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Open Tea News

Spilling the tea on the latest events

We were tired of news outlets having commentary and trying to "get a reaction" out of viewers, so we created Open Tea.

Our reporting is simple. Provide bullet points of known facts about a situation and include a meme when appropriate.

"What is the code of conduct for reporting information?"

We have a fairly basic code of conduct: Bring the facts, not the opinions.

We believe that news agencies have been using opinions to agitate and make money off of their viewers, we do not intend to do this. Our intentions are to bring information to the table in bullet point lists without opinions, although we may include a meme.

"Can I contribute information?"

At this time, no.

We are still in beta and finguring things out. Once we get settled we will start allowing community tips through our PWA and website.

"What platform is Open Tea built on?"

Open Tea is built on our own system, BCS Content Controller, but we do utilize BootStrap for some UI elements.

"What kind of database do you use?"

We don't.

BCS Content Controller takes the place of a database and is compatible with static sites, which ours is.

We are still building our wiki, until then, we hope the above information can answer any of your questions!