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Explorer API

martinbtm edited this page Sep 6, 2021 · 11 revisions

Blockmeta API

Use case


Curl -X GET

Custom error code

error code error message error description
10000 'server inner error' server error
20001 'request param is not valid' wrong parameter(type or length)
20002 'request param is null' lack of parameter
30001 'block hash is not correct' wrong block hash
30002 'block height is not correct' wrong block height
30003 'transaction hash is not correct' wrong tx hash
30004 'asset id is not correct' wrong asset id
30005 'timestamp is not correct' wrong timestamp



GET /search

Query whether the parameter is in the database and obtain the data type (address / block height / transaction hash / block hash)

  • String - data, the parameters to be queried
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • String - type, data type,including[transaction,block,address]
Curl -X GET /search?data=c335a393db951760acb8a74c739e0e4c860598d64421bfc563ce6d367c822122

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "type": "transaction"


GET /block

Query block information by block height or block hash


The request parameter cannot be empty

  • String - hash, block hash
  • Integer - height, block height
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • Object - header, block header information
    • String - hash, block hash
    • Integer - height, block height
    • String - previous_block_hash, previous block hash
    • String - merkle_root, merkle root
    • integer - size,block size
    • integer - timestamp, the timestamp of block generation
    • integer - transaction_count, the amount of transaction contain in this block
  • Object - validator, the generator of this block
    • String - pub_key, public key
    • String - validator_name, generator Chinese name
    • String - validator_name_english, generator English name
  • Array of Object - transactions, the list of transaction contain in this block
    • String - hash, transaction hash
    • String - fee, transaction fee
    • Integer - size, transaction size
    • Array of String -tx_types,transaction type["ordinary","coinbase","issuance","vote","veto", "cross_chain","chain_tx"]
    • Array of Object - inputs, input information
      • String -type, input type['spend', 'issue', 'coinbase','veto']
      • String - amount, the amount of input asset
      • String - program, control_program
      • Object -* decoded_program*, decoded control_program
      • String - address, account address, only exits when the type is 'spend'
      • Object - asset, input asset information
        • String - id, asset id
        • String - symbol, asset symbol
    • Array of Object - outputs, output information
      • String - type, output type["ordinary", "vote","retire"]
      • String - address, the receiver address
      • String - amount, the amount of output asset
      • String - program, control_program
      • Object - decoded_program, decoded control_program
      • Object - asset, output asset information
        • String - id, asset id
        • String - symbol, asset symbol
Curl -X GET /block?height=100

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "header": {
      "hash": "c7bfc4f264c183bf67518496dad1860f83aced4bbb69d0d5483e4c5c6c5d4289",
      "height": 100,
      "previous_block_hash": "b376ad51d35e81c65f333e9a3e45520ee9da30b3384aaf113f0ad9ff1b187666",
      "merkle_root": "c47d425b3e2c04d19050ef98cf994a2402e915dacd420e64439a1d39a8cc4be4",
      "size": 652,
      "timestamp": 1629425448,
      "transaction_count": 1,
      "validator": {
        "pub_key": "1313379b05c38ff2d171d512f23f199f0f068a67d77b9d5b6db040f2da1edc0c35c68a21b068956f448fed6441b9c27294f1ca6aaedc2c580de322f3f0260c1f",
        "name_zh": "创世节点",
        "name_en": "Genesis node"
    "transactions": [
        "hash": "54f48bcc033886bc28fd7cfe2a15d3b82690280726c40ddc12045f86bcd3d08b",
        "fee": "0.0000000000",
        "size": 152,
        "tx_types": [
        "inputs": [
            "type": "coinbase",
            "amount": "0.0000000000",
            "program": "",
            "decoded_program": "",
            "address": "smart contract",
            "asset": {
              "id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
              "symbol": ""
        "outputs": [
            "type": "ordinary",
            "amount": "0.0000000000",
            "program": "00147979dd397652cc9e02e6f361614a645ea0f79cfc",
            "decoded_program": "DUP \nHASH160 \nDATA_20 7979dd397652cc9e02e6f361614a645ea0f79cfc\nEQUALVERIFY \nTXSIGHASH \nSWAP \nCHECKSIG \n",
            "address": "bn1q09ua6wtk2txfuqhx7dskzjnyt6s0088ulmsrpr",
            "asset": {
              "id": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
              "symbol": "BTM"


