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Simplified Truncated User Directed Endpoint Layer (STRUDEL)

Try to predict the outcome of premier league better than everyone else, and try your best to beat the APPLE prediction engine

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STRUDEL is the Vue-based web front end, designed to support some small level of orchestration (i.e. automated prediction management), but primarily as a tool for data entry/management and the "bug-the-user" prediction reminder/notification service (Name TBD).

The most common use for STRUDEL will be the main Prediction Entry screen where users will be able to make predictions for the current/next weeks Premier League fixtures. STRUDEL can then be used to view other users predictions, compare those predictions against its supported automated prediction engines, and view analysis' of said predictions in it's Analytics Dashboard.


ENKEL is the internal/external-facing api layer designed to support interoperability with external services such as the APPLE prediction engine. ENKEL also functions as the back-end for the STRUDEL front end, providing support for entity CRUD operations via the STRUDAL component.

API Documentation

For basic API Documentation, see ENKEL's README here. Advanced documentation can be found using Swagger.


STRUDAL encompasses the Data Access Layer used to ENKEL. Currently it is implemented using TypeORM. This component of the system manages all CRUD operations, both simple and composite, as well as Entity definitions and the DAO's for said entities. All database operations happen through STRUDAL.