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Bicorpus preprocessing

This repository aims to preprocess a given parallel corpus in parallel so that it meets a specfic set of requirements. The tool is capable of removing sentences

  • that contain less than n and/or more than m tokens;
  • where the ratio of number of tokens between source and target sentence is larger than expected;
  • that are duplicates of other sentences in a white-space agnostic manner. This means that even if one sentence contains the same tokens as another one but more white-space characters, they will still be seen as duplicates. The first encountered duplicate will be kept;
  • that are not written in an expected language (language detection happens through fasttext) and, optionally, are not given high enough predicted probability. Fasttext predicts the language of given input text and assigns a probability value. If the probability is not larger than or equal to a given value, a sentence can be discarded.

In addition, the output can be tokenized and lowercased when requested. Pre/postprocessing scripts are available to either construct a bicorpus from two separate parallel files, or to deconstruct a given bicorpus into separate files.


Simply clone this repo and do a pipenv install. The only dependencies are spacy for tokenisation and fasttext for language detection. Python 3.6 or higher is expected.

git clone
cd bicorpus-preprocessing
pipenv install

Don't forget to install the relevant spaCy language models, e.g.

pipenv run python -m spacy download en


Do not forget to activate your virtual environment before usage, or use pipenv run instead.

pipenv shell
python my_bicorpus.txt --src_lang en --tgt_lang nl
# OR
pipenv run python my_bicorpus.txt --src_lang en --tgt_lang nl

Available arguments (as per -h):

usage: [-h] [-s SRC_LANG] [--src_model SRC_MODEL] [-t TGT_LANG]
               [--tgt_model TGT_MODEL] [--sep SEP] [-b BATCH_SIZE]
               [--tokenize] [--dedupe] [--do_lower_case] [--keep_order]
               [--max_length MAX_LENGTH] [--min_length MIN_LENGTH]
               [--max_ratio MAX_RATIO] [--min_prob MIN_PROB] [-n N_WORKERS]

Preprocess a bilingual corpus by verifying the language, checking min and max
sentence length and the ratio between number of source and target tokens.
Optionally tokenize, lowercase, and/or dedupe the output.

positional arguments:
  fin                   Input file containing tab-separated source and target

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SRC_LANG, --src_lang SRC_LANG
                        Source language (abbreviation) (default: en)
  --src_model SRC_MODEL
                        Source spaCy model (default: en_core_web_sm)
  -t TGT_LANG, --tgt_lang TGT_LANG
                        Target language (abbreviation) (default: nl)
  --tgt_model TGT_MODEL
                        Target spaCy model (default: nl_core_news_sm)
  --sep SEP             Separator to split sentences on (default: )
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size (in kB) for the chunker (default: 1000)
  --tokenize            Tokenize the output (default: False)
  --dedupe              Deduplicate based on tokenized sentences, so
                        inconsistent whitespace should be handled fairly well
                        (default: False)
  --do_lower_case       Lower case the output. Deduplication will be based on
                        lower case text. (default: False)
  --keep_order          Keep the same order of sentences as the source file.
                        Enabling this might be slower and consume more memory
                        when you have many/large batches. (default: False)
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH
                        Maximal number of tokens in a sentence that only
                        consist of alphanumeric characters (and not only
                        digits) (default: None)
  --min_length MIN_LENGTH
                        Minimal number of tokens in a sentence that only
                        consist of alphanumeric characters (and not only
                        digits) (default: None)
  --max_ratio MAX_RATIO
                        Maximal ratio of numbers of tokens in source and
                        target sentence (default: None)
  --min_prob MIN_PROB   The minimal certainty (or probability) for language
                        detection. If fasttext is less than 'min_prob' certain
                        about the predicted language, the sentence will be
                        discarded. (default: None)
  -n N_WORKERS, --n_workers N_WORKERS
                        Total number of workers (reader and writer processes
                        added on top of this number). Default depends on your
                        hardware (default: total_n_cpus-1)

The preprocessing script is called Its main arguments are construct and deconstruct. If you need help using the script, just call construct -h or equivalent.


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