GET /block-headers

Query the block headers, using paging mechanism

  • Integer - start, paging start position
  • Integer - limit, data amount per page
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • Array - object, block header array
    • String - hash, block hash
    • Integer - height, block height
    • String - previous_block_hash, previous block hash
    • String - merkle_root, merkle root
    • Integer - size, block size
    • Integer - timestamp, the timestamp of block generation
    • Integer - transaction_count, the transaction amount contain in this block
    • Object - validator, the generator of this block
      • String - pub_key, public key
      • String - validator_name, generator Chinese name
      • String - validator_name_english, generator English name
Curl -X GET /block-headers?/blocks?start=10&limit=2

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": [
      "hash": "2f5bfa3a2b6f6b917c0b81d938a012563bfa1d26bd2709f2314864e55dad9b78",
      "height": 54705,
      "previous_block_hash": "7f36f3855102d427074f8679b8ce506b82cb086d1bdfda1ddd55a2f429f855e3",
      "merkle_root": "e7ec1b0cf151c8e97ae696d744bbe3e4d69af5d424eb2841f17b3f3d4226d0af",
      "size": 446,
      "timestamp": 1629798444,
      "transaction_count": 1,
      "validator": {
        "pub_key": "380d8820818167c67b8e677062e6d6daf6302583b7e205f1eaa2e3446c777aab1d0fc48b101cc2a081e6cbf361d78016596c241d5e69eca09176ce05c1bf397b",
        "name_zh": "Bytom海外社区",
        "name_en": "Bytom-Community"
      "hash": "7f36f3855102d427074f8679b8ce506b82cb086d1bdfda1ddd55a2f429f855e3",
      "height": 54704,
      "previous_block_hash": "1c62b0deda7d7dfb80407f21bc850ec696f3c0e44d4e9cbbafb58d924510d21d",
      "merkle_root": "73c259ec9b04ddda4dc624ec6d58690284d82f83c356412daf89231f459399f4",
      "size": 446,
      "timestamp": 1629798438,
      "transaction_count": 1,
      "validator": {
        "pub_key": "1ab83450661e1de973e7be2a8a4ba7d4634996f327a6c59b10d59bfd96df6dc5d7afd5b287b1ad96809d89b915ef7002143a33dd06872376927fff589046ec0d",
        "name_zh": "链节点",
        "name_en": "ChainNode"
  "pagination": {
    "start": 0,
    "limit": 2,
    "total": 54706,
    "_links": {
      "next": "/blockmeta/bytom2/v1/block-headers?limit=2&start=2"


GET /transaction

Query transaction by transaction ID

  • String - hash, transaction ID
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • Object - data, block information
    • String - hash, transaction hash
    • Integer - block_height, block height
    • Integer - block_hash, block hash
    • String - fee, transaction fee
    • integer - size,transaction size
    • integer - timestamp, the timestamp of transaction generation
    • Array of String -tx_types,transaction type["ordinary","coinbase","issuance","vote","veto", "cross_chain","chain_tx"]
    • Array of Object - inputs, input information
      • String -type, input type['spend', 'issue', 'coinbase','veto']
      • String - amount, the amount of input asset
      • String - program, control_program
      • Object -* decoded_program*, decoded control_program
      • String - address, account address, only exits when the type is 'spend'
      • Object - asset, input asset information
        • String - id, asset id
        • String - symbol, asset symbol
    • Array of Object - outputs, output information
      • String - type, output type["ordinary", "vote","retire"]
      • String - address, the receiver address
      • String - amount, the amount of output asset
      • String - program, control_program
      • Object - decoded_program, decoded control_program
      • Object - asset, output asset information
        • String - id, asset id
        • String - symbol, asset symbol
Curl -X GET /transaction?hash=19e7fc0bf5d8a2c9c1ec663b948d9be4ceb573d2f4922452febc25cac7d3c23d

