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clj4azure-storage is a Clojure wrapper for the Azure Storage SDK.

clj4azure-storage repo available at:


  • Bruno Bonacci
  • Dayo Oliyide


This is still a work in progress, currently we support the following services/features

  • Azure Storage
    • Blobs
      • Create container
      • list blobs in a container
      • download blobs from a container
      • upload blobs(files) into containers

To use the library, add the following dependency to your project.clj

[clj4azure/clj4azure-storage "0.1.0"]

and then in your namespace add:

(ns myproject
    (:refer-clojure :exclude [list])
    (:require [ :refer :all]))

Storage / blobs

Connect to a container (either existing or create one if needed):

(def cnt (blob-container 
          {:storage-account-name "my-account"
           :storage-account-key  "my-account-key"
           :storage-container    "my-container"}))
(def new-cnt (blob-container 
              {:storage-account-name "my-account"
               :storage-account-key  "my-account-key"
               :storage-container    "new-container"
               :create-if-needed true}))

List the content of a container.

(list cnt)
;;=> ("file1.txt" "file2.txt" "directory1/" ... ) 

List all blobs which starts with a common prefix

(list cnt :prefix "file")
;;=> ("file1.txt" "file2.txt")

List the content of the sub-directories NOTE: list is NOT lazy, so if you have large number of files might cause OutOfMemoryError.

(list cnt :recursive true)
;;=> ("file1.txt" 
      ... ) 

Optionally you can get the full metadata associated with the blobs

(list cnt :recursive true :with-metadata true)

;; =>
({:is-directory? false,
  :path "directory1/fileA.txt",
  :uri #<URI>,
  :metadata {"hdi_permission" 
              "{\"owner\":\"admin\",\"group\":\"supergroup\",\"permissions\":\"rwxr-xr-x\"}" },
  :properties {:content-language nil,
               :content-disposition nil,
               :lease-status :UNLOCKED,
               :etag "\"0x8D1C0AF11753D19\"",
               :last-modified #inst "2014-10-28T10:14:18.000-00:00",
               :cache-control nil,
               :lease-duration nil,
               :length 544,
               :content-type "application/octet-stream",
               :content-md5 "Qtg4wMzVyJnihlpd2P6Msw==",
               :copy-state nil,
               :content-econding nil,
               :lease-state :AVAILABLE,
               :blob-type :BLOCK_BLOB}},

For example if you want to find last 10 files which have been created/modified in a specific container you can do as follow:

; download last 10 files
 (list cnt :recursive true  :with-metadata true)       ;; list blobs with metadata
 (filter (complement :is-directory?))                  ;; filter directories out
 (map (juxt :path (comp :last-modified :properties)))  ;; extract only :path and :last-modified
 (sort-by second)                                      ;; sort-by timestamp
 (map first)                                           ;; extract only path names 
 (take-last 10))                                       ;; finally take the last 10

;=> ("new-file1.txt" "/some-dir/new-file2.json" ...)

You can download a blob with the following function which takes

  • a container
  • a blob to download
  • a local filename to write to
  • optionally whether to overwrite the file if it exists locally (default: false)
(download-blob cnt "my-data/history/buildings.csv" "/tmp/buildings.csv" :overwrite true)
;;=> #<File "/tmp/buildings.csv">

If you don't mind about the local filename you can just download to a temporary file with:

  cnt                              ;; a container
  "my-data/history/buildings.csv"  ;; blob to download
  "/tmp"                           ;; folder where to download to
  :file-prefix "XXXX"              ;; generate temp files with the following prefix (default "blob-") 
  :file-suffix "YYYY")             ;; generate temp files with the following suffiz (default ".data")

You can upload a file into blob storage using the following function which takes

  • a container
  • a blob name
  • a local filename to upload
(upload-blob cnt "Flats.csv" "/tmp/flats.csv")


Copyright © 2014 B. Bonacci, D. Oliyide

Distributed under the The MIT License (MIT).


A Clojure wrapper for Azure Storage SDK







No releases published
