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Releases: BrightwellPayments/readyremit-sdk-ios


04 Apr 17:58
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Release Notes ReadyRemit SDK v5.5

  • Purpose of payment – A VISA requirement after April 15th for certain LATAM corridors
  • Second surname, or ‘Second last name’, support for Cash pickup in LATAM corridors
  • Locale support for decimal separators
  • Updates to Spanish (Mexico) translation and removal of spelling & grammatical errors
  • The receipt is downloadable and shareable


19 Jan 21:21
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Release Notes

  • UX/UI upgrades to the ‘Recipient’ and ‘Add a recipient’ screen.
  • The host app can now close the SDK on a timer when the SDK is inactive.

Best Practice: 120-300 seconds, or 2-5 minutes.
How to use it:

  • Upgrade to the V2 iFrame for Push to Card support


20 Dec 23:13
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Release Notes

  • Removed the "List of available locations for pickup" Google document from the 'Review' and 'Success' screens in the SDK.


30 Oct 14:14
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SDK Release Notes Version 5.2

Bug Fixes

• Fixed the ‘Asset Validation Error’ related to a third-party vendor for iOS. No additional configuration is required. Simply consume the new SDK.


18 Sep 18:48
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SDK Release Notes Version 5.1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the text on the Recipient card detail screen to match the purpose of entering the debit card information.
  • Fixed an issue on the Transfer detail screen where the fee was not showing if the user set Spanish as the preferred language.
  • Corrected the Spanish text on the confirmation screen that showed an invalid character.
  • Corrected Recipient detail screen to prevent the movement of screen components when the keyboard shows.
  • Corrected the Verify your ID screen so the Continue button resides at the bottom of the screen.
  • Fixed a problem on the Recipient details screen where the showing of the keyboard created a bigger margin at the bottom of the screen.
  • Corrected the Verify your ID screen to resolve line and space formatting issues.

Follow the migration guide for 5.0 if you are upgrading from an SDK version previous to 5.0.


17 Aug 18:31
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SDK Release Notes Version 5.0

  1. Updated SDK with KYC libraries removed from the installation.
    a. NOTE: Documentation has been updated for which version to install if KYC is not required.
  2. Updated screens and functionality allowing users to send OCT transfers to a recipient debit card.
  3. Improved the image capture for a user’s identification documents and selfie images.
    a. NOTE: ALL present KYC frameworks must be replaced in the customer’s project to implement version 5.0 of the SDK. Updated instructions to integrate these frameworks are now published in the ReadyRemit developer portal.
  4. Created a new transition image to give users a more confident experience while submitting transfers.
  5. Improved the architecture for both SDKs for a cleaner and more scalable product and reduced redundancy.
  6. Updated all semi-bold fonts to be bold for consistency.
  7. Updated the color on the transition pages to match the branded color of the SDK.
  8. Updated titles and text to reflect a more understandable user experience.
  9. Spanish translation updates for a more understandable Spanish user experience

Bug Fixes

  1. Resolved an issue where chevrons were not disappearing when a drop-down field was disabled.
  2. Resolved a problem with phone numbers on the receipt being displayed in the wrong format.
  3. Improved the Transfer Details screen so fields and buttons cannot be interacted with while data is being loaded.
  4. Corrected the Transfer Details screen so clearer error messages are displayed if the user leaves a required field empty.
  5. Resolved a problem on the Review screen where the bank code was being displayed as the bank name.
  6. Resolved a problem on the Confirmation screen where the view receipt link was incorrectly underlined.
  7. Adjusted the text formatting of the Receipt disclaimer section.
  8. Corrected multiple screens where an area at the bottom blocked the user from touching the Continue button if the user navigated between screens.
  9. Corrected multiple screens to prevent user navigation if the internet connection becomes disabled.
  10. Corrected pop-up screen margins when the disclaimer and terms and conditions documents were opened by the user.
  11. Corrected the Receipt screen so the phone and email links are clickable.
  12. Resolved a problem with the Transfer Details screen where the send amount field would become hidden after retrieving a quote with a 0.00 send amount.

Migration Guide (from previous versions)

This guide describes the steps to transition your project from earlier versions of the iOS SDK to the latest 5.0 version. A few modifications are required due to updates that enhance the quality of images. Follow this guide to upgrade your project effectively.

