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Bra-A-Ket edited this page Dec 10, 2021 · 5 revisions

What this program is.

I aim to design QFTools such that essential but maybe annoying brute-force calculations in QFT can be automated. This condition includes that the user of this tools knows the principle of the calculation. Or in other words, if one does not know what they put into this program, one don't know what the output is about.

What this program is not.

This program can not be used to get the complete solution to a computational problem. E.g., if one want to get the n-point correlator function for a phi^n theory, one has to calculate the series expansion of the vacuum expectational value for interacting fields by hand - QFTools only applies the Wick theorem, which is only valid for the free vacuum. In other words, QFTools is designed to just save you some time.

Getting started

This tools is build using python 3. Make sure python3 is installed on your PC. Furthermore, for ideal use, make sure that python3 is callable on your console via


(Other commands like "python" to call python3 is, of cause, fine as well.) Now you can either download as files from this repository by clicking the green "Code" button on the top right and choose "Download ZIP". If git is installed on your machine you can simply execute

git clone

This program uses external packages. Please install the following python packages in order to make QFTools work.

  • Itertools is needed to compute all possible combinations of numbers (Wick contractions)
python3 -m pip install itertools
  • Numpy for standard array-like calculations
python3 -m pip install numpy

After you downloaded all necessary files and installed the above listed packages, open your console in the corresponding folder and try

python3 --version

This should print the current version of QFTools. If this works perfectly fine, you can go ahead and use all features QFTools. Visit the Usage-Page to learn more about QFTools.

Latest features

  • Export Wick-contractions for real scalar field as a csv-file
  • Generate LaTeX-file containing the Wick-contractions for the real scalar field
  • Code should be more readable due to added comments
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