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How to use Tags Search Dialog

o5faruk edited this page May 2, 2021 · 4 revisions


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Tags search dialog accessible via the plugin SDK from the control side of the plugin which allows plugin developers to show tags search dialog through the control side to allow the app owner to select tags and then do some operation on these tags.

buildfire.auth.showTagsSearchDialog({},(error, tags)=>{ });

This builtin dialog helps you, to show a dialog in order to be used to select tags.

You can use this in the Control Side only.


  • options : object * This property will give the plugin developers the functionality for allowing changing tags' search dialog options (to be extended later).

  • callback(errors, result): function will be invoked after the control panel user selects the tags.

    • result: (Array of objects)

                  "id": "123123123",
                  "tagName": "admin"
                  "id": "123123124",
                  "tagName": "vip"


var callback=function(error, result){
//Check for errors, the result will have array of tags


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