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An Arduino library developed for controlling a Breadboard Mates' display module programmed with the Mates Studio's Commander or Architect environment


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Mates Controller Arduino Library

This is an Arduino Library developed to be used with Mates Studio's Commander and Architect Environments. This library is aimed to be simple enough to learn for beginners and feature-rich for experienced developers.

Library Discussion

This section serves to give brief discussion about the constructor and functions included in the library. For functional examples on how to use these functions in a project, refer to the examples folder.

MatesController(serial, resetPin, mode)

This is the main constructor for the library. It creates a unique instance and sets the specified display serial port and reset pin. If not using a HardwareSerial (or SoftwareSerial for AVR devices), the Serial stream needs to be initialized manually before running the begin(baudrate, resetModule) function.

Parameters Type Description
serial Stream The serial port to use for controlling the display module
uint8_t Arduino reset pin to use for resetting the display module (default: 4)
uint8_t Arduino reset pulse to use when performing reset (default: LOW)

Example No. 1:

// Creates a new instance named 'mates' which utilizes:
//  - Serial as UART
//  - Pin 4 of Arduino as Reset Pin (default)
//  - Reset mode as a LOW pulse (default)
MatesController mates = MatesController(Serial);

Example No. 2:

// Creates a new instance named 'mates' which utilizes:
//  - Serial as UART
//  - Pin 5 of Arduino as Reset Pin
//  - Reset mode as a LOW pulse (default)
MatesController mates = MatesController(Serial, 5);

Example No. 3:

// Creates a new instance named 'mates' which utilizes:
//  - Serial as UART
//  - Pin 6 of Arduino as Reset Pin
//  - Reset mode as a HIGH pulse
MatesController mates = MatesController(Serial, 6, HIGH);    

MatesController(serial, dbSerial, resetPin, mode)

This is an alternative constructor for the library. It creates a unique instance and sets the specified display serial port, debug serial and reset pin. If not using a HardwareSerial (or SoftwareSerial for AVR devices), the Serial stream needs to be initialized manually before running the begin(baudrate, resetModule) function.

Parameters Type Description
serial Stream The serial port to use for controlling the display module
dbSerial Stream The serial port to use for printing debug messages
uint8_t Arduino reset pin to use for resetting the display module (default: 4)
uint8_t Arduino reset pulse to use when performing reset (default: LOW)

Example No. 1:

// Creates a new instance named 'mates' which utilizes:
//  - Serial1 as display UART
//  - Serial as debug UART
//  - Pin 4 of Arduino as Reset Pin (default)
MatesController mates = MatesController(Serial1, Serial);

Example No. 2:

// Creates a new instance named 'mates' which utilizes:
//  - Serial1 as display UART
//  - Serial as debug UART
//  - Pin 5 of Arduino as Reset Pin
MatesController mates = MatesController(Serial1, Serial, 5);

Note: If a debug serial port is specified, it should be initialized before running the begin() function of this library.

begin(baudrate, resetModule)

This function must be used once to initialize the Serial port at the start of the Arduino application and to reset or synchronize with the display.

Parameters Type Description
int32_t Baudrate setting to be used to control the display module (default: 9600)
Note: This is ignored when not using a HardwareSerial (or SoftwareSerial for AVR devices) to communicate with the display. In that case, the serial/Stream instance needs to be initialize before using this function.
bool Indicates whether the module should be reset from the hardware reset pin (default: true)
Note: When false, this function always returns true and simply waits for the boot timeout to pass before exiting

Return: success or failure (boolean)

Example No. 1:

// Initializes display serial port with 9600 (default) and resets the display

Example No. 2:

// Initializes display serial port with 115200 baud and resets the display

Example No. 3:

// Initializes display serial port with 19200 baud and skips reset
mates.begin(19200, false);

Note 1: Ensure that the baudrate matches the baudrate setting of the Mates Studio Commander/Architect project

Note 2: If a debug serial port is specified, it should be initialized manually before running the begin() function of this library.

Note 3: If not using reset, users needs to be aware of the boot timing of the module. This should be around 3-5 seconds or more depending on the project after power on. If more time is needed to sync, set a higher boot timeout using setBootTimeout(timeout)


This function can be used to determine if the module is in sync with the Arduino host.

Return: sync status (boolean)


// Check if the module is in sync
if (mates.isReady()) {
    // Write to or read from widgets
} else {
    mates.sync(); // Try to resync with the module

sync(resetToPage0, waitPeriod)

This function can be used to setup auto resynchronization when an error occurs.

