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Creation of transport radars in SAMP



  • mdialog
    Only for #define VEHICLE_RADAR_USE_EDITING_TOOLS true


Include in your code and begin using the library:

#include <vehicle-radar>


new radarid = VehicleRadarLoad(130, 50.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // create a radar
SetVehicleRadarExtraValue(radarid, 1005); // add the value

public OnPlayerEnterVehicleRadar(playerid, radarid, vehicleid, activation_count)
    printf("Enter Vehicle Radar | radarid: %d | vehicleid: %d | activation_count: %d", radarid, vehicleid, activation_count)
    return 1;

public OnPlayerVehicleRadarCreate(playerid, radarid, speed_limit, Float:zone_size, bool:disabled, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid, interiorid)
    printf("Create | radarid %d | speed_limit %d | zone_size %f | x %.2f | y %.2f | z %.2f | rx %.2f | ry %.2f | rz %.2f | worldid %d | int %d", 
        radarid, speed_limit, zone_size, x, y, z,  rx, ry,  rz,  worldid, interiorid
    //Mysql R39-6 save example
    static const mysql_str[] = 
        "INSERT INTO vehicle_radar (`speed_limit`,`zone_size`,`x`,`y`,`z`,`rx`,`ry`,`rz`,`worldid`,`interiorid`) VALUE ('%d','%f','%f','%f','%f','%f','%f','%f','%d','%d')";
    new string[sizeof(mysql_str)];

    mysql_format(mysql, string, sizeof(string), mysql_str, speed_limit, zone_size,  x, y, z, rx, ry, rz,  worldid, interiorid);
    new Cache:result = mysql_query(mysql, string);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "mysql error creating a vehicle radar");
        return 1;

    SetVehicleRadarExtraValue(radarid, cache_insert_id()); // writes the id of the new row
    return 1;

public OnPlayerVehicleRadarEdit(playerid, radarid, speed_limit, Float:zone_size, bool:disabled, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid, interiorid)
    printf("Edit | radarid %d | speed_limit %d | zone_size %f | x %.2f | y %.2f | z %.2f | rx %.2f | ry %.2f | rz %.2f | worldid %d | int %d", 
        radarid, speed_limit, zone_size, x, y, z,  rx, ry,  rz,  worldid, interiorid
    //Mysql R39-6 save example
    static const mysql_str[] = 
        "UPDATE vehicle_radar SET speed_limit=%d,zone_size='%f',x='%f',y='%f',z='%f',rx='%f',ry='%f',rz='%f',worldid=%d,interiorid=%d WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1";
    new string[sizeof(mysql_str)];

    mysql_format(mysql, string, sizeof(string), mysql_str, speed_limit, zone_size,  x, y, z, rx, ry, rz,  worldid, interiorid,  GetVehicleRadarExtraValue(radarid));
    mysql_tquery(mysql, string);
    return 1;

public OnPlayerVehicleRadarDelete(playerid, radarid, extra_value)
    printf("Delete | radarid %d | extra_value %d", radarid, extra_value);
    //Mysql R39-6 save example
    static const mysql_str[] = "DELETE FROM vehicle_radar WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1";
    new string[sizeof(mysql_str) + 11];

    mysql_format(mysql, string, sizeof(string), mysql_str, extra_value);
    mysql_tquery(mysql, string);
    return 1;


public OnPlayerEnterVehicleRadar(playerid, radarid, vehicleid, activation_count)

  • Called when the radar is triggered
  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • vehicleid - The ID of vehicle
  • activation_count - Triggering

public OnPlayerVehicleRadarCreate(playerid, radarid, speed_limit, Float:zone_size, bool:disabled, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid, interiorid)

Called when creating a radar

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • speed_limit - Speed limit in km/h
  • Float:zone_size - Trigger distance
  • bool:disabled - Disabled radar (false | true)
  • Float:x - The x coordinate to create the object
  • Float:y - The y coordinate to create the object
  • Float:z - The z coordinate to create the object
  • Float:rx - The x rotation of the object
  • Float:ry - The y rotation of the object
  • Float:rz - The z rotation of the object
  • worldid - The virtual world ID
  • interiorid - The interior ID

public OnPlayerVehicleRadarEdit(playerid, radarid, speed_limit, Float:zone_size, bool:disabled, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid, interiorid)

