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bo-naoki-okamoto edited this page Apr 5, 2021 · 26 revisions

Chapter1: Create scenario.yml and basic usage

There are two things that you need to understand scenario.yml for Cliboa is “scenario”, and “step”

“scenario” represents the entire process and “step” represents the individual processes.
Cliboa executes all steps defined in the scenario one by one up to the end.
In this page we will guide you on how to create the cenario.yml for Cliboa.

  1. The first thing you need to do is create a new file named scenario.yml.
    As I already mentioned “scenario” stands for the entire process,
    which means you must start with “scenario” for the very top of the structure
  2. Under the “scenario”, define the “step” that will actually be executed
    You are able to define multiple steps. Do so by defining them as an array.
      - step:
  3. You can give each step a name or comment so that its easy to understand what it is.
      - step: execute sample step
  4. There are some required parameters and optional parameters for each step.
    All steps must be defined as “class” parameter.
      - step: execute sample step
        class: SampleStep

Now, the simplest scenario is complete.
This scenario primarily functions to execute the SampleStep.
Let’s move on to the next step.

Cliboa allows you to give arguments when executing steps.
To do so, add a “arguments” block for the step.

  - step: execute sample step
    class: SampleStep

And then define the arguments you want to place in it.
(Not all arguments are allowed to placed in it, see documentation of individual classes what can be placed)
  - step: execute sample step
    class: SampleStep
      foo: test value

The arguments which are placed, can be used inside the class as you would like to below.
It can NOT be taken from args, or kwargs.

You can also pass multiple arguments.
  - step: execute sample step
    class: SampleStep
      foo: test value
      num: 12345
        - apple
        - orange
        - lemon

Chapter2: Advanced usage

scenario.yml provides some special features which makes you to use Cliboa more flexibly.

  • listener
    If you want to do some common processing(ex. log output) before and after steps, listener is very suitable.
    By default, Cliboa implements StepStatusListener in all steps which is just output log before and after steps.
    In addition, you can add any extra listeners like below.
    Note: Creating a custom listener does not explain here
      - step: execute sample step
        listeners: SampleListener
        class: SampleStep
          foo: test value
  • symbol
    Allows arguments defined in one step to be used in another step.
    This makes you to avoid writing same arguments over and over.
    To do so, just set the value defined in one step to the symbol for another step.
    Example below is a scenario that is download a file from sftp, and then delete it after that.
    Instead of setting arguments for SftpDownloadFileDelete, but symbol is set.
    So it can use an exactly the same arguments with SftpDownload and connect the sftp server to delete the file.
      - step: file download
        class: SftpDownload
          user: root
          password: password
          src_dir: /home/foo
          src_pattern: item\.csv
          dest_dir: /usr/local/data
      - step: file delete
        class: SftpDownloadFileDelete
        symbol: file download

    Note: Arguments set with symbol is abled to get via the method defined in super class
    host = super().get_step_argument("host")
    user = super().get_step_argument("user")
  • parallel
    Cliboa basically is a sequential operation of waiting for the step result and then executing the next step.
    But this parameter allows it to be executed asynchronously without waiting for the completion of the step.
    When executing steps in parallel, define “parallel” for the block above steps.
    Fork steps will be executed by multi process operation, NOT executed by multi threading.
    (A python process is launched for each step)
    Which means more steps in parallel you define is more OS memory is used.
        - step: file download
          class: SftpDownload
            user: root
            password: password
            src_dir: /home/foo
            src_pattern: item\.csv
            dest_dir: /usr/local/data
        - step: file download
          class: SftpDownload
            user: root
            password: password
            src_dir: /home/bar
            src_pattern: data\.csv
            dest_dir: /usr/local/data
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