Parameters Type Description
attempts uint8_t Number of resync attempts to perform
uint16_t Timeout period to wait for every resync attempt (default: boot timeout)

Return: none

Example No. 1:

mates.autoResync(3); // Setup 3 automatic attempts to resync with default timeout

Example No. 2:

mates.autoResync(5, 10000); // Setup 5 automatic attempts to resync with 10000ms timeout

sync(resetToPage0, waitPeriod)

This function can be used to establish synchronization between the BBM module and the Arduino compatible host.

Parameters Type Description
resetToPage0 bool Indicates whether to go to Page0 after a successful synchronization (default: true)
uint16_t Timeout period to wait until the display is ready (default: boot timeout)

Return: success or failure (boolean)

Example No. 1:

// Attempts to synchronize with the display
if (mates.sync()) {
    // Do something if synchronization was successful
} else {
    // Do something if synchronization failed

Example No. 2:

// Attempts to synchronize with the display
if (mates.sync(true)) {
    // Do something if synchronization was successful
    // and project returned to Page0
} else {
    // Do something if synchronization failed

Example No. 3:

// Attempts to synchronize with the display with a timeout of 10000
if (mates.sync(true, 10000)) {
    // Do something if synchronization was successful
    // and project returned to Page0
} else {
    // Do something if synchronization failed


This function can be used to reset the display by sending a reset pulse from the reset pin specified through the contructor. The default wait period is 5 seconds (5000 ms) or as specified by setBootTimeout(timeout).

The function finishes as soon as the display sends the ready signal or the wait period passes.

Parameters Type Description
uint16_t Timeout period to wait until the display is ready (default: boot timeout)

Return: success or failure (boolean)

Example No 1:

// Reset the display and wait for
mates.reset();          // a period of 5 seconds (default)
                        // (actually the current boot timeout which is 5s by default)

Example No 2:

// Reset the display and wait for
mates.reset(4000);   // a period of 4 seconds


This function can be used to reset the display by sending a reset command. The default wait period is 5 seconds (5000 ms) or as specified by setBootTimeout(timeout).

The function finishes as soon as the display sends the ready signal or the wait period passes.

Parameters Type Description
uint16_t Timeout period to wait until the display is ready (default: boot timeout)

Return: success or failure (boolean)

Example No 1:

// Reset the display and wait for
mates.softReset();          // a period of 5 seconds (default)
                            // (actually the current boot timeout which is 5s by default)

Example No 2:

// Reset the display and wait for
mates.softReset(4000);      // a period of 4 seconds


This function can be used to set the wait period during reset and softReset.

Parameters Type Description
timeout uint32_t New timeout period to wait until the display is ready

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setBootTimeout(10000); // sets boot timeout to a period of 10 seconds


This function can be used to reset the wait period during reset and softReset to the default 5 seconds.

Return: none


mates.resetBootTimeout(); // resets boot timeout to the default period


This function can be used to reset the wait period during reset and softReset to the default 5 seconds.

Return: none

Example 1:

MatesController mates = MatesController(Serial);

void matesErrorHandler(MatesError error) {
    while (true) {
        digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
    } // Blink builtin LED and block project execution
    // This is not ideal but can be used to as simple error indication
    // Errors should be handled as shown in Example 2

void setup() {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

    // Sets 'matesErrorHandler' as the function for handling possible MatesError

    // do something...

void loop() {
    // do something...

Example 2:

MatesController mates = MatesController(Serial);

void matesErrorHandler(MatesError error) {
    switch (error) {
            // Do something when last command is invalid
            // Do something when the expected response from
            // the last command wasn't received on time
            // Do something when the expected acknowledgement from
            // the last command wasn't received on time
            // Do something when the display is not yet ready

void setup() {
    // Sets 'matesErrorHandler' as the function for handling possible MatesError

    // do something...

void loop() {
    // do something...


This function can be used to set the backlight level to the value specified.

Parameters Type Description
value uint8_t The target backlight level

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setBacklight(7); // Set backlight value to 7


This function can be used to navigate to the specified page.

Parameters Type Description
page uint16_t The target page index

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setPage(1); // Navigate to Page1


This function can be used to query the current active page.

