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This guide walks you through the process of creating a simple web application with resources that are protected by Spring Security and getting the user details from a database rather than use basic auth. This guide uses the completed Securing a Web Application guide as a starting point. You need not do that guide before doing this guide, but doing so may aid your understanding of this one.

What You Will Build

You will build a Spring MVC application that secures the page with a login form that is backed users that you retrieve from a database.

Starting with Spring Initializr

For all Spring applications, you should start with the Spring Initializr. The Initializr offers a fast way to pull in all the dependencies you need for an application and does a lot of the setup for you. This example needs the Spring Web, Thymeleaf, and Spring Security dependencies. The following image shows the Initializr set up for this sample project:

The preceding image shows the Initializr with Maven chosen as the build tool. You can also use Gradle. It also shows values of com.example and securing-web-database as the Group and Artifact, respectively. You will use those values throughout the rest of this sample.

The following listing shows the pom.xml file that is created when you choose Maven:


The following listing shows the build.gradle file that is created when you choose Gradle:


Converting the Application to Use a Database

The application itself works in the same way. It has the same HTML pages, the same view controllers defined in MvcConfig, and so on. The differences lie in four areas:

Setting up the Database

One of the most common ways to store user data is in a database. It is so common that Spring Security even has its own database schema with which it can work. You can either use the Spring Security schema or create a custom one. This example uses a MySQL database. Spring Security supports many databases, and you can write custom classes to support pretty much any database.

For the sake of simplicity, use the Spring Security schema in this example. To match the Spring Security schema, you can use the following SQL statements in MySQL’s command line to create the tables you need:

create table users(
	username varchar(50) not null primary key,
	password varchar(100) not null,
	enabled boolean not null
create table authorities (
	username varchar(50) not null,
	authority varchar(50) not null,
	constraint fk_authorities_users foreign key(username) references users(username)

You also need an index, which you can create with the following command:

create unique index ix_auth_username on authorities (username,authority);

From there, you can create your user record and set up its authority, as follows:

insert into users(username,password,enabled) values('user','$2a$10$FShxdbQCgfQK/4D5r5siFe8Fx/MJesnji49Tttgk.4ax52mEwNS8y',true);
insert into authorities(username,authority)  values('user','ROLE_USER');

What is going on with that password? That string is the password the password (which is password, as it was in the basic auth example) after it has been encrypted with bcrypt. The user types password, and BCryptPasswordEncoder turns it into that string for you so that it matches the value in the database. You can see how that works a bit later in this section.

How can you get that string? The following simple program converts the string, password, into a bcrypt value:

package security.utilities.passwordencoder;


public class PasswordEncoder {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String encodedpassword=new BCryptPasswordEncoder().encode("password");


Setting up Application Properties

To get your database to work, you need to set some values in the application properties file (in the resources directory of our application). The following listing shows those values:

Do NOT set your username to root and your password to password for a real application. We did it here because this is an example.

Adding Dependencies for the Database

To get the application to work, you have to add two dependencies: a MySQL connection and Spring Data JDBC. The following listing shows the new pom.xml file:

The following listing shows the new build.gradle file:

Changing the Web Security Configuration

You also need to make substantial changes to your WebSecurityConfig class. In particular, you can remove the UserDetailsService bean, and you need to add a configure method that uses AuthenticationManagerBuilder as a parameter. You also need to define a data source (which finds your database). Note that the configure method is an override of the same method in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. The following listing shows your new WebSecurityConfig class:

package com.example.securingweb;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

	private DataSource dataSource; (1)

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

                .antMatchers("/", "/home").permitAll()

    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception { (2)

          .usersByUsernameQuery("select username, password, enabled"
              + " from users where username=?")
          .authoritiesByUsernameQuery("select username, authority "
              + "from authorities where username=?")
          .passwordEncoder(new BCryptPasswordEncoder());

  1. Autowire the data source.

  2. The configure method that has AuthenticationManagerBuilder as a parameter.

You can rely on Spring Boot to find our database (from the information in, so you need only autowire it here to get it to work.

What does that configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) method do? The AuthenticationManagerBuilder exposes a method called jdbcAuthentication, which supports chaining other methods to define the user query that you use to see if a user matches the user name and password provided in the HTML form. The jdbcAuthentication method lets you specify the data source and then add two queries, one for the user and one for the authority. It also lets you specify the password encoder. Since you specify BCryptPasswordEncoder, the password provided by the user in the form matches the bcrypt-encoded password that we inserted into the database earlier, so long as the user types password.

Why do you not need UserDetailsService? The jdbcAuthentication method provides a JdbcUserDetailsManagerConfigurer object, which does the same thing as UserDetailsService and lets us connect to a database. Really, AuthenticationManagerBuilder.jdbcAuthentication is the heart of this example.

Run the Application

The Spring Initializr creates an application class for you. In this case, you need not modify the class. The following listing (from src/main/java/com/example/securingweb/ shows the application class:


Once the application starts up, point your browser to http://localhost:8080. You should see the home page, as the following image shows:

The application’s home page

When you click on the link, it attempts to take you to the greeting page at /hello. However, because that page is secured and you have not yet logged in, it takes you to the login page, as the following image shows:

The login page
If you jumped down here with the unsecured version, you do not see the login page. You should back up and write the rest of the security-based code.

At the login page, sign in as the test user by entering user and password for the username and password fields, respectively. Once you submit the login form, you are authenticated and then taken to the greeting page, as the following image shows:

The secured greeting page

If you click on the Sign Out button, your authentication is revoked, and you are returned to the login page with a message indicating that you are logged out.


Congratulations! You have developed a simple web application that is secured with Spring Security and that gets its user details from a database.