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How to install

  1. Clone the repo to the directory of your choice.
  2. In the root directory of the project run $ npm run install-script. This will install the node modules required for the express API server, as well as the node modules required for the react client.

How to run

In the root directory of the project run $ npm start. This will create a node express server running at localhost:3001. This will also start the react based tesla-client at localhost:3000.

You can log into a test vehicle by entering "test" as the username, and anything as the password. This will cause the server to send a fake vehicle to the client to view the front end react system. Note: Actual commands sent when logged into the test vehicle will not work and you will receive an appropriate error in the application.

What this is

This application runs our Tesla API server that lets us send commands to the Tesla servers to control Tesla vehicles. The public Facing client is located inside tesla-client.