Return: Active page index (uint16_t)


uint16_t activePage = mates.getPage(); // Query active page

setWidgetValue(widget, value)

This function can be used to set the 16-bit integer value of the specified widget

Parameters Type Description
widget int16_t The ID of the target widget
value int16_t The new value for the widget

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setWidgetValue(MediaGaugeB0, 50); // Set value of MediaGaugeB0 to 50

Note: This function is not applicable to Int32 and Float LedDigits


This function can be used to query the specified widget's value.

Parameters Type Description
widget int16_t The ID of the target widget

Return: Value of the specified widget (int16_t)


int16_t widgetVal = mates.getWidgetValue(MediaLed4); // Query the current value of MediaLed4

Note: This function is not applicable to Int32 and Float LedDigits

setWidgetValue(type, index, value)

This function can be used to set the 16-bit integer value of the widget specified by type and index.

Parameters Type Description
type MatesWidget The type of the target widget
index int8_t The index of the target widget
value int16_t The new value for the widget

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setWidgetValue(MATES_MEDIA_GAUGE_B, 0, 50); // Set value of MediaGaugeB0 to 50

Note 1: All applicable widget types are listed in here.

Note 2: This function is not applicable to Int32 and Float LedDigits

getWidgetValue(type, index)

This function can be used to query the value of the widget specified by type and index.

Parameters Type Description
type MatesWidget The type of the target widget
index int8_t The index of the target widget

Return: Value of the specified widget (int16_t)


int16_t widgetVal = mates.getWidgetValue(MATES_MEDIA_LED, 4); // Query the current value of MediaLed4

Note 1: All applicable widget types are listed in here.

Note 2: This function is not applicable to Int32 and Float LedDigits

setLedDigitsValue(index, value)

This function can be used to set the 16-bit integer value of the LedDigits specified by index.

Parameters Type Description
index uint8_t The index of the target LedDigits
value int16_t The new value for the LedDigits

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setLedDigitsValue(0, 1234); // Set value of LedDigits0 to 1234

Note: This function is only applicable for Int16 LedDigits

setLedDigitsValue(index, value)

This function can be used to set the 32-bit integer value of the LedDigits specified by index.

Parameters Type Description
index uint8_t The index of the target LedDigits
value int32_t The new value for the LedDigits

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setLedDigitsValue(0, 602214076); // Set value of LedDigits0 to 602214076

Note: This function is only applicable for Int32 LedDigits

setLedDigitsValue(index, value)

This function can be used to set the float value of the LedDigits specified by index.

Parameters Type Description
index uint8_t The index of the target LedDigits
value float The new value for the LedDigits

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setLedDigitsValue(LedDigits1, 3.1416); // Set value of LedDigits1 to 3.1416

Note: This function is only applicable for Float LedDigits

setSpectrumValue(widget, gaugeIndex, value)

This function can be used to set the value of a specified gauge index of the spectrum widget specified.

Parameters Type Description
widget int16_t The ID of the target spectrum widget
gaugeIndex uint8_t The gauge index of the target spectrum widget
value uint8_t The new value for the widget

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setSpectrumValue(LedSpectrum5, 2, 64);
// Set value of gauge index 2 of LedSpectrum5 to 64

Note: This function is only applicable for LedSpectrum and MediaSpectrum

setLedSpectrumValue(index, gaugeIndex, value)

This function can be used to set the value of a specified gaugeIndex of the Led Spectrum widget determined by index.

Parameters Type Description
index uint8_t The index of the target Led Spectrum widget
gaugeIndex uint8_t The gauge index of the target Led Spectrum widget
value uint8_t The new value for the column/row of the widget

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setLedSpectrumValue(5, 2, 64);
// Set value of gauge index 2 of LedSpectrum5 to 64

setMediaSpectrumValue(type, index, gaugeIndex, value)

This function can be used to set the value of a specified gaugeIndex of the Media Spectrum widget determined by index.

Parameters Type Description
index uint8_t The index of the target Led Spectrum widget
gaugeIndex uint8_t The gauge index of the target Led Spectrum widget
value uint8_t The new value for the column/row of the widget

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setMediaSpectrumValue(4, 3, 48);
// Set value of gauge index 3 of MediaSpectrum4 to 48

setMediaColorLedValue(index, r, g, b)

This function can be used to set the 32-bit integer value of the LedDigits specified by index.

