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Flatland is an attempt at writing a game-dev IDE using Go, imgui and Ebitengine. I chose 2D because it is at least an order of magnitude less effort than 3D. See if you just want to start trying stuff.

I've shamelessly stolen key ideas from Unreal, such as:

Separate builds for standalone games and editor builds

Packages are organized such that editor depends on the game. The game part does not need to use anything from the editor package, or from imgui if you don't want to.

Easy editing of user defined assets

If you register a struct with the asset package (asset.RegisterAsset), then the editor package will let you create and edit the exported fields of the struct. Likewise it is trivial to load assets with asset.Load, this loading will recursively load any assets that are linked.

Custom asset editors are easy to write

If you know a little imgui, you can write custom editors for your types, see image_ed.go for an example.

Actors and Components

You are not required to use the design style in the flat package. You may only want to use the asset and editor packages. The design of flat intends to be very data-driven which results in being able to build composite objects in the editor.

Basically everything in the game should be an Actor - something that has a Transform2D and exists in the world. There are various interfaces an Actor can implement (Drawable,Updateable,Playable) to be hooked into the main game loop. Your own Actors can embed ActorBase to get the default behaviours. Components are a way to implement features - a composition over inheritance pattern. You can dynamically attach Components to Actors in the editor and they will start ticking/drawing/etc.


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