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Host your own instance of the frontend

BrightDV edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 1 revision

Host your own instance of the frontend

Before trying to host your own instance

You must be aware that Box, Box! does not work alone. You need a Box, Box! Server set too. This limitation is there because of the browsers' CORS policy. I may try in the future to merge both parts in order to make it easier to deploy.

Also, if you are planning to make a public instance, I can grant you the access to the server used by the main instance.

Building the webapp

To do the following steps, Flutter is required.

If you do not have Flutter installed, follow the official step-by-step installation.

Then, run:

git clone
cd BoxBox
flutter build web --release

After some time, it will create a folder named web inside the build folder.

Be careful, it is not the web folder at the root of the repo!

Then, you have to copy the content of the whole web folder to the place that you want to run Box, Box!

That's it! You do not even have to run some code, because it is now an index.html file and a main.js file (mostly…).

Additional setup

  • If you are not running Box, Box! from the root of your website (e.g.,, you have to change the href attribute of the base tag. To do so, open the index.html file and modify the fifth line: replace the / by the path to the folder.