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Configuring Windows Subsystem for Linux to use the Pants Build System


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Configuring WSL to use the Pants Build System

WSL: Windows Subsystem for Linux (Version 2)

Learn about Pants here.

The Pants 2 build system runs under Linux. If you are running on either MacOS or Linux, you're ready to use Pants if you can use the terminal on those systems (although you might still need to install additional Python interpreters, as shown later). On Windows, Pants only runs under WSL (They are working on supporting Windows directly). If you have not installed WSL on your machine, the following instructions will guide you.

Installing WSL on Windows 10/11 from the Microsoft Store

NOTE: These instructions assume there is no prior WSL on your system. Some steps might have changed after this was written. You might not see some of the error messages described here. Some messages changed and even went away during the development of this information.

  • Inside the Microsoft Store, search for Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. Click the "Get in Store app" button.
  • Click the "get" button.
  • Upon clicking the "Open" button after installing from the MS Store, you will see: Error: 0x800701bc WSL 2 requires an update to its kernel component. For information please visit [](
  • Follow the instructions at the above link to install the update.
  • Opening Ubuntu now produces a "virtual disk system limitation" error.
  • To fix this, open the Windows File Explorer and navigate to:
  • Right click on LocalState, then Properties, then Advanced.
  • Ensure "Compress contents to save disk space" and "Encrypt contents to secure data" are both deselected.
  • Click "OK," then "Apply," then "Apply changes to this folder only."
  • Now when you start Ubuntu it should be successful, and will ask you to create a username and password.
  • As per the suggestion, run wsl.exe --update
  • Double check your OS version by running lsb_release -a

Starting WSL

  • If you're in the Windows command prompt or PowerShell, you can start WSL with either wsl or bash.
  • For a better experience, I recommend installing the Windows Terminal. This can start up any kind of shell and uses multiple tabs.

Windows Directories vs. Linux Directories

  • WSL (Linux) uses its own directory system. It's possible to access the Windows directory system from within WSL, but there are problems that show up when using Pants.
  • It is important that you use the Linux directory system and not the Windows directory system when creating Pants projects in WSL.
  • If you have cloned this repository into a Windows directory, re-clone it into a Linux directory before going through the subsequent sections.
  • To discover whether you're in a Windows directory, at your WSL command prompt inside your cloned repository, run pwd. If the resulting path starts with /mnt/ (typically /mnt/c/), then you are in the Windows file system and you will have problems.
  • To fix this, start up a new Linux shell and run cd ~ to move to your home directory on Linux.
  • When you run pwd you should now see something like /home/bruce. Notice there's no /mnt/ at the beginning of the path.
  • Navigate to the directory where you want to clone this repository (or create a new directory and navigate there) and clone using the git command. For example:
    mkdir tmp
    cd tmp
    git clone

Using Github Desktop

  • If you prefer using Github Desktop rather than the command line...
  • As described above, start a Linux shell and navigate to the Linux directory where you want to clone the repository.
  • Find the path of that directory so you can tell Github Desktop where to put the repository. Run explorer.exe . which will open the Windows Explorer in that directory.
  • Click to the right (away from the path information) inside the address bar, and the path information will convert into a URL. For example: \\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-22.04\home\bruce\tmp. Copy this to the clipboard.
  • Go to
  • Click on the green <> Code button.
  • Select "Open with Github Desktop."
  • Github Desktop should start, and give you a popup window. One of the fields in that window is labeled "Local Path".
  • Paste the clipboard information as that local path and press the "Clone" button.

Python Version

  • Go through steps 0-3 in this repository. Each step is a directory containing its own README with the instructions for that step. You'll start with an ordinary Python repository (0_sample_without_pants), and add Pants support one step at a time.
  • NOTE: Although I've made all the appropriate files executable, for some reason this change doesn't seem to be uploaded to the Github repo. For that reason you will get a message when you try to run ./ or ./pants:
    -bash: ./ Permission denied
    -bash: ./pants: Permission denied
    To fix this you will need to run:
    chmod +x ./pants
    chmod +x ./
  • You will encounter a problem because the default interpreter for Ubuntu 22.04.1 is Python 3.10.6, so trying to run Pants produces:
    No valid Python interpreter found. For pants_version = "2.16.0.dev0", Pants requires Python 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9 to run. Please check that a valid interpreter is installed and on your $PATH.
  • We need to install a Python interpreter that Pants can work with.

Installing Additional Python Interpreters

  • Ubuntu depends on its default Python installation so you can't remove or replace it.
  • Note: If you have problems connecting to repos, make sure your VPN is turned off.
  • The deadsnakes repository was the one used in all the posts I found.
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
  • sudo apt update
  • We'll look for Python 3.9, the most recent one that Pants can use:
    apt list | grep python3.9
  • Install it:
    sudo apt install python3.9
  • We only need to add it to $PATH. No need to use update-alternatives.
  • If you run which python3.9, you should see /usr/bin/python3.9
  • Add the path for Python 3.9 to the $PATH variable. Open the file with code ~/.bashrc and add this to the end:
    export PATH="$PATH:/usr/bin/python3.9"
  • Either source ~/.bashrc or start a new bash (wsl) shell.
  • echo $PATH to verify that :/usr/bin/python3.9 is at the end of the path.
  • Now when you run Pants you may get a new error:
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.util'
  • Fix with: sudo apt install python3.9-distutils
  • Full details of this process can be found here.

Configuring for PyCharm or VSCode


Configuring Windows Subsystem for Linux to use the Pants Build System







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