page.

BRAIN Details

BRAIN Graph Untrained BRAIN graph

BRAIN Training Graph

Do not be afraid! You don't have data yet because you haven't trained your new BRAIN! That's the next step. This graph will display each of your concepts to be trained (if you look in the Inkling code you'll see that Cartpole only has one).

Code Editor Window Code Editor Window

Code Editor Window

The code editor shows you all of the files that are contained within your project and the contents of each file if you click on them on the left.

Your code will automatically compile (if it's Inkling) and save every few seconds while you are editing. You never need to edit code in the browser if you don't want to. Check out our CLI Install Guide to install the Bonsai CLI locally, download these files, and run the rest of this guide locally if you want.

Train Your BRAIN

Start Training BRAIN

Trained BRAIN

When you're done checking out the code editor and ready to start training this BRAIN on the Cartpole simulator, simply click the Start Training button below the graph.

What this is going to do is spin up a container for the AI Engine, connect up to the file, and start the BRAIN training. All with one button!

Training Cartpole for about 15 minutes will give you reasonable performance for this task of balancing a pole on a cart. The longer you train the BRAIN in this case, the longer the cart will be able to balance the pole before it falls over. You can experiment with training for longer but you should be able to see the reward start to flatten out after 10 minutes or so as shown in the picture. Your graphs will vary because the training takes random actions, so don't worry if yours don't look like these.

The server will automatically end training once the BRAIN reaches past a certain accuracy, but you will most likely want to stop training before it gets there because there will be diminishing returns for training after about 30 minutes. You can play around with training for 15 mins, 30 mins, or even 1 hour and use your BRAIN to see how well it plays each time!

Click the "Resume Training" button if you wish to continue training on the same version, or start over with a fresh version of the BRAIN by clicking "Start Over".

Use Your BRAIN

Cartpole Trained

Congratulations on training your first BRAIN! "What do I do with it now?" you may ask.

To use the BRAIN you've just trained you'll need to locally run the python simulator for OpenAI Gym. If this was your own simulation you had written, this would be the part where you hook it up to your application and get predictions of your own!

If you decide to skip this setup or have trouble installing the Bonsai CLI you can get the satisfaction of seeing what the simulation would look like by watching this pole balance on the cart in gif form.

Install Bonsai CLI

Install Bonsai CLI

pip install bonsai-cli

# If you're running python3 on macOS:
pip3 install bonsai-cli

The Bonsai Command Line Interface (CLI) is a command line tool that enables you to configure the Bonsai AI Engine. The CLI is especially useful for automation and connection to other tools. Currently, there are some actions that can only be performed using the CLI, such as getting predictions.

If you already have python installed you should be able to run the python package manager pip to install the Bonsai CLI. Otherwise, check out the CLI Guide Install Prerequisites section to get everything installed and then come back here.

Run Prediction

Download Project Files

bonsai download myCartpole
cd myCartpole

Install Simulator's Requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

# If you're running python3 on macOS:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The simulator file that you need to run is one of the project files the server created when you made your BRAIN. You can download these project files locally with the download command, and then cd into that folder to look around.

You'll also want to run the requirements.txt file which contains all of the packages your simulator needs to run. This pip command will make sure all of them are installed, and if not, install them for you.

Use Your BRAIN

python --predict=latest

# If you're running python3 on macOS:
python3 --predict=latest

It's finally time to run the simulator using predictions from your BRAIN! How well it does depends on how long you let it train. Using your BRAIN involves calling Python on the project's simulator file, in predict mode, and --predict=latest will use the latest training session that you just ran. You can also specify a number like --predict=1 if you want to predict from a different version of your brain if you have trained it multiple times.