• Replace the previous version of these files in your frameworks folder with the newer versions that were included in the 5.0 release:

  • AccuantCamera.xcframework
  • AcuantCommon.xcframework
  • AcuantFaceCapture.xcframework
  • AcuantImagePreparation.xcframework
  • AcuantPassiveLiveness.xcframework
  • ScanForensicsPlus.xcframework
  • TesseractOCR.xcframework

• Add new strings localized strings to your project. Follow Apple’s guide for supporting languages and regions in iOS applications. (

  • Localizable.en
"acuant_camera_align" = "ALIGN";
"acuant_camera_manual_capture" = "ALIGN & TAP";
"acuant_camera_move_closer" = "MOVE CLOSER";
"acuant_camera_hold_steady" = "HOLD STEADY";
"acuant_camera_capturing" = "CAPTURING";
"acuant_camera_outside_view" = "TOO CLOSE!";

"acuant_face_camera_initial" = "Align face to start capture";
"acuant_face_camera_face_too_close" = "Too Close! Move Away";
"acuant_face_camera_face_too_far" = "Move Closer";
"acuant_face_camera_face_has_angle" = "Face has Angle. Do not tilt";
"acuant_face_camera_face_not_in_frame" = "Move in Frame";
"acuant_face_camera_face_moved" = "Hold Steady";
"acuant_face_camera_capturing_2" = "Capturing\n2...";
"acuant_face_camera_capturing_1" = "Capturing\n1...";

"idology_header_title" = "Please capture the front of the ID";
"idology_retry" = "Retry";
"idology_cancel" = "Cancel";
"idology_confirm" = "Confirm";
"idology_captureBack" = "If you are satisfied please confirm and capture the back of the document";
"idology_captureSelfie" = "If you are satisfied please confirm and please take a selfie";
"idology_thankYou" = "If you are satisfied with all the images, please confirm";
"idology_start" = "Start";
"acuant_camera_align" = "CENTRAR";
"acuant_camera_manual_capture" = "CENTRE Y TOQUE LA PANTALLA";
"acuant_camera_move_closer" = "ACÉRQUESE";
"acuant_camera_hold_steady" = "MANTÉNGASE FIRME";
"acuant_camera_capturing" = "CAPTURANDO";
"acuant_camera_outside_view" = "¡MUY CERCA!";

"acuant_face_camara_initial" = "Centre su rostro para tomar la foto";
"acuant_face_camera_face_too_close" = "¡Muy cerca! Retroceda";
"acuant_face_camera_face_too_far" = "Acérquese";
"acuant_face_camera_face_has_angle" = "Su rostro está inclinado. Por favor no lo incline";
"acuant_face_camera_face_not_in_frame" = "Muévase dentro del marco";
"acuant_face_camera_face_moved" = "Mantenga el teléfono estable";

"acuant_face_camera_capturing_2" = "Capturando\n2...";
"acuant_face_camera_capturing_1" = "Capturando\n1...";

"idology_header_title" = "Capture el frente de la identificación";

"idology_retry" = "Reintentar";
"idology_cancel" = "Cancelar";
"idology_confirm" = "Confirmar";

"idology_captureBack" = "Si está satisfecho, confirme y capture el dorso del documento";
"idology_captureSelfie" = "Si está satisfecho, confirme y tome una foto de su rostro";

"idology_thankYou" = "Si está satisfecho con las imágenes, por favor confirme";

"idology_start" = "Comenzar";

• For comprehensive knowledge on any additional updates required from ReadyRemit version 3.x or prior, follow the migration steps described here:
- Swift (UIKit)
- Swift (SwiftUI)
- React Native

• Additional resources for implementation and migration are also provided on the ReadyRemit developer portal:


07 Jun 23:40
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Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue on the Review screen where the back button was not being disabled after the user submits.


07 Jun 23:39
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Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue on the Review screen where the back button was not being disabled after the user submits.


01 Jun 18:53
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Product Updates

  • Updated the Recipients screen to be more intuitive when displaying Recipients and Accounts.
    i. Removed the cash pickup label under the Recipient if no account is defined to improve the clarity of the Recipient's account information.
    ii. Improved visibility of the Recipient name.
    iii. Improved the layout of the saved transfer methods for the Recipient.
    iv. Added a "Start new transfer" link under each Recipient to allow users to begin a new transfer to a new account.

  • Updated the branding definition and implementation within the SDK using design tokens that are easier for customers to understand.

  • Created a Branding Migration Guide for iOS and Android to easily update migration settings.

  • Improved the KYC process flow by dividing the first steps into two screens to provide clearer instructions for submitting eligible documents and for taking ID and Selfie photos.

  • Updated font sizes, backgrounds, margins, and spacing on all SDK screens to
    provide a more uniform visual experience.