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "hash": "19e7fc0bf5d8a2c9c1ec663b948d9be4ceb573d2f4922452febc25cac7d3c23d",
    "fee": "0.0000000000",
    "size": 156,
    "block_height": 54949,
    "block_hash": "f9068faced79a08545ff2abe0584e068c5f30275050cb81582f1eca196dda807",
    "timestamp": 1629799908,
    "tx_types": [
    "inputs": [
        "type": "coinbase",
        "amount": "0.0000000000",
        "program": "",
        "decoded_program": "",
        "address": "smart contract",
        "asset": {
          "id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
          "symbol": ""
    "outputs": [
        "type": "ordinary",
        "amount": "0.0000000000",
        "program": "0014978f30da1cd774799f7a4229b14dfdb5e6baffe7",
        "decoded_program": "DUP \nHASH160 \nDATA_20 978f30da1cd774799f7a4229b14dfdb5e6baffe7\nEQUALVERIFY \nTXSIGHASH \nSWAP \nCHECKSIG \n",
        "address": "bn1qj78npksu6a68n8m6gg5mzn0akhnt4ll8hln2cn",
        "asset": {
          "id": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
          "symbol": "BTM"


GET /transactions

Query a group of transaction by query parameters

  • String - address, query the transactions by the specified address
  • String - asset, query the transactions by the specified asset
  • String- type, query the transactions by the specified transaction type // vote、cross_chain
  • Integer- start, paging start position
  • Integer- limit, data amount per page
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • Array of Object - data, transaction list
    • String - hash, transaction hash
    • Integer - block_height, block height
    • Integer - block_hash, block hash
    • String - fee, transaction fee
    • integer - size,transaction size
    • integer - timestamp, the timestamp of transaction generation
    • Array of String -tx_types,transaction type["ordinary","coinbase","issuance","vote","veto", "cross_chain","chain_tx"]
    • Array of Object - inputs, input information
      • String -type, input type['spend', 'issue', 'coinbase','veto']
      • String - amount, the amount of input asset
      • String - program, control_program
      • Object -* decoded_program*, decoded control_program
      • String - address, account address, only exits when the type is 'spend'
      • Object - asset, input asset information
        • String - id, asset id
        • String - symbol, asset symbol
    • Array of Object - outputs, output information
      • String - type, output type["ordinary", "vote","retire"]
      • String - address, the receiver address
      • String - amount, the amount of output asset
      • String - program, control_program
      • Object - decoded_program, decoded control_program
      • Object - asset, output asset information
        • String - id, asset id
        • String - symbol, asset symbol
  • Object - pagination, paging information
    • Integer- start, paging start position
    • Integer- limit, data amount per page
    • Integer- total, total transaction amount
    • Object - _links, paging link
      • String - next, next paging link
      • String - prev, previous paging link
Curl -X GET /transactions?block_height=100&start=1&limit=1

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": [
      "hash": "8fb8802b4777d78aad9a1067a0e44badc83a6d78737c7cfef9197e2e4dc3901a",
      "fee": "0.0000000000",
      "size": 156,
      "block_height": 55113,
      "block_hash": "ebe54bd2e2f253dbd91483b0d880a4c4a7e063a7ee60bb3de0cee7a3904caabe",
      "timestamp": 1629800892,
      "tx_types": [
      "inputs": [
          "type": "coinbase",
          "amount": "0.0000000000",
          "program": "",
          "decoded_program": "",
          "address": "smart contract",
          "asset": {
            "id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "symbol": ""
      "outputs": [
          "type": "ordinary",
          "amount": "0.0000000000",
          "program": "0014eddab573568136a66b0ab7345dee57bb204616b7",
          "decoded_program": "DUP \nHASH160 \nDATA_20 eddab573568136a66b0ab7345dee57bb204616b7\nEQUALVERIFY \nTXSIGHASH \nSWAP \nCHECKSIG \n",
          "address": "bn1qahdt2u6ksym2v6c2ku69mmjhhvsyv94hwr8evp",
          "asset": {
            "id": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
            "symbol": "BTM"
  "pagination": {
    "start": 1,
    "limit": 1,
    "total": 57564,
    "_links": {
      "next": "/blockmeta/bytom2/v1/transactions?limit=1&start=2",
      "prev": "/blockmeta/bytom2/v1/transactions?limit=1&start=0"


GET /address

Query the asset information related to the specified address

  • String - address, the specified address,required
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • Array of Object - data, address information
    • Object - asset, asset information
      • String - id, asset id
      • String - symbol, asset symbol
    • String - address, address
    • String - balance, balance
    • String - total_received, the total received asset amout
    • String - total_sent, the total sent asset amout
Curl -X GET /address?address=bn1qj78npksu6a68n8m6gg5mzn0akhnt4ll8hln2cn

