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Brandon Cooke edited this page Aug 6, 2019 · 1 revision


A Set is a data object that holds information about a tournament set that took place at a tournament.


    id: number,
    eventId: number | null,
    phaseGroupId: number | null,
    displayScore: string | null,
    fullRoundText: string | null,
    round: number | null,
    startedAt: number | null,
    completedAt: number | null,
    winnerId: number | null,
    totalGames: number | null,
    state: number | null,
    player1: PlayerLite,
    player2: PlayerLite,
    score1: number | null,
    score2: number | null


  • id
    • number
  • eventId
    • number | null
  • phaseGroupId
    • number | null
  • displayScore
    • string | null
  • fullRoundText
    • string | null
  • round
    • number | null
  • startedAt
    • number | null
  • completedAt
    • number | null
  • winnerId
    • number | null
  • totalGames
    • number | null
  • state
    • number | null
  • player1
  • player2
  • score1
    • number | null
  • score2
    • number | null


  • getEventId()
    • get the numeric identifier of the GGSet
    • returns number | null
  • getPhaseGroupId()
    • get the numeric identifier of the Phase the GGSet belongs to
    • returns number | null
  • getStartedAt()
    • get the time the GGSet started as a JS Date object
    • returns Date | null
  • getCompletedAt()
    • get the time the GGSet ended as a JS Date object
    • returns Date | null
  • getDisplayScore()
    • get the display score string of the GGSet
    • format "Tag1 Score1 - Score2 Tag2"
    • returns string | null
  • getFullRoundText()
    • get the full round text of the tournament this GGSet takes place
    • returns string | null
  • getRound()
    • get the numeric round of the tournament this GGSet takes place
    • returns number | null
  • getState()
    • get the numeric state of the GGSet
    • returns number | null
  • getPlayer1()
    • get the first player in the GGSet
    • returns PlayerLite | undefined | null
  • getPlayer1Tag()
    • get the first player's tag in the GGSet
    • returns string | undefined | null
  • getPlayer1PlayerId()
    • get the first player's User ID in the GGSet
    • returns number | undefined | null
  • getPlayer1AttendeeIds()
    • get the first player's Attendee ID in the GGSet
    • returns number[] | undefined | null
  • getPlayer2()
    • get the second player in the GGSet
    • returns PlayerLite | undefined | null
  • getPlayer2Tag()
    • get the second player's tag in the GGSet
    • returns string | undefined | null
  • getPlayer2PlayerId()
    • get the second player's User ID in the GGSet
    • returns number | undefined | null
  • getPlayer2AttendeeIds()
    • get the second player's Attendee ID In the GGSet
    • returns number[] | undefined | null
  • getWinnerId()
    • get the Entrant ID of the winning player
    • returns number | null
  • getLoserId()
    • get the Entrant ID of the losing player
    • returns number | null
  • getIsComplete()
    • get the true/false value for if this GGSet has been completed
    • returns boolean | null
  • getPlayer1Score()
    • get the score of the first player in the GGSet
    • returns number | null
  • getPlayer2Score()
    • get the score of the second player in the GGSet
    • returns number | null
  • getWinner()
    • get the winner of the GGSet
    • returns PlayerLite | undefined
  • getLoser()
    • get the loser of the GGSet
    • returns PlayerLite | undefined
  • getBestOfCount()
    • get the Best-Of count of the GGSet
    • returns number | string
  • getWinnerScore()
    • get the score of the winner in the GGSet
    • returns number | string
  • getLoserScore()
    • get the score of the loser in the GGSet
    • returns number | string


    filterDQs?: boolean,
    filterByes?: boolean,
    filterResets?: boolean,
    page?: number | null,
    perPage?: number | null,
    sortBy?: null | 'NONE' | 'STANDARD' | 'RACE_SPECTATOR' | 'ADMIN',
    filters?: null | {
        entrantIds?: number[],
        state?: number[],
        stationIds?: number[],
        phaseIds?: number[],
        phaseGroupIds?: number[],
        roundNumber?: number


    tag: string | null,
    entrantId: number | null,
    attendeeIds: number[]

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