  • Updated product documentation with new branding details, and instructions for
    incorporating new libraries and implementing new versions of the SDK.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved a banner error message displayed when a transfer fails due to a failed KYC status. A message to contact support will be displayed.
  • Improved the Location Details screen for the cash pickup Payment Type to accurately display Payer and Payer Locations.
  • Added a clearer message to the Recipient Profile if no Recipient accounts have been added.
  • Resolved an issue where the Recipient Account screen was being skipped when creating a new transfer for an existing Recipient.
  • Resolved visual discrepancies on the Recipient Account screen for iOS 14 users.
  • Resolved an issue on multiple screens where dropdowns were difficult to select.

Migration Guide

In this migration guide, you'll discover the steps required to transition your project from version 3.x or previous to the latest version 4.0 of our iOS SDK. The transition necessitates a few modifications on your part due to our enhancements in styling, simplified color token handling, and the adoption of intuitive naming conventions. Follow this guide to upgrade your project effectively.

  • Alter your theme objects: Our SDK styling has undergone a facelift to be more intuitive and user-friendly. To adapt to these alterations, tailor your theme objects to the following structure:

    let scheme = ReadyRemitColorScheme()
    scheme.background = UIColor(lightHex: "#F3F4F6", darkHex: "#111111") //Background color
    scheme.foreground = UIColor(lightHex: "#FFFFFF", darkHex: "#1F1F1F") //Card color
    scheme.text = UIColor(lightHex: "#0E0F0C", darkHex: "#E3E3E3") // Title color
    scheme.textSecondary = UIColor(lightHex: "#454545", darkHex: "#FF9800") // Default text color
    scheme.buttonText = UIColor(lightHex: "#000000", darkHex: "#B0B0B0")  //Button text color
    scheme.danger = UIColor(lightHex: "#AA220F", darkHex: "#AA220F") //Error messages, error lines, error fields
    scheme.dangerLight = UIColor(lightHex: "#9C6D67", darkHex: "#9C6D67") //Danger button color
    scheme.divider = UIColor(lightHex: "#E2E2E2", darkHex: "#313131") //Divider colors
    scheme.success = UIColor(lightHex: "#008761", darkHex: "#008761") //Success messages
    scheme.icon = UIColor(lightHex: "#444444", darkHex: "#7E7E7E") //Icon colors
    scheme.inputLine = UIColor(lightHex: "#858585", darkHex: "#505050") //Field line border color
    scheme.primary = UIColor(lightHex: "#FAED8C", darkHex: "#BDB708") //Button, actions and link color
    scheme.primaryLight = UIColor(lightHex: "#FAF4C8", darkHex: "#B5B374") //Advices and informative color

** If you are using react native do the following:

const styles = {
fonts: {
  default: { family: 'luminari' }
colors: {
  buttonText: { lightHex: "#000000", darkHex: "#FFFFFF" }, //Button text color
  divider: { lightHex: "#E2E2E2", darkHex: "#313131" }, //Divider colors
  icon: { lightHex: "#444444", darkHex: "#7E7E7E" }, //Icon colors
  inputLine: { lightHex: "#858585", darkHex: "#505050" }, //Field line border color
  primary: { lightHex: "#FAED8C", darkHex: "#BDB708" }, //Button, actions and link color
  primaryLight: { lightHex: "#FAF4C8", darkHex: "#B5B374" }, //Advices and informative color
  text: { lightHex: "#0E0F0C", darkHex: "#E3E3E3" }, // Title color
  textSecondary: { lightHex: "#454545", darkHex: "#B0B0B0" }, // Default text color
  background: { lightHex: "#F3F4F6", darkHex: "#111111" }, //Background color
  foreground: { lightHex: "#FFFFFF", darkHex: "#1F1F1F" }, //Card color
  success: { lightHex: "#008761", darkHex: "#008761" }, //Success messages
  danger: { lightHex: "#AA220F", darkHex: "#AA220F" }, //Error messages, error lines, error fields
  dangerLight: { lightHex: "#9C6D67", darkHex: "#9C6D67" }, //Danger button color
  • Redefine the RCTReadyRemitModule.m file: We've created a revised version of the RCTReadyRemitModule.m file for your convenience. Your task is to replicate the complete code, superseding your existing file. The file can be located here

  • Incorporate the Visa library: Our latest feature includes Visa integration for debit card deposits. To avail of this service, you need to include the Visa library, found in the file. Follow the undermentioned steps to import it:

  1. Download the
  2. Extract the content into your Frameworks folder in the root of your iOS project
  3. Open the iOS project with XCode
  4. Select your project in Project Navigator
  5. Drag the new SDK to the "Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content" section
  6. Ensure that the "Embed & Sign" option is selected

For comprehensive knowledge on any additional alterations required for projects transitioning from version 3.x or prior, we urge you to peruse the full documentation. The documentation can be found at this address:


20 Apr 17:14
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Bug Fixes:

  • Resolves a build issue with a missing dependency

Migration Guide:

No action needed