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Creating gates doors in samp
105 ready-made objects for movement




Include in your code and begin using the library:

#include <easy-barrier>


new barrierid = BarrierCreate("Police_Department", 3.0, 0.5, 0, 
	24.637180, -8.755125, 3.397187, 0.000000, 0.000000, 86.175994, 0, 0);
SetBarrierTypeOpening(barrierid, BARRIER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_RIGHT);

// plus attach
new barrierid2 = BarrierCreate("Police_Department", 3.0, 0.5, 0,  
	24.637180, -6.755125, 3.397187, 0.000000, 0.000000, 86.175994, 0, 0);
SetBarrierTypeOpening(barrierid2, BARRIER_MOVEMENT_TYPE_LEFT);
AttachBarrierToBarrier(barrierid, barrierid2);

BarrierResponse:Police_Department(playerid, barrierid)
    if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) != 283) 
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Only for cops");
        return 1;

    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "barrier for police open");
    return 0;


forward OnBarrierObjectCreated(barrierid, objectid, modelid);
public OnBarrierObjectCreated(barrierid, objectid, modelid)
        case 968:
            SetDynamicObjectMaterial(objectid, 1, 3306, "cunte_house1", "sw_patiodoors", 0);
    return 1;

forward OnBarrierEnter(playerid, barrierid, keys);
public OnBarrierEnter(playerid, barrierid, keys)
    new string[27+32+10],
    GetBarrierFunctionName(barrierid, function);

    format(string, sizeof(string), "Barrier Enter: %d | %d | %s", barrierid, keys, function);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
    return 1;

forward OnBarrierLeave(playerid, barrierid);
public OnBarrierLeave(playerid, barrierid)
    new string[22+32+10],

    GetBarrierFunctionName(barrierid, function);

    format(string, sizeof(string), "Barrier Leave: %d | %s", barrierid, function);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
    return 1;


BarrierCreate(const function[], Float:radius, Float:move_speed, closing_seconds, modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, barrier_state = BARRIER_STATE_PLAYER_AND_DRIVER, const text3d[] = "", color = -1, Float:text3d_distance = 3.0, Float:trigger_x = 0.0, Float:trigger_y = 0.0, Float:trigger_z = 0.0, key = 0)

Create a barrier

  • function[] - Function name
  • Float:radius - Trigger distance
  • Float:move_speed - The speed at which to move the object (units per second)
  • closing_seconds - Closing time (use the value 0, for manual opening/closing)
  • modelid - The model
  • Float:x - The x coordinate to create the object
  • Float:y - The y coordinate to create the object
  • Float:z - The z coordinate to create the object
  • Float:rx - The x rotation of the object
  • Float:ry - The y rotation of the object
  • Float:rz - The z rotation of the object
  • worldid - The virtual world ID
  • interiorid - The interior ID
  • barrier_state - Barrier status
  • text3d[] - 3DText
  • color - 3DText color
  • Float:text3d_distance - 3DText draw distance
  • Float:trigger_x - The x coordinate to trigger zone
  • Float:trigger_y - The y coordinate to trigger zone
  • Float:trigger_z - The z coordinate to trigger zone
  • key - Interaction button
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (barrier id)


Remove the barrier

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Returns (-1) on failure or barrier id


Open the barrier

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success


Close the barrier

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success


Get the barrier status

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Returns (0) if closed, (1) if open, (-1) if failed

SetBarrierTypeOpening(barrierid, type, Float:percent = 100.0)

Set the type of movement

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • type - Type of movement
  • percent - Prcentage of movement
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierMovementX(barrierid, Float:x)

Set the movement by the x coordinate

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:x - The x coordinate
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierMovementY(barrierid, Float:y)

Set the movement by the y coordinate

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:y - The y coordinate
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierMovementZ(barrierid, Float:z)

Set the movement by the z coordinate

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:z - The z coordinate
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierMovementRX(barrierid, Float:rx)

Set the movement by the rx coordinate

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:rx - The rx coordinate
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierMovementRY(barrierid, Float:ry)

Set the movement by the ry coordinate

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:ry - The ry coordinate
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierMovementRZ(barrierid, Float:rz)

Set the movement by the rz coordinate

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:rz - The x coordinate
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierMove(barrierid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz)

Set the positions of the moving object

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:x - The x coordinate
  • Float:y - The y coordinate
  • Float:z - The z coordinate
  • Float:rx - The x rotation of the object
  • Float:ry - The y rotation of the object
  • Float:rz - The z rotation of the object
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

AttachBarrierToBarrier(barrierid, attachid)

Attach barrier to barrier

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • attachid - The ID of the barrier to attach
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