Parameters Type Description
index uint8_t The index of the target MediaColorLed
r uint8_t The red component of the new color of the MediaColorLed
g uint8_t The green component of the new color of the MediaColorLed
b uint8_t The blue component of the new color of the MediaColorLed

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setMediaColorLedValue(3, 255, 0, 0); // Set value of MediaColorLed3 to RED

Note: This function is only applicable for MediaColorLeds

setWidgetParam(widget, param, value)

This function can be used to set the parameter (param) of the target widget to the specified value.

Parameters Type Description
widget int16_t The ID of the target widget
param int16_t The target widget parameter
value int16_t The new value for the widget parameter

Return: success or failure (boolean)


// Set GaugeA3's Background color to BLACK
mates.setWidgetParam(GaugeA3, MATES_GAUGE_A_BG_COLOR, BLACK);

getWidgetParam(widget, param)

This function can be used to query the parameter (param) of the target widget.

Parameters Type Description
widget int16_t The ID of the target widget
param int16_t The target widget parameter

Return: The current param value of the widget (int16_t)


// Query the background color of GaugeA3
int16_t paramVal = mates.getWidgetParam(GaugeA3, MATES_GAUGE_A_BG_COLOR); 

setWidgetParam(type, index, param, value);

This function can be used to set the parameter (param) of the target widget, determined by type and index, to the specified value.

Parameters Type Description
type MatesWidget The type of the target widget
index int8_t The index of the target widget
param int16_t The target widget parameter
value int16_t The new value for the widget parameter

Return: success or failure (boolean)


// Set GaugeA3's Background color to BLACK

getWidgetParam(type, index, param)

This function can be used to query the parameter (param) of the target widget, determined by type and index.

Parameters Type Description
type MatesWidget The type of the target widget
index int8_t The index of the target widget
param int16_t The target widget parameter

Return: The current param value of the widget (int16_t)


// Query the background color of GaugeA3
int16_t paramVal = mates.getWidgetParam(MATES_GAUGE_A, 3, MATES_GAUGE_A_BG_COLOR); 


This function can be used to adjust the max string buffer size to be used when composing a string for a TextArea or a PrintArea. The string composition is done by updateTextArea(index, format, ...), updateDotMatrix(index, format, ...) and appendToPrintArea(index, format, ...)

Parameters Type Description
size uint16_t The new buffer size (max: 1000)

Return: success or failure (boolean)


// Increase buffer size to a maximum of 100 characters including the null terminator


This function can be used to clear the TextArea specified by index.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target TextArea widget

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.clearTextArea(6); // Clear TextArea6

updateTextArea(index, format, ...)

This function can be used to update the contents of the TextArea specified by index with the text formed by format and the additional arguments.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target TextArea widget
format const char * The text to be written to the Text Area
... - Additional values to replace the format specifiers in format

Return: success or failure (boolean)

Example No. 1:

mates.updateTextArea(2, "Mates"); // Update TextArea2 to "Mates"

Example No. 2:

int value = 76;
mates.updateTextArea(3, "Value is %d", 76); // Print value to TextArea3

updateTextArea(index, str)

This function can be used to update the contents of the TextArea specified by index with the String 'str'.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target TextArea widget
str String The String to be written to the Text Area

Return: success or failure (boolean)


String str = "Mates";
mates.updateTextArea(2, str); // Update TextArea2 to 'str'


This function can be used to clear the PrintArea specified by index.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target PrintArea widget

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.clearPrintArea(5); // Clear PrintArea5

setPrintAreaColor(index, rgb565)

This function can be used to set the print color (rgb565) used by the PrintArea specified by index.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target PrintArea widget
rgb565 int16_t The color as a 16-bit RGB565 value

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setPrintAreaColor(4, 0xF800); // Set print color of PrintArea4 to RED (0xF800)

setPrintAreaColor(index, r, g, b)

This function can be used to set the print color used by the PrintArea specified by index. The color is determined by r, g and b.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target PrintArea widget
r uint8_t The red component of the new color value
g uint8_t The green component of the new color value
b uint8_t The blue component of the new color value

Return: success or failure (boolean)


mates.setPrintAreaColor(7, 0, 255, 0); // Set print color of PrintArea7 to GREEN

appendToPrintArea(index, buffer, len)

This function can be used to append a number of bytes (len) from the data in buffer to the PrintArea specified by index .

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target Print Area widget
buffer const int8_t * The source of data to be appended
len uint16_t The number of bytes to be sent

Return: success or failure (boolean)


int8_t data[] = {0xF8, 0x7F, 0x1F};
mates.appendToPrintArea(7, data, 3); // Append data to PrintArea7

appendToPrintArea(index, format, ...)

