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Pulse Analysis


Please see the following reference for more detailed description of this pipeline. If you wish to use the code, please reference this work in any resulting publication:

  • T. M. Urner et al."Normative cerebral microvascular blood flow waveform morphology assessed with Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy," Biomed Opt Express, in press (2023)

Please also reference the below publication if using the script delineator.m:

  • BN Li, MC Dong & MI Vai (2010) On an automatic delineator for arterial blood pressure waveforms Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 5(1) 76-81.

For R code to implement time-waited averaging as discussed in the paper, plase see:


This code was tested in the following MATLAB environment:

MATLAB Version: (R2023a)
MATLAB License Number: 621625
Operating System: macOS  Version: 13.2.1 Build: 22D68 
Java Version: Java 1.8.0_202-b08 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
MATLAB                                                Version 9.14        (R2023a)
Curve Fitting Toolbox                                 Version 3.9         (R2023a)
Image Processing Toolbox                              Version 11.7        (R2023a)
Medical Imaging Toolbox                               Version 1.1         (R2023a)
Parallel Computing Toolbox                            Version 7.8         (R2023a)
Signal Processing Toolbox                             Version 9.2         (R2023a)
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox               Version 12.5        (R2023a)
Symbolic Math Toolbox   

(HINT: the command ver in MATLAB will give you this info for your environment)

Input Data

Please see the Example_Data example input dataset. The code assumes that data is saved with the format [Subject ID]--[varname].mat, as shown below. File handling within pulse_analysis_main.m is mostly in parse_db.m.

Variable Name Description Format
TimeAxis_DCS Time axis of the BFI data (Dbfit) Column vector time axis of Dbfit (20Hz)
Dbfit BFI value for each timepoint determined by fitting to the diffusion model Column vector of data taken with source-detector separation 2.5cm
Marks_index Marks in the data Column 1: Original row number
Column 2: Mark number
Column 3: time relative to start of acquisition
raw_ABP_masterdata ABP data from the CNAP A four column vector, but only columns 1-4 are used.

Column 1: Time from start of acquisition (125Hz)
Column 2 Voltage data read directly off the ABP recording equipment by labview
Column 3: ABP data, calculated in labview software. If cnap argument is called in pulse_analysis_main.m this column is updated from the raw voltage with the appropriate conversion upon loading.

Optional marks input

Data can be sorted into states and substates using an excel spreadsheet and the Marks_index.mat variable. Two different examples of state/substate naming are given as 'marks1' and 'marks2' spreadsheets and runfiles. The key terms are state_start, state_end, substate start, and substate end. Substate names must have the state name in them too. In the 'marks1' example, the state is a hypercapnia (HC) experiment and the substates are 'HC baseline' and 'HC Gas On'. The 'marks2' example is the same but uses a different naming scheme.

HC State Start SubjectID Run HC Baseline Substate Start HC Baseline Substate End HC Gas On Substate Start HC Gas On Substate End HC State End
27_01_FC27 1 47 47 50 52 58 62
25_01_FC25 1 50 50 52 52 62 63

Running the code

  1. In matlab, go to "Set Path" and select the "add folder with subfolders". Add the parent directory of this example to the search path.
  2. Open the desired run script. Three example scripts for running pulse_analysis_main.m are given - one with no marks and two examples with marks.
  3. Set filepaths such that data_folder points to a folder with input data in the example format and save_dir is the desired output directory. If a marks spreadsheet is being used, set its path with analysis table.
% Set filepaths  %                                                         
BASEPATH = '/Users/taraurner/BuckleyLab/tmu_code/PIPELINES/20_HEALTHY_PULSATILITY_2023_BOE/PULSEANALYSIS/BOE_GithubExample'
data_folder = [BASEPATH filesep 'ExampleData'];   % BFI and ABP data to be analyzed
analysis_tbl = [BASEPATH filesep 'data_index_usemarks2.xlsx']  % Contains marks input
save_dir = [BASEPATH filesep 'ExampleOutput' filesep 'marks2_pulse_analysis_out' filesep];      % Save location      % Save location
if ~exist(save_dir,'dir')
  1. Set analysis options and run the main analysis function pulse_analysis_main.
% Run analysis %
sds = 2;
fname = mfilename('fullpath');
ftext = fileread([fname '.m']);
text = [fname ':' ftext];
[ftbl,wtbl,ptbl,dat_tbl] = pulse_analysis_main(data_folder,save_dir,'sds',sds,...


Several tables are returned by the pulse_analysis_main function:

  • ftbl: table of full timeseries for all subjects
  • wtbl: windows for all subjects, one row for each window in the data
  • ptbl: all pulses identified for each subject, one row for each pulse
  • dat_tbl: a mix of information from wtbl and ptbl with tables sorted by state and subject

Pulse morphology parameters in the table are as follows ('ln' stands for 'length normalized'):

params = {
            'onset flow',                   'osf_ln';...
            'mean flow',                    'mf_ln';...
            'peak systolic flow',           'psf_ln';...
            'end diastolic flow',           'edf_ln';...
            'flow peak height',             'fph_ln';...
            'flow area under the curve',    'f_auc_subedf';...

            'flow resistive index',         'RI_ln';...
            'flow pulsatility index',       'PI_ln';...
            'onset pressure',               'osp_ln';...
            'mean pressure',                'mp_ln';...           
            'peak systolic pressure',       'psp_ln';...
            'end diastolic pressure',       'edp_ln';...            
            'pressure peak height',         'pph_ln';...
            'pressure under the curve',     'p_auc_subedp';...     

Pulse morphology quantification for each subject at rest and during hypercapnia can be found in PaperData/healthy-adult-pulsemorpho.csv.


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