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": [
      "asset": {
        "id": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
        "symbol": "BTM"
      "address": "bn1qj78npksu6a68n8m6gg5mzn0akhnt4ll8hln2cn",
      "balance": "4092.7782370400",
      "total_received": "10495.0772679500",
      "total_sent": "6402.2990309100"


GET /forbes

Query all owners of an asset and sort by balance

  • String - asset, specified assets ID,Required
  • Integer- start, paging start position
  • Integer- limit, data amount per page
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • Array of Object - data, asset owner list
    • Object - asset, asset information
      • String - id, asset id
      • String - symbol, asset symbol
    • String - address, owner address
    • String - balance, balance
    • String - total_received, the total received asset amout
    • String - total_sent, the total sent asset amout
  • Object - pagination, paging information
    • Integer- start, paging start position
    • Integer- limit, data amount per page
    • Integer- total, total transaction amount
    • Object - _links, paging link
      • String - next, next paging link
      • String - prev, previous paging link
Curl -X GET /forbes?asset=47fcd4d7c22d1d38931a6cd7767156babbd5f05bbbb3f7d3900635b56eb1b67e

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": [
      "asset": {
        "id": "47fcd4d7c22d1d38931a6cd7767156babbd5f05bbbb3f7d3900635b56eb1b67e",
        "symbol": "SUP"
      "address": "bn1qr5q0sh3zpc66yv5zelrlj8l8kd9ldhqc642epn",
      "balance": "87839.3193166200",
      "total_received": "87888.9028510100",
      "total_sent": "49.5835343900"
      "asset": {
        "id": "47fcd4d7c22d1d38931a6cd7767156babbd5f05bbbb3f7d3900635b56eb1b67e",
        "symbol": "SUP"
      "address": "bn1qcj7dzpjlnsg7pf24nj6pduar9dc24uxe7ue4y3",
      "balance": "334.6012919800",
      "total_received": "334.6012919800",
      "total_sent": "0.0000000000"
  "pagination": {
    "start": 0,
    "limit": 10,
    "total": 175,
    "_links": {
      "next": "/blockmeta/bytom2/v1/forbes?limit=10&start=10"


GET /assets

Query all the assets in the Bytom blockchain

  • Integer- start, paging start position
  • Integer- limit, data amount per page
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • Array of Object - assets, asset list
    • String - total_supply, total supply
    • Integer - decimals, numerical accuracy
    • String - name, asset name
    • String - symbol, asset symbol
    • String - asset, asset id
    • Integer - issue_timestamp, first issue time
    • String - program, issue program
    • Bool - is_bap_2, whether a bap-2 asset
    • Object - definition asset definition
      • Object - description asset description
      • String - logo, asset's logo
      • Integer - quorum, asset signatures amount
      • Bool - reissue, whether the asset support additional issuance
    • Object - external (omit)
    • Integer - address_count, the owner number of asset
    • Integer - tx_count, the transacton amount of asset
  • Object - pagination, paging information
    • Integer- start, paging start position
    • Integer- limit, data amount per page
    • Integer- total, total transaction amount
    • Object - _links, paging link
      • String - next, next paging link
      • String - prev, previous paging link
Curl -X GET /assets

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": [
      "total_supply": "1596306453.6991328000",
      "decimals": 8,
      "name": "BTM",
      "symbol": "BTM",
      "asset": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
      "issue_timestamp": 1629427444,
      "program": "",
      "is_bap_2": true
      "total_supply": "1000000.0000000000",
      "decimals": 8,
      "name": "MAG",
      "symbol": "MAG",
      "asset": "a0a71c215764e342d10d003be6369baf4145d9c7977f7b8f6bf446e628d8b8b8",
      "issue_timestamp": 1629427459,
      "program": "ae20d66ab117eca2bba6aefed569e52d6bf68a7a4ad7d775cbc01f7b2cfcd798f7b22031ab3c2147c330c5e360b4e585047d1dea5f529476ad5aff475ecdd55541923120851b4a24975df6dbeb4f8e5348542764f85bed67b763875325aa5e45116751b35253ad",
      "is_bap_2": true,
      "definition": {
        "description": {},
        "logo": "",
        "quorum": 2,
        "reissue": true
      "total_supply": "98667.0129104500",
      "decimals": 8,
      "name": "SUP",
      "symbol": "SUP",
      "asset": "47fcd4d7c22d1d38931a6cd7767156babbd5f05bbbb3f7d3900635b56eb1b67e",
      "issue_timestamp": 1629427459,
      "program": "0354df07cda069ae203c939b7ba615a49adf57b5b4c9c37e80666436970f8507d56a272539cabcb9e15151ad",
      "is_bap_2": true,
      "definition": {
        "description": {},
        "logo": "",
        "quorum": 1,
        "reissue": false
  "pagination": {
    "start": 0,
    "limit": 10,
    "total": 3,
    "_links": {}