UnAttachBarrierFromBarrier(barrierid, attachid)

UnAttach the barrier from the barrier

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • attachid - The ID of the barrier to attach
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierClosingTime(barrierid, seconds)

Set barrier closing time

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • seconds[] - Closing time (use the value 0, for manual opening/closing)
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success


Get barrier closing time

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (second)

SetBarrierMoveSpeed(barrierid, Float:speed)

Set the speed of a moving object

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:speed - The speed at which to move the object (units per second)
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success


Get the speed of a moving object

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (speed)

SetBarrierTrigger(barrierid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)

Set trigger zone

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:x - The x coordinate to trigger zone
  • Float:y - The y coordinate to trigger zone
  • Float:z - The z coordinate to trigger zone
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

GetBarrierTrigger(barrierid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z)

Get trigger zone

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • &Float:x - The x coordinate to trigger zone
  • &Float:y - The y coordinate to trigger zone
  • &Float:z - The z coordinate to trigger zone
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierTriggerExtra(barrierid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:radius, barrier_state = BARRIER_STATE_PLAYER_ONLY, key = BARRIER_KEY_STATE_ONFOOT)

Set trigger extra

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:x - The x coordinate to trigger zone
  • Float:y - The y coordinate to trigger zone
  • Float:z - The z coordinate to trigger zone
  • Float:radius - Trigger distance
  • barrier_state - Barrier status
  • key - Interaction button
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

GetBarrierTriggerExtra(barrierid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z, &Float:radius = 0.0, &barrier_state = 0, &key = 0)

Get trigger extra

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:x - The x coordinate to trigger zone
  • Float:y - The y coordinate to trigger zone
  • Float:z - The z coordinate to trigger zone
  • Float:radius - Trigger distance
  • barrier_state - Barrier status
  • key - Interaction button
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

GetBarrierSlotID(const function[])

Get barrier ID

  • function[] - Function name
  • Returns (-1) on failure or barrier id
  • NOTE: При использовании одинаковых названий 'function[]' вернет ближайший ID барьера!

SetBarrierState(barrierid, barrier_state)

Set the barrier status

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • barrier_state - Barrier status
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success


Get Barrier status

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (status)

SetBarrierKey(barrierid, key)

Set barrier key

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • key - Interaction button
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success


Get barrier key

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (key)

GetBarrierObjectID(barrierid, &moveid, &extraid = 0)

Get the barrier object ID

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • &moveid - moving object id
  • &extraid - additional object id
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

BarrierCreateExtraObject(barrierid, object_model, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1)

Create a second extra object

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • object_model - The model
  • Float:x - The x coordinate to create the object
  • Float:y - The y coordinate to create the object
  • Float:z - The z coordinate to create the object
  • Float:rx - The x rotation of the object
  • Float:ry - The y rotation of the object
  • Float:rz - The z rotation of the object
  • worldid - The virtual world ID
  • interiorid - The interior ID
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success


Delete an extra barrier object

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierText(barrierid, const text[], color = 0)

Set 3D Text

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • text[] - text
  • color - Color
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

GetBarrierText(barrierid, text[], size = sizeof(text))

Get Text 3D text

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • &text - text
  • size = sizeof(text) - sizeof
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

SetBarrierTextColor(barrierid, color)

Set 3D text color

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • color - Color
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success


Get 3D text color

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (color) on success

SetBarrierTextPosition(barrierid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)

Set position of 3D text

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • Float:x - The x coordinate
  • Float:y - The y coordinate
  • Float:z - The z coordinate
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (1) on success

GetBarrierCompare(barrierid, function[])

Compare the function ( function analogue strcmp )

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • function[] - Function name

GetBarrierFunctionName(barrierid, function[], size_function = sizeof(function))

Get barrier function name

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • function[] - Function name
  • Returns (-1) on failure or (function)


BarrierResponse:const function[](playerid, barrierid)

Called when interacting with a barrier

  • const function[] - Function name
  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • NOTE: Always use 'return 0;' if you need to activate the barrier

public OnBarrierObjectCreated(barrierid, objectid, modelid)

Called when creating a barrier

  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • objectid - Object ID
  • modelid - Object model

public OnBarrierEnter(playerid, barrierid, keys)

Called when a trigger zone is entered

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier
  • keys - Interaction button

OnBarrierLeave(playerid, barrierid)

Called when the trigger zone is entered

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • barrierid - The ID of the barrier

Barrier statuses




#define MAX_BARRIERS                200

#define BARRIER_MAX_ATTACH          10




#define BARRIER_3DTEXT_LENGTH       144


#define BARRIER_NOT_CREATE_EXTRA_OBJECT // only for the object model 968