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Bunya Pine Tree edited this page May 4, 2024 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the LethalCompany_ModelReplacementAPI wiki!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is my screen red and black in game?
A: There is a camera somewhere on your model that is taking focus from the in game camera. Either delete or disable it, and rebuild your assetbundle afterwards.

Q: How do I add multiple models to a single assetbundle?
A: Every prefab that you link to a Model Replacement Project will be built into the same assetbundle. Link all of the models you want added, and regenerate your project. (Note that this will overwrite your work if you do it in the same location) And all of the model replacement classes will be setup in bodyReplacements.cs

Q: How do I use this mod with MoreSuits?
A: First of all setup all of your suit pngs in your moresuits folder. These can be as simple as the same base texture with the name MySuit.png, but you are free to recolor them to differentiate your suit on the rack. If you don't plan on adding a config and only want to use your provided suit for the model replacement, the answer is as simple as deleting everything relating to the config in your plugin.cs and adding the line ModelReplacementAPI.RegisterSuitModelReplacement("MySuit", typeof(MySuitClass)); to your plugin Awake(). If you want to keep the config, all you have to do is change the default value of your suit replacement names from "Default,Orange suit" to "MySuit" Don't forget to add dependencies to the MoreSuits mod.

Q: Why am I getting this error?
A: You need to install ModelReplacementAPI.dll from the releases section, or off thunderstore, and place it in your folder next to your .csproj

Q: When I open my .csproj in visual studio it doesn't have a build button
A: You need to install the c# package on visual studio

Q: When I import my model into the SDK, why is it sideways?
A: We don't know why, but supposedly you can fix this by renaming your model.