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File metadata and controls

72 lines (71 loc) · 6.43 KB


What is this?

This is a library providing an easy solution to use EmojiCompat with fonts that are either stored in the assets-folder with another name than NotoColorEmojiCompat.ttf or you can use EmojiCompat fonts which are stored anywhere on the device's local storage.

How do I get this library?

That's relatively easy: Just add the following line to your module's build.gradle inside dependencies:

implementation 'de.c1710:filemojicompat:1.0.7'

How do I use it?

There are two different methods included in this library:

  1. You can use this just like you would usually use BundledEmojiCompatConfig except for the detail that you can choose the font's name as the second parameter.
    EmojiCompat.Config config = new AssetEmojiCompatConfig(getContext(), "Blobmoji.ttf");
    This will create a new EmojiCompat configuration using the file provided in assets/Blobmoji.ttf.
    Anyhow, I don't recommend using AssetEmojiCompatConfig anymore as this approach is more flexible and just as easy to use.
  2. This is the more complex and interesting option.
    Instead of providing a short String containing the font's name, you can provide a File (or the String containing the full path of it).
    This will try to load the font from this path.
    In case it gets into any trouble - let's say because of missing permissions or a non-existent file, it will fallback to using no EmojiCompat at all.
    (Technically this is wrong as leaving EmojiCompat uninitialized would crash the components using it. There's an explanation below).
    Context context = getContext();
    File fontFile = new File(context.getExternalFilesDir(null), "emoji/Blobmoji.ttf");
    EmojiCompat.Config config = new FileEmojiCompatConfig(context, fontFile);
    In this example, your app would try to load the font file Blobmoji.ttf located at /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/[]/files/Blobmoji.ttf. If this file is not available, EmojiCompat won't be visible.
    Hint: When accessing a file inside your private directory (i.e. the one used in the example), you don't need storage permissions.
    However, if you want to load the font from somewhere else - let's say the Download directory, you will need storage permissions.
    But don't worry (too much) - your app won't crash (probably) as this missing file is just being ignored in this case.

What happens if I don't provide the font file in FileEmojiCompatConfig?

In this case, there won't be a visible difference to not using EmojiCompat.

But what does that mean exactly?

If you take a look at EmojiCompat itself, you'll notice that it isn't build with missing fonts in mind. If anything happens, onLoadFailed is called and EmojiCompat crashes - and so do all components relying on it.
To prevent this case, FileEmojiCompatConfig includes a fallback solution - inside the assets folder, you'll find a file called NoEmojiCompat.ttf which is much smaller than most of the EmojiCompat font files (~40kiB). That's because it only includes 10 characters which are the flags for China, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Russia, USA.
These are the flags which where originally included in Noto Emoji and they are only used to fill the font file with something.

Will my users see these flags when the fallback font is used?

Yes, they will. But only if their device either doesn't support these flags (which is basically impossible) or if they use a device which already uses these assets as their default emojis. They won't replace any existing emojis.

But I did setReplaceAll(true)?!

This won't change anything as FileEmojiCompatConfig will detect if the font file is not valid and it will simply ignore setReplaceAll(true).

I want to let my users only choose another font if they don't like my current one

This is easily possible with the introduction of FileMojiCompat 1.0.6.
In this case you override the fallback font by putting your font into the assets folder of your app using the name NoEmojiCompat.ttf.
Whenever the fallback font is needed (which is the case if the user doesn't specify another one), this font is being used.
In order to prevent blocking the setReplaceAll method, you'll have to call it with setReplaceAll(true, true).
The second argument indicates that you want to ignore this replaceAll-prevention (if set to true. Setting it to false won't change anything).
So here's a short example of using this very flexible, yet easy to use method.
But please be aware that changing the emoji font using this snippet isn't very easy as it needs the user to copy (and potentially rename) some files:

   Context context = getContext();
   File fontFile = new File(context.getExternalFilesDir(null), "emoji.ttf");
   EmojiCompat.Config config = new FileEmojiCompatConfig(context, fontFile)
                                 .setReplaceAll(true, true);

In this case, the font specified in assets/NoEmojiCompat.ttf will be used until /storage/emulated/0/Android/[yourpackage]/files/emoji.ttf exists and includes a valid EmojiCompat font.
This method combines the easy approach of AssetEmojiCompatConfig and the flexibility of FileEmojiCompatConfig with some tradeoffs on the usability side.
If you need a different asset path for your fallback file, you can simply add it as another argument for FileEmojiCompatConfig. This feature has been introduced in 1.0.7.
PLEASE use at least this method in your app. It's always better to give the users a choice.