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npm i c-sketchpad --save

const Sketchpad=require('c-sketchpad');


<script src="/docs/sketchpad.min.js"></script>


const sketchpad = new Sketchpad({
            el: '#demo',
            toolBtnSize: 40,
            height: 400,
            toolList: ['Brush','Line','Polygon','Eraser'],
            saveBtn: true,
            maxRecall: 20


el: '#demo',                    //dom node or string that can be recognized by document.querySelector

toolBtnSize: 40                 //tool button size

height: 400                     //Canvas drawing area height

toolList: ['Brush','Eraser']    //tool array: Brush Eraser Line Polygon

saveBtn: true                   //display the save picture button

maxRecall: 20                   //number of recall


const sketchpad = new Sketchpad({options});

sketchpad.recall();             //active recall;               //return the base64 format for drawing the image

sketchpad.clean();              //empty drawn content and all recording

sketchpad.toolRegister();       //receive a custom tool constructor

Custom tool

Custom tool demo

class CustomTool {
    constructor({//The constructor receives 4 parameters. It depends on the tool to decide which canvas to draw on.
        //Pre-canvas for drawing interactive layers Reference Line tool
        frontCanvasEl,//Pre-canvas layer dom node
        frontCanvasCtx,//Pre-canvas getContext('2d') rendering context
        //The confirmed drawing element will be drawn in the main canvas layer. The undo function is based on this layer.
        mainCnavasEl,//Main canvcas layer dom node
        mainCanvasCtx //Main canvas rendering context
    }) {

        this.frontCanvasCtx = frontCanvasCtx;
        this.mainCanvasCtx = mainCanvasCtx;

        //tool button node (Required)
        this.btnEl = document.createElement('button');

        //option content node (Required)
        this.optionEl = document.createElement('div');

    //Unified touch and mouse event triggering
    //drawStartFn to touchstart mousedown event
    //drawMoveFn to touchmove mousemove  tip: only respond when drawStartFn triggered
    //drawEndFn to touchend mouseup  tip: only respond when drawStartFn triggered
    //since canvas is HD compatible according to different device DPR, please use canvasX and canvasY as click coordinates.
    drawStartFn(event) {
        const x=event.canvasX;//Encapsulate canvasX as the click coordinate x-axis in the event
        const y=event.canvasY;//Encapsulate canvasY as the click coordinate y axis in the event

    drawMoveFn(event) {
        const x=event.canvasX;//Encapsulate canvasX as the click coordinate x-axis in the event
        const y=event.canvasY;//Encapsulate canvasY as the click coordinate y axis in the event

    drawEndFn(event) {
        //Returns a function that provides the undo function logger to the sketchpad
        const render=(ctx)=>{//Provide a canvas rendering context parameter
        render.needRender=true;//Whether the sketchpad draws on the mainCanvas immediately after receiving the function ()

        return render;
        //Return false if there is no drawing operation
        return false;
    //Trigger only when the mouse moves over the canvas. Compared to drawMoveFn, drawMoveFn only fires after drawStartFn trigger. When drawStartFn triggers, triggers mouseMoveFn and triggers drawMoveFn.
    //When the mouse function is detected, the mouse will not display the cursor when it is detected. Please draw the interaction in the frontCanvas layer for this tool.
        const x=event.canvasX;//Encapsulate canvasX as the click coordinate x-axis in the event
        const y=event.canvasY;//Encapsulate canvasY as the click coordinate y axis in the event

const sketchpad = new Sketchpad({options});

sketchpad.toolRegister(CustomTool);//use registerTool function