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A Whatsapp Web clone with Mockapi's

License This is using a React+ Vite+ Shadcn starter

Implemented a low level frontend design of whatsapp web clone using zustand, with the ability to manage to states for unread messages, read messages, bookmarking messages.

🎉 Features

Real-time chat functionality Responsive design for mobile and desktop Dark mode support Message bookmarking Unread message indicators Chat pinning TypeScript for type safety Fast development with Vite

Frontend System Design



  1. App Component

    • Manages state for activeTab and isMobileMenuOpen.
    • Renders ChatList, ChatWindow, and BookmarksTab based on activeTab selection.
  2. ChatList Component

    • Uses useChatStore for state management and actions.
    • Fetches and displays chats from ChatStore.
    • Handles chat selection, pinning, and marking as unread.
  3. ChatWindow Component

    • Utilizes useChatStore for state management and actions.
    • Displays messages for the selected chat from ChatStore.
    • Handles sending messages and bookmarking actions.
  4. BookmarksTab Component

    • Displays bookmarked messages fetched from ChatStore using useChatStore.
  5. ChatStore (Zustand store)

    • Centralized state management for chat and message data.
    • Provides actions and updates for chats and messages.
    • Triggers re-renders in connected components upon state changes.
  6. API Service

    • Simulates API calls for fetching chats and messages.
    • Integrates with ChatStore to update data upon API responses.

⚙️ Prerequisites

Make sure you have the following installed on your development machine:

  • Node.js (version 16 or above)
  • pnpm (package manager)

🚀 Getting Started

Follow these steps to get started with the react-vite-ui template:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd react-vite-ui
  3. Install the dependencies:

    pnpm install
  4. Start the development server:

    pnpm dev

📜 Available Scripts

  • pnpm dev - Starts the development server.
  • pnpm build - Builds the production-ready code.
  • pnpm lint - Runs ESLint to analyze and lint the code.
  • pnpm preview - Starts the Vite development server in preview mode.

📂 Project Structure

The project structure follows a standard React application layout:

  ├── src/
  │   ├── components/
  │   │   ├── ui/
  │   │   ├── BookmarksTab.tsx
  │   │   ├── ChatList.tsx
  │   │   └── ChatWindow.tsx
  │   ├── store/
  │   │   └── chatStore.tsx
  │   ├── styles/
  │   │   └── globals.css
  │   ├── types/
  │   │   └── chat.tsx
  │   ├── lib/
  │   │   └── utils.ts
  │   ├── services/
  │   │   └── api.ts
  │   ├── App.tsx
  │   └── main.tsx
  ├── public/
  ├── index.html
  ├── tailwind.config.js
  ├── vite.config.ts
  └── package.json

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.