This function can be used to append contents to the PrintArea specified by index with the text formed by format and the additional arguments.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target Print Area widget
format const char * The text to be written to the PrintArea
... - Additional values to replace the format specifiers in format

Return: success or failure (boolean)

Example No. 1:

mates.appendToPrintArea(8, "Mates"); // Append "Mates" to PrintArea8

Example No. 2:

int value = 108;
mates.appendToPrintArea(9, "Value: %d", 108); // Append value as text to PrintArea9

appendToPrintArea(index, str)

This function can be used to append contents to the PrintArea specified by index with the String provided.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target Print Area widget
str String The text to be written to the PrintArea

Return: success or failure (boolean)


String str = "Mates";
mates.appendToPrintArea(2, str); // // Append 'str' to PrintArea2

appendToScope(index, buffer, len)

This function can be used to append a number of 16-bit values (len) from the data in buffer to the Scope widget specified by index.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target Scope widget
buffer const int16_t * The source of data to be appended
len uint16_t The number of values to be sent

Return: success or failure (boolean)


int16_t data[] = {0xF8, 0x7F, 0x1F};
mates.appendToScope(7, data, 3); // Append data to Scope7

updateDotMatrix(index, format, ...)

This function can be used to append contents to the DotMatrix specified by index with the text formed by format and the additional arguments.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target DotMatrix widget
format const char * The text to be written to the DotMatrix
... - Additional values to replace the format specifiers in format

Return: success or failure (boolean)

Example No. 1:

mates.updateDotMatrix(8, "Mates"); // Update DotMatrix0 to "Mates"

Example No. 2:

int value = 108;
mates.updateDotMatrix(9, "Value: %d", 108); // Update DotMatrix0 to show value

updateDotMatrix(index, str)

This function can be used to update the contents of the DotMatrix specified by index with the String 'str'.

Parameters Type Description
index uint16_t The index of the target DotMatrix widget
str String The String to be written to the DotMatrix

Return: success or failure (boolean)


String str = "Mates";
mates.updateDotMatrix(2, str); // Update DotMatrix2 to 'str'


This function can be used to query the number of button events recorded by a touch screen module

Return: Number of recorder button events (uint16_t)


// Query the number of button events recorded
uint16_t btnEvents = mates.getButtonEventCount(); 


This function can be used to query the source of next recorded button event

Return: Widget ID of the next event button (int16_t)


// If there is any event recorded
if (mates.getButtonEventCount() > 0) { 
    int16_t button = mates.getNextButtonEvent();
    switch (button) {
        case MediaButton1: // if the button pressed is MediaButton1
            // do something
        // add more possible cases here...


This function can be used to query the number of swipe events recorded by a touch screen module

Return: Number of recorder swipe events (uint16_t)


// Query the number of swipe events recorded
uint16_t swipeEvents = mates.getSwipeEventCount(); 


This function can be used to query the source of next recorded button event

Return: Swipe event (int16_t)


// If there is any event recorded
if (mates.getSwipeEventCount() > 0) { 
    int16_t swipe = mates.getNextSwipeEvent();
        // if swipe is towards from top to bottom
    if ((swipe & MATES_SWIPE_EAST) == MATES_SWIPE_EAST) {
        // if swipe is towards from left to right
    if ((swipe & MATES_SWIPE_TLBR) == MATES_SWIPE_TLBR) {
        // if swipe is towards from top left to bottom right


This function can be used to query the version number of the library.

Return: Version Information (String)


// Get the library version number as string
String matesVersion = mates.getVersion();


This function can be used to query the version number of Mates Studio compatible with the version of the library.

Return: Compatibility Version Information (String)


// Get the library version number as string
String matesVersion = mates.getVersion();


This function can be used to print the version number of the library and the compatible Mates Studio version to the debug serial port. If no debug serial was specified in the constructor, this function does nothing.

Return: none


// Prints library version and compatible Mates Studio version to debug serial


This function can be used to investigate errors that occurred while controlling the display module. Detailed information of the possible errors is discussed in here.


// Checks the last error that occurred
int error = mates.getError();
if (error == MATES_ERROR_NONE) {
    // Last command was successful


An Arduino library developed for controlling a Breadboard Mates' display module programmed with the Mates Studio's Commander or Architect environment







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