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Summer-is_Great Game


This project is a card matching game developed using Unity 2021 LTS. The game features various card layouts, smooth animations, a save/load system, and a scoring mechanism with a combo system. It supports both desktop and mobile platforms (Android and iOS).


  1. Development Platform: Unity 2021 LTS
  2. Card Layouts: Various configurations such as 2x2, 3x3, 5x6, etc.
  3. Animations: Smooth card flipping and matching animations.
  4. Save/Load System: Persist game high score between sessions.
  5. Scoring Mechanism: Basic scoring with a combo system.
  6. Sound Effects: Basic sound effects for card interactions.
  7. Platform Support: Desktop and mobile (Android, iOS).

Implementation Details

Project Setup

  1. Created a new Unity project using Unity 2021 LTS.
  2. Scene Setup:
    • Created two scenes: 0. MainMenu and 1. Game.
    • Added 0. MainMenu and 1. Game to the build settings.



This script manages the core game logic, including setting up the game board, handling card interactions, saving/loading game high score, and updating the score.

  • Awake: Initializes the game manager instance.
  • Start: Sets the initial game state and attempts to load any saved game state.
  • PreloadCardImage: Preloads card images to avoid lag during gameplay.
  • StartCardGame: Starts a new game, sets up the game board, and initializes variables.
  • SetGamePanel: Sets up the card positions and initializes the card list based on the selected game size.
  • ResetFace: Resets all cards to their face-down position.
  • HideFace: Coroutine to flip all cards after a short delay.
  • SpriteCardAllocation: Allocates card sprites in pairs to the game board.
  • SetGameSize: Updates the game size based on the slider input.
  • GetSprite: Returns a sprite based on its ID.
  • CardBack: Returns the card back sprite.
  • canClick: Checks if a card click is allowed based on the game state.
  • cardClicked: Handles card click events, checking for matches and updating the score.
  • CheckGameWin: Checks if all cards have been matched to end the game.
  • EndGame: Ends the current game and resets the game state.
  • GiveUp: Ends the current game without saving the state.
  • DisplayInfo: Toggles the display of additional game info.
  • Update: Tracks elapsed time and updates the score and combo timer.


This script manages the high score functionality, saving the highest scores for different game sizes and displaying them.

  • HighScoreManager: Singleton instance to manage high scores.
  • Awake: Initializes the high score manager instance.
  • Start: Loads the high score for the current game size.
  • LoadHighScores: Loads high scores from PlayerPrefs.
  • SaveHighScores: Saves high scores to PlayerPrefs.
  • UpdateHighScore: Updates the high score if the current score is higher.
  • DisplayHighScore: Displays the current high score.


This script manages the main menu functionality, allowing the player to start the game or quit the application.

  • Play: Loads the game scene to start a new game.
  • Quit: Exits the application, handling both editor and build environments.

Game Flow

  1. Main Menu: The player can start a new game or quit the application.
  2. Game Scene: The game board is set up based on the selected size. Cards are displayed and can be clicked to find matches. The game tracks score, including a combo system for consecutive matches within a short time.
  3. End Game: The game ends when all cards are matched or the player gives up. The high score is updated and saved.
  4. Save/Load System: The game high score is saved on exit and loaded on startup to allow resuming from where the player left off.

Technical Considerations

  • Smooth Gameplay: Ensured continuous card flipping without waiting for comparisons to finish, allowing for a smooth user experience.
  • Card Layouts: Supported various layouts, dynamically scaling cards to fit the screen.
  • Animations: Included smooth animations for card flipping and matching.
  • Save/Load System: Used PlayerPrefs to persist game progress and high scores.
  • Scoring Mechanism: Implemented a basic scoring system with additional points for combos.
  • Sound Effects: Integrated basic sound effects for card interactions.
  • Platform Support: Targeted both desktop and mobile platforms, ensuring the game ran smoothly on different devices.


The card matching game developed using Unity 2021 LTS fulfilled all the specified requirements, providing a smooth and engaging gameplay experience across various platforms. The inclusion of a save/load system and a scoring mechanism with a combo system added depth and replayability to the game.


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