Called when editing

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • speed_limit - Speed limit in km/h
  • Float:zone_size - Trigger distance
  • bool:disabled - Disabled radar (false | true)
  • Float:x - The x coordinate the object
  • Float:y - The y coordinate the object
  • Float:z - The z coordinate the object
  • Float:rx - The x rotation of the object
  • Float:ry - The y rotation of the object
  • Float:rz - The z rotation of the object
  • worldid - The virtual world ID
  • interiorid - The interior ID

public OnPlayerVehicleRadarDelete(playerid, radarid, extra_value)

Called when the radar is removed

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • extra_value - Value
  • Note: extra_value set via SetVehicleRadarExtraValue



Create a radar

  • playerid - The ID of the player


List of created radars

  • playerid - The ID of the player

VehicleRadarLoad(speed_limit, Float:zone_size, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, bool:disabled = false, const text3D[] = "", text3D_color = -1, Float:text3D_distance = VEHICLE_RADAR_3DTEXT_DISTANCE)

Load Radar

  • speed_limit - Speed limit in km/h
  • Float:zone_size - Trigger distance
  • Float:x - The x coordinate to create the object
  • Float:y - The y coordinate to create the object
  • Float:z - The z coordinate to create the object
  • Float:rx - The x rotation of the object
  • Float:ry - The y rotation of the object
  • Float:rz - The z rotation of the object
  • worldid - The virtual world ID
  • interiorid - The interior ID
  • bool:disabled - Disabled radar (false | true)
  • const text3D[] - 3DText
  • text3D_color - 3DText color
  • Float:text3D_distance - 3DText draw distance
  • Returns (0) on failure or id radar

DeleteVehicleRadar(playerid, radarid, bool:callback = true)

Remove radar

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • callback - Call OnPlayerVehicleRadarDelete on deletion
  • Return: Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success

SetVehicleRadarActivationCount(radarid, count)

Set the number of triggers

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • count - Count
  • Return: Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success


Get the number of triggers

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • Return: Returns (0) on failure or Count

SetVehicleRadarSpeedLimit(radarid, speed)

Set a speed limit

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • speed - Speed in km/h
  • Return: Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success


Get the speed limit

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • Return: Returns (0) on failure or speed

SetVehicleRadarZoneSize(radarid, Float:zone_size)

Set the trigger distance

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • Float:zone_size - Trigger distance
  • Return: Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success

GetVehicleRadarZoneSize(radarid, &Float:zone_size)

Get trigger distance

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • &Float:zone_size - Current distance
  • Return: Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success

SetVehicleRadarText(radarid, const text[], color, Float:drawdistance = VEHICLE_RADAR_3DTEXT_DISTANCE, Float:x = 0.0, Float:y = 0.0, Float:z = 0.0)

Set 3D Text

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • text[] - Text
  • color - Color
  • Float:drawdistance - Draw distance
  • Float:x - The X coordinate to create the text
  • Float:y - The Y coordinate to create the text
  • Float:z - The Z coordinate to create the text
  • Return: Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success

SetVehicleRadarExtraValue(radarid, value)

Set the value

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • value - value
  • Return: Returns (0) on failure or (1) on success


Get the value

  • radarid - The ID of the radar
  • Return: Returns (0) on failure or Extra Value


#define MAX_VEHICLE_RADAR                   200

#define VEHICLE_RADAR_OBJECT_MODEL          18880 // object model


#define VEHICLE_RADAR_3DTEXT_LENGTH         144	// 3d text length

static VEHICLE_RADAR_3DTEXT_TEXT[] =        "Speed radar №%d\nSpeed Limit: %d (km/h)";

#define VEHICLE_RADAR_3DTEXT_DISTANCE       15.0 // 3d text draw distance

#define VEHICLE_RADAR_MAX_ROWS_LIST         20 // max dialog list lines

#define VEHICLE_RADAR_USE_EDITING_TOOLS     true //use editing tools

#define VEHICLE_RADAR_COLOR_1               "{8fce00}" // 0x8fce00

#define VEHICLE_RADAR_COLOR_2               "{f44747}" // 0xf44747

#define VEHICLE_RADAR_COLOR_3               "{F5D742}" // 0xF5D742

const Float:VEHICLE_RADAR_SPEED_MULTIPLIER = 179.28625; // speed multiplier