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Project for my master's thesis to research possibilities of network compression.

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Neurcomp Compression

Master's Thesis

Project for my master's thesis to research possibilities of compressing Scene Representation Networks based on latent feature grids with network pruning algorithms. The aim is to use the pruning algorithms for identifying the network parameters most important to the reconstruction quality and eliminating the less significant ones. This enables the network to learn a good tradeoff between compression ratio and reconstruction quality.

The network is based on Neurcomp. Besides a binary masking pruning, the pruning algorithms of Smallify and Variational Dropout are implemented.

Quick Start


Basic functionalities, such as training and quantization of the network with 3D numpy arrays as input, as well as writing of the results as .vti files can be enabled by installing with pip (NeurcompRequirements.txt) or conda (NeurcompEnv.yml). The resulting .vti files can be visualized with ParaView.

Optionally: Pyrenderer can be used as a visualization tool and to feed CVol Data into the network. Follow the instructions under for installation.


Datasets and corresponding config files for all experiments can be found in datasets/ and experiment-config-files/.

Train and run the network:

  1. Install the requirements from NeurcompRequirements.txt (pip) or NeurcompEnv.yml (conda).
  2. Generate a config-file for the experiment or use one under experiment-config-files/. Descriptions for the different parameters can be generated with python --help.
  3. Use python --config <Path-To-Config-File> to start training.
  4. During training, Tensorboard tracks the experiment under mlruns/. A checkpoint to the trained model, as well as the config-file and basic information about the training are logged to experiments/<expname>/. Also a .vti file for the ground-truth and model-predicted volume will be generated.
  5. For inference and visualization of a trained network, run python --config <Path-To-Model-Config-File-In-Experiment-Folder>. This will generate a .vti file for the ground-truth and model-predicted volume.

Perform Hyperparameter Search:

In order to find the best hyperparameter for each network type and dataset, the AX MULTI-OBJECTIVE NAS Algorithm is provided. To run hyperparameter search, use jupyter notebook to start either the 'Multiobjective-NAS' or 'Variational NAS' jupyter notebooks. In the first cell, define the config file of the experiment, then execute the subsequent cells to start the scheduler and visualize the results. The Search-Space for each experiment can be configured in

Encode and decode the network with quantization:

  1. After training a model, use python --config <Path-To-Model-Config-File-In-Experiment-Folder> --filename <Encoded-Name> --quant_bits <Bits-ForQuantization> to encode the model. The compressed model is then saved in the experiment-folder.
  2. After encoding the model, use python --compressed_file <Path-to-encoded-model> --volume <Path-to-gt-dataset> --decompressed_file <Output-Name> to decode and visualize the network. The --volume and --decompressed_file paramaters are optional, but if provided generate a .vti file of the decoded network scene.

Project Structure

  • Parsing of Arguments, as well as the entry points to training and quantization can be found in and
  • The initialization of the network, as well as training is implemented in training/
  • The basic model architecture can be found in model/ and model/
  • The Pruning algorithms are implemented in model/, model/ and model/
  • Data input is handled in the classes in data/
  • Quantization is handled in the classes in quantization/


All experiments are performed on the datasets\mhd1024.h5(255, 255, 255) and datasets\test_vol.npy(150,150,150) datasets. Pruning works best when performed on large, open networks, where singular nodes have relatively low influence on the reconstruction quality.

To this end, the Neurcomp architecture is held back by it's dependence on the residual blocks. While these blocks provide stability to the deeper network architecture, they also require the input and output dimension of the blocks to be of the same size, thereby effectively halving the amount of prunable parameters in the network.


The pruning algorithms are not able to increase the reconstruction quality of Neurcomp significantly. Furthermore, due to the presence of a large variance in the data, it is difficult to make a conclusive determination regarding the efficacy of the pruning algorithms in improving the network. Instead, pruning approaches are again investigated on a more open, and real-time applicable network architecture, the fV-SRN. For a comparison with fV-SRN, enhanced by wavelet transformation, see Latent_Feature_Grid_Compression.

For a more extensive review, see the pdf of the Master's thesis.


Project for my master's thesis to research possibilities of network compression.






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