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Project Demo

  1. Description

This repo contains the FrontEnd i.e. client side rendering for the iNotebook app. This api is based on the CRUD application , i.e. Create Read Update Delete. The use of this application is to help people to save their thoughts, TODOs, quick note and many more. This frontend contains 4 pages Home, About, Login and Sigup.

  1. Folder Structure
- public
    |---------> favicon.ico
    |---------> index.html
    |---------> logo192.png
    |---------> logo512.png
    |---------> manifest.json
    |---------> robots.txt
- src
    |---> assets
            |---------> Login-sigup.png
    |---> components
            |---------> About.js
            |---------> AddNote.js
            |---------> Alert.js
            |---------> Home.js
            |---------> Login.js
            |---------> Navbar.js
            |---------> Note.js
            |---------> NoteItem.js
            |---------> SignUp.js
    |---> context
            |---------> noteContext.js
            |---------> NoteState.js
    |---> css
            |---------> login.css
    |---> App.css
    |---> App.js
    |---> index.css
    |---> index.js
    |---> reportWebVitals.js
- .gitignore
- package-lock.json
- package.json
  1. To install all the dependencies from package.json

npm install

  1. Technologies used for FrontEnd

bootstrap css3 html5 javascript react