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Installation : MacOS

Shashank Shekhar edited this page May 10, 2024 · 12 revisions

smh help for formatting pls, work in progress

Installation instructions assuming user has never used "terminal" before.

In order to install Roop Unleashed, you need to install "python3", and a few "dependencies" that Unleashed needs.

Python is a programming language (like C++ and HTML), and you need it so MacOS can run Unleashed. The dependencies are components that you need so Python can run Unleashed. Python is a recognized language that works on every platform, and seems to have a nice future because everybody doing AI is using it. If you run an older MacOs version, you might have "python2" already installed. Ignore it, it's useless.

Follow the steps in order.

Specific versions are needed: make Unleashed work with this first, then try newer versions if you want.

The only moment you have to put your password is when using the official python installer, downloaded from the official python website.

As a side note, be very, very careful when an installer asks you to put in your password. That's virtually the only realistic way normal people get a virus on mac.

Step 1: installing Python

Download Python 3.11.6 universal binary installer from Where you download doesn't matter, just run the package for an easy install. Follow the steps. Dont customize the install.

Once done, we have python3, and the way to download most of the rest with built-in pip3.

Step 2: Downloading Roop unleashed

Download Roop_unleashed from the official repository.

Click the green rectangle where it says Code to reveal a panel, then right click _Download Zip _ to select Save link as.

Download the file in your "home directory", the folder with a house icon on the left side bar that is named like your mac username.

Open/extract the zip there to creates the "roop-unleashed-main" folder at "the root of your home directory".

In technical terms, the path of "roop-unleashed-main" is /Users/<yourusername>/roop-unleashed-main/

The "home directory" is used a lot and has ~/ as its built-in shortcut so you can refer to and access the folder with ~/roop-unleashed-main

Option + N to write ~

Step 3: Install the dependencies

Now we need to install the dependencies using the pip3 that got installed along with the official python3 package. We do this via the terminal.

The Terminal app is located in the Utilities folder of the main Applications folder. Use spotlight's shortcut Cmd + Space then directly begin to type terminal, press enter when you see Terminal to launch it.

Ctrl + C is the shortcut to stop/quit whatever is running in the terminal window (except silly text editors called VI. Nano you close with ctrl + X. Because they had to think different. VI it's still a mystery) Ctrl + C is also to dismiss whatever you typed in the line and get a new one. You move with the arrow key in terminal. Within the line you can use Option + Click to move the cursor at the location of the mouse pointer.

These instructions recommend installing the dependencies manually, but **Here there is a way to cut the crap: inside ~/roop-unleashed-main that we just extracted, there is a file named requirements.txt. ** To use it paste then press enter pip3 install -r ~/roop-unleashed-main/requirements.txt

To install each dependency manually

copy/paste each line one by one, ignore errors for the moment

  • pip3 install numpy==1.26.2
  • pip3 install gradio==3.50.2
  • pip3 install opencv-python==
  • pip3 install onnx==1.15.0
  • pip3 install onnxruntime-silicon==1.16.0
  • pip3 install insightface==0.7.3
  • pip3 install psutil==5.9.6
  • pip3 install pillow==10.0.1
  • pip3 install torch==2.1.0
  • pip3 install torchvision==0.16.1
  • pip3 install protobuf==4.25.1
  • pip3 install tqdm==4.66.1
  • pip3 install ftfy==6.1.1
  • pip3 install regex==2023.10.3

Step 4: Launching Roop Unleashed

Launch terminal with Cmd + Space then paste then enter.

python3 ~/roop-unleashed-main/

Roop Unleashed's interface will open as a webpage, leaving terminal behind to do the maths.

Using up arrowkey brings up the last command so Cmd+space term Returnkey arrowkeyup Returnkey launches the app very fast. Ctrl + C terminates the app if you do it inside terminal.