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UI Client for sending telemetry from the browser to a telemetry service.

The purpose of this library is to make it easier to construct telemetry events matching the standardized schema (Standard Events) for generating product telemetry as defined in the links below and then to send the events to the Product Telemetry Service.

Base schema for UI Telemetry Events

UI Telemetry Event Schema Example UI Telemetry Event

UI Performance Event Schema Example UI Performance Event

UI Problem Event Schema Example UI Problem Event

As an experiment, there is also a JSON-LD context for defining terms used in TelemetryEvents. This is an exercise to see if there is value in trying to adopt a common vocabulary. The context is modelled after the IMS Caliper context. Note: JSON-LD is not currently used by any component in the event processing system, so this is purely documentary at this point. Experimental Vocabulary

Note: Some properties defined by the telemetry event schema will be set by the backend service when it handles the event. These include: Version, EventId, Timestamp, TenantId, EventBody.Timestamp, EventBody.Actor.Id, EventBody.TenantUrl, EventBody.Browser.



Install d2l-telemetry-browser-client via NPM:

npm install d2l-telemetry-browser-client


In NPM, require it normally:

const d2lTelemetryBrowserClient = require('d2l-telemetry-browser-client');


In ES6, use an import statement:

import d2lTelemetryBrowserClient from 'd2l-telemetry-browser-client';

The client uses d2l-fetch for making the API requests to the telemetry service. See the d2l-fetch browser compatibility instructions for additional requirements.


const client = new d2lTelemetryBrowserClient.Client({

const id = '';

// EventBody.Object.Id is currently restricted to simple types which do not include ':' characters
// by current BDP processing. Even though these events are not yet going to BDP, suggestion
// is to either use an internal identifier or encode the URL.
// The URL is included as a new EventBody.Object.Url property.
const eventBody = new d2lTelemetryBrowserClient.EventBody()
  .setObject(encodeURIComponent(id), 'Article', id);

const event = new d2lTelemetryBrowserClient.TelemetryEvent()
  .setDate(new Date())




npm install
npm run test

Versioning and Releasing

This repo is configured to use semantic-release. Commits prefixed with fix: and feat: will trigger patch and minor releases when merged to main.

To learn how to create major releases and release from maintenance branches, refer to the semantic-release GitHub Action documentation.