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@shakyShane shakyShane released this 14 Sep 20:27
· 479 commits to master since this release

2 fixes & a really useful new option.

  • FIXED - the version number of the Browsersync client script is now added as a query param instead of within the file path. This is a massive help for users that have the snippet saved in a file.

    Fun fact: other than a sanity check to show which release of Browsersync you're using, the version number actually serves no purpose, and that's why:

  1. it should've never been part of the the path in the first place as it caused problems for people upgrading
  2. you've always been able to access the JS file without the version number at the end, but this wasn't the default... so no one did it... so I've fixed it now instead 👍

  • ADDED - new option cors: true - setting this will ensure that all assets served by Browsersync (including the script file itself) in all modes will have HTTP access control headers added.

    This allows any domain to access your files, which can lead to some creative workflows - for example, you could create a chrome extension that added some files you have locally into a live site & have Browsersync auto-update them when they change.

enjoy :)