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This document tracks changes to the API between versions.


  • Modified showMessageCenter() to return a boolean. Returns true if Message Center was shown, else false.
  • Added a method canShowMessageCenter() for checking to see if Message Center is available to be shown. The Apptentive SDK needs to connect to our server at least once after upgrading to 2.0.0 in order for Message Center to be able to display.
  • Deprecated setUnreadMessagesListener() and added addUnreadMessagesListener() in its place.
  • Removed existing push provider token setup methods and replaced them with a unified method for setting the device token and specifying the provider.
  • Replaced setInitialUserName() and setInitialUserEmail() with setPersonName() and setPersonEmail(). The new methods will override what you previously set. Because we now allow your customer to supply their name and email through Message Center, you may want to check to see if these fields are set by calling getPersonName() and getPersonEmail() before you overwrite them.
Removed Methods
public static void setInitialUserName(Context context, String name)
public static void setInitialUserEmail(Context context, String email)
public static void addAmazonSnsPushIntegration(Context context, String registrationId)
public static void addParsePushIntegration(Context context, String deviceToken)
public static void addUrbanAirshipPushIntegration(Context context, String channelId)
Added Methods
public static void getPersonName(Context context)
public static void setPersonName(Context context, String name)
public static void getPersonEmail(Context context)
public static void setPersonEmail(Context context, String email)
public static void canShowMessageCenter(Context context)
public static void addUnreadMessagesListener(UnreadMessagesListener listener)
public static void setPushNotificationIntegration(Context context, int pushProvider, String token)
Modified Methods
public static boolean showMessageCenter(Activity activity)
Deprecated Methods
public static void setUnreadMessagesListener(UnreadMessagesListener listener)


  • Removed a method to set the callback Activity that Apptentive will return to after handling a push notification. This method is no longer needed because the Parse SDK has changed, and therefore the Apptentive integration changed. Please see this Migration Guide.
Removed Methods
public static void setParsePushCallback(Class<? extends Activity> activity)
  • Added new methods to work with Urban Airship's new integration style. Again, please see the Migration Guide.
Added Methods
public static boolean setPendingPushNotification(Context context, Bundle bundle)
public static boolean isApptentivePushNotification(Bundle bundle)


  • Added API method Apptentive.willShowInteraction(). If a call to this method returns true, then a call to engage() with the same Event name will result in an Interaction being displayed.
Added Methods
public static synchronized boolean willShowInteraction(Activity activity, String event)


  • Added ability to send custom data and EventData with Events.
  • Added support for Parse push notifications.
  • Added ability to set initial user name.
  • The repo has been refactored to use a more Gradle friendly format.

Migrating to 1.6.0

Added Methods
public static synchronized boolean engage(Activity activity, String event, Map<String, Object> customData)
public static synchronized boolean engage(Activity activity, String event, Map<String, Object> customData, ExtendedData... extendedData)
public static void addParsePushIntegration(Context context, String deviceToken)
public static void setParsePushCallback(Class<? extends Activity> activity)
public static void setInitialUserName(Context context, String name)


Refactored Surveys to use the new Event framework. You should use Apptentive.engage(Activity activity, String eventName) instead of Apptentive.showSurvey().

New Survey integration instructions.

Migrating to 1.5.0

Removed Methods
public static boolean showSurvey(Activity activity, OnSurveyFinishedListener listener, String... tags)
Added Methods
public static boolean Apptentive.engage(Activity activity, String eventName)
public static void setOnSurveyFinishedListener(OnSurveyFinishedListener listener)


Added support for AWS SNS push notifications

Added Methods
public static void addAmazonSnsPushIntegration(Context context, String registrationId)


The Rating Dialog has been rebuilt to use the new unified engage() method. See the Interactions section of the README for more information.

Removed Methods
public static void Apptentive.logSignificantEvent(Context context)
public static boolean showRatingFlowIfConditionsAreMet(Activity activity)
Added Methods
public static boolean Apptentive.engage(Activity activity, String eventName)



Please remove the line <action android:name="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED"/> action from Apptentive's NetworkStateReceiver in your manifest. This is not needed, and may cause excessive battery drain.


New Methods
public static void Apptentive.addUrbanAirshipPushIntegration(Context context, String apid)
public static void setPendingPushNotification(Context context, Intent intent)
public boolean handleOpenedPushNotification(Activity activity)
public static void setPendingPushNotification(Context context, Intent intent)


New Methods
public static void addIntegration(Context context, String integration, Map<String, String> config)
public static void addUrbanAirshipPushIntegration(Context context, String apid)
public static void handleOpenedPushNotification(Activity activity, Intent intent)
public static boolean isApptentivePushNotification(Intent intent)
Old Method Signature New Method Signature
public static void showRatingFlowIfConditionsAreMet(Activity activity) public static boolean showRatingFlowIfConditionsAreMet(Activity activity)


New Methods
public static void showMessageCenter(Activity activity, Map<String, String> customData)


To improve the quality of the Apptentive SDK, and to make it easier to integrate, the following API method signatures of have been changed or added.

Old Method Signature New Method Signature
public static void setUserEmail(String email) public static void setInitialUserEmail(Context context, String email)
public static void setCustomData(Map<String, String> customData) public static void setCustomDeviceData(Context context, Map<String, String> customDeviceData)
New Methods
public static void addCustomDeviceData(Context context, String key, String value)
public static void removeCustomDeviceData(Context context, String key)
public static void setCustomPersonData(Context context, Map<String, String> customPersonData)
public static void addCustomPersonData(Context context, String key, String value)
public static void removeCustomPersonData(Context context, String key)
public static int getUnreadMessageCount(Context context)


The following changes from the 0.6.x series were made.

We are moving over to a unified message center, which is an expansion of the feedback API. We have decided to take the opportunity to clean up the ratings flow API, and simplify how you interact with the SDK in general. Below are detailed changes that have been made to the API, but from a simple perspective, you'll want to:

General setup:

  • Replace

Apptentive.getFeedbackModule().addDataField("username", "Sky Kelsey");


Map customData = new HashMap();
customData.put("username", "Sky Kelsey");
  • Replace Apptentive.getRatingModule().setRatingProvider(new AmazonAppstoreRatingProvider()); with Apptentive.setRatingProvider(new AmazonAppstoreRatingProvider());

To launch feedback:

  • Replace Apptentive.getFeedbackModule().forceShowFeedbackDialog(YourActivity.this); with Apptentive.showMessageCenter(YourActivity.this);.

In ratings:

  • Replace Apptentive.getRatingModule().run(YourActivity.this); with Apptentive.showRatingFlowIfConditionsAreMet(YourActivity.this);
  • Replace Apptentive.getRatingModule().logEvent(); with Apptentive.logSignificantEvent();.