GET /asset

Query the asset detail by asset id

  • String- asset, asset id,required
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • Object - asset, asset information
    • String - total_supply, total supply
    • Integer - decimals, numerical accuracy
    • String - name, asset name
    • String - symbol, asset symbol
    • String - asset, asset id
    • Integer - issue_timestamp, first issue time
    • String - program, issue program
    • Bool - is_bap_2, whether a bap-2 asset
    • Object - definition asset definition
      • Object - description asset description
      • String - logo, asset's logo
      • Integer - quorum, asset signatures amount
      • Bool - reissue, whether the asset support additional issuance
    • Object - external (omit)
    • Integer - address_count, the owner number of asset
    • Integer - tx_count, the transacton amount of asset
Curl -X GET /asset?asset=a0a71c215764e342d10d003be6369baf4145d9c7977f7b8f6bf446e628d8b8b8

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "total_supply": "1000000.0000000000",
    "decimals": 8,
    "name": "MAG",
    "symbol": "MAG",
    "asset": "a0a71c215764e342d10d003be6369baf4145d9c7977f7b8f6bf446e628d8b8b8",
    "issue_timestamp": 1629427459,
    "program": "ae20d66ab117eca2bba6aefed569e52d6bf68a7a4ad7d775cbc01f7b2cfcd798f7b22031ab3c2147c330c5e360b4e585047d1dea5f529476ad5aff475ecdd55541923120851b4a24975df6dbeb4f8e5348542764f85bed67b763875325aa5e45116751b35253ad",
    "is_bap_2": true,
    "definition": {
      "description": {},
      "logo": "",
      "quorum": 2,
      "reissue": true
    "external": {
      "address_count": 50,
      "tx_count": 3


GET /summary/daily

Query the address, block, transaction and other summary information in daily units. Only the information of the previous day can be queried on that day

  • Integer- start, start time,timestamp format
  • Integer- end, start time,timestamp format
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • Object - data, summary information
    • Integer - new_address_count, daily new address
    • Integer - active_address_count, daily active address
    • Integer - block_count, daily new block amount
    • Integer - transaction_count, daily transactions amount
    • String - vote_amount, total daily vote amount
    • String - veto_amount, total daily veto amount
    • Integer - timestamp, time of daily statistics
Curl -X GET /summary/daily?start=1629614272&end=1629873563

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": [
      "block_count": 14400,
      "transaction_count": 14917,
      "vote_amount": "1159667250729465.00000000",
      "veto_amount": "732844616000000.00000000",
      "new_address_count": 17,
      "active_address_count": 17,
      "timestamp": 1629648000
      "block_count": 14400,
      "transaction_count": 14962,
      "vote_amount": "713679135535571.00000000",
      "veto_amount": "424472519090000.00000000",
      "new_address_count": 111,
      "active_address_count": 111,
      "timestamp": 1629734400


GET /node/vote-transactions

Query all the voting transaction by node public key

  • String - pub_key, node public key, required
  • Integer- start,paging start position
  • Integer- limit, data amount per page
  • Integer - code, status code
  • String - msg, error message
  • Array of Object - data, voting transaction list
    • Integer - timestamp, transaction time
    • String - amount, vote or veto amount
    • String - voter, voter address
    • String - type, vote type,vote or veto
    • String - voted_pub_key, node public key
  • Object - pagination, paging information
    • Integer- start, paging start position
    • Integer- limit, data amount per page
    • Integer- total, total transaction amount
    • Object - _links, paging link
      • String - next, next paging link
      • String - prev, previous paging link
Curl -X GET /node/vote-transactions?pub_key=f9003633ccbd8cc37e034f4dbe70d9fae980d437948d8cb908d0cab7909780d74a324b4decb5dfcd43fbc6b896ac066b7e02c733a1537360e933278a101a850c

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "",
  "data": [
      "timestamp": 1629557064,
      "amount": "410000.00",
      "voter": "bn1q95s6aen3qrez88ayz3ehql3c029kzv5unygajd",
      "type": "2",
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