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lufa - A work in progress static language

Tokenizer is fully working, the Parser is only partly done due to the fact that there's still a lot of experimentation going on the the syntax of the language.

Planned Features

  • Syntax inspired by JavaScript / Python / Ruby:

    • Whitespace is significant
    • Functions are objects
  • Static / strictly typed:

    • Types atm: int, float, string, bool, hash, list, map
    • Type casts in the form of "int a = (string)1"
    • Compiler with static analysis
    • User defined types via hashes / structures and classes
  • Classes (not sure yet whether single or multi inheritance):

    • With static / private / protected methods and method overloading(? how to mix with default params?)
    • Class methods assigned to a variable will keep the instance context
    • Member access via "@" instead of "this"
    • Destructors
  • Functional features such as:

    • List comprehensions:

      list[int] squares = [i * i for int i in [1, 2, 3, 4]]

  • Other things:

    • Default argument for functions
    • Default return for functions(still unsure about this)
    • "setter" args for functions (needs some more thought)
    • Return statements can be part of expressions?


  • All done


  • Literals
  • integers / floats / strings
  • lists
  • expressions
  • functions
  • index/range
  • calls
  • if / elif / else
  • for in loops
  • while loops
  • list comprehensions
  • classes
  • types (builtin with sub types and user defined types)
  • scope
  • import / export
  • ret
  • @ (member access)
  • parsing hashes / maps
  • spread via ...
  • new / del as constructor / destructor in classes


  • multi assignment with ,
  • fix type tokens in expressions being usable outside of is operator
  • externs
  • try / catch / finally / raise
  • package????
  • outer for scope access in case of multiple defined variables
  • other operators (read up on some ruby stuff)
  • more functional things


class extends package extern
if elif else try catch finally raise for in while scope ret
new del is
void bool int float string list map hash
true false null
const static abstract public protected private outer
from import as export 


lufa is licenses under MIT.


A staticly typed language compiling to JavaScript







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