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dAFM and its variants

This is a python implementation of the dAFM paper:

Pardos, Z.A., Dadu, A. (2018) dAFM: Fusing Psychometric and Connectionist Modeling for Q-matrix Refinement. Journal of Educational Data Mining. Vol 10(2), 1-27. pdf

This repository contains:

  • dAFM: dynamic or deep Additive Factors Model
  • Deep Knowledge Tracing
  • Additive Factors Model
  • Skill Model Generation using clustering on distributed representations


  • python3
  • pandas
  • keras
  • theano
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • sklearn
  • gensim
  • tensorflow
  • matlab.engine (for clustering on matlab)

These dependencies may be installed from the requirements file by running the following command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Python: Only version 3.5.2 is currently supported


Dataset should be tab-separated file. Training and test set will be generated on the basis of user-level split (except when using student information). It should have the following attributes:

  • user_id: unique id of student or user
  • problem_id: unique id of problem
  • skill_name: skill associated with the problem
  • correctness: first attempt correctness of a particular response
  • section: section information (set of problems belong to a particular section)
  • unit: contains set of sections

How to run

  1. Clone the github repository.
git clone
  1. Enter into dAFM directory using following command.
cd dAFM
  1. Install required dependencies with the following command.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Execute the src/ script using python after specifying the input values. It will train on training set and evaluate the average root mean square error on validation set. It will also save the model in created Accuracy folder. The example dataset is already included in the datasets folder. Note: The detailed description of the input values is mentioned in later section.
python3 src/ --dataset Example --dataset_path Example/example.txt --skill_name skill_name --dafm fine-tuned No --save_model True
  1. It will use the load the saved model and evaluate the rmse on testing set.
python3 src/ --dataset Example --dataset_path Example/example.txt --skill_name skill_name --dafm fine-tuned No --load_model True sub --puser orig

Input Parameters

The arguements can be passed to the main script py adding them using the syntax given by python3 src/ --arguement_name1 value arguement_name2 value1 value2.

Dataset description:

Arguement Name Parameters Description
dataset required Specify name of datasets to save its analysis.
value user_specified_name like Example, Geometry, ASSISTments
dataset_path required Absolute path of the dataset file or name of file if present in datasets folder
value dataset_path like Example/example.txt
user_id required name of column that maps to student id
value user-column-name default: user_id
problem_id required name of column that maps to problem id
value problem-column-name default: problem_id
correctness required name of column that maps to first attempt correctness
value correct-column-name default: correctness
skill_name optional (not required if using clustering method) default:None, name of column that maps to skill
value skill-column-name KC(KTracedSkill)
section optional section information and how it should be added
value1 No default: using no skill information
  concat new skill model is defined by concatenating section and skill
  one-hot section information is added as a one-hot vector
value2 section-column-name default:None, name of column that maps to section
unit optional if analysis has to be done on a particular unit of dataset
value1 all default: analysis on all the units
  unit_name name on particular unit
value2 unit-column-name default:None, name of column that maps to unit
unit_users optional concatenate unit and users to increase number of samples instead of responses to reduce memory (use only when unit column name is mentioned)
value No default: No unit user concatenation
  all concatenation for all units
  unit_name concatenation on a particular unit

Test-Train type:

Arguement Name Parameters Description
puser required default: whether use the validation set or not
value sub train on training set (subtrain) and validate on validation set (subtest), display rmse on validation set
  orig no validation set involved, train on training set, display rmse on testing set if load_model is True else loss on training set itself.
item_wise item level split to use student information #TODO

Skill Type:

Arguement Name Parameters Description
representation required representation to be used to create the skill model generated by clustering
value rnn-(dense / correct / incorrect / correct-incorrect) using the rnn based dkt and the type of vectors used to represent problems
  w2v-(withCorrectness / withoutCorrectness) using word2vec and the type of vectors used to represent problems
w2v_params optional values for skipgram model training
value1 vector_size default:100, size of representation vectors
paramter2 window_size default:20, window size to be used for skip gram
rnn_params optional values for dkt model training
paramter hidden_layer_size default:100, number of nodes in hidden layer of dkt
clustering_params optional values for kmeans clustering, should be used with representation
value1 half, same, double, integer no. of clusters (times the number of skills in existing skill model)
value2 euclidean, cosine distance measure to be used for clustering cosine clustering can be done only using matlab engine

Predictive Model:

Arguement Name Parameters Description
dafm required To use dAFM model
value1 dafm-afm same as AFM
  fine-tuned two time training model
  round-fine-tuned rounded off Q-matrix
  kcinitialize train using Q-matrix initialization (all values at once)
  random-uniform Q-matrix initialization using uniform distribution
  random-normal Q-matrix initialization using normal distribution
  qjk-dense using another layer above the original Q-matrix layer --dense_size same should also be passed as value. The weight matrix above qjk-layer is an Identity.
  Advanced Models #TODO
  round-fine-tuned_0.5 extension of round-fine-tuned threshold can be used to round off Q-matrix
  random-qjk-dense-normal extension of qjk-dense and weight matrix above qjk layer is initialized to be normally distributed random matrix
  random-qjk-dense-uniform extension of qjk-dense and weight matrix above qjk layer is initialized to be uniformly distributed random matrix
  random-qjk-dense^0.3_0.9_different extension of qjk-dense size of Qjk dense is 0.3 times of the 0.9 total skills.
  random-uniform_0.3_different extension of random-uniform reduces Qjk layer size to 0.3 times the total skills
value2 No Train or Predict without using batches (masking on complete training set)
  Yes Train or Predict using different batch sizes (masking on subset of training set having similar responses)
dafm_params optional values for dafm model training
value1 linear default: No activation
  sigmoid applies sigmoid activation on Qjk layer
  custom-a variation of sigmoid in which x is replaced by ax larger a more steeper the curve, a must be integer
value2 rmsprop default: optimizer to do backpropogation
  adam, adagrad
value3 0.1 default: learning rate for traininf
afm required To use AFM model
value1 afm-keras applies neural network implementation of afm
  afm-liblinear applies logistic regression implementation of afm
dkt required To use DKT model
value None default: do not use dkt
  dkt use dkt model and results will be saved with filenames having dkt
theta to include student information

Save and Load:

Arguement Name Parameters Description
save_model optional save the trained model
value False/True True to save the model
load_model optional to load the trained model
value1 False/True True to load the saved model
value2 sub load the model that is trained on subtrain
  orig load the model that is train on train (use only when puser is orig)
skill_wise optional save the modified Q-matrix and its interpretation plot

Directory Structure:

├── Accuracy
│   └── Example
│       ├── orig@all
│       │   ├── dafm-afm$no$linear$rmsprop$0.1.acc
│       │   ├── Losses
│       │   │   └── dafm-afm$no$linear$rmsprop$0.1.csv
│       │   ├── Model
│       │   │   └── dafm-afm$no$linear$rmsprop$0.1.h5
│       │   └── Prediction
│       │       └── dafm-afm$no$linear$rmsprop$0.1.acc
│       └── sub@all
│           ├── Losses
│           │   ├── dafm-afm$no$linear$rmsprop$0.1.csv
│           │   ├── dafm-afm$no$linear$rmsprop$0.1_rnn-correct_100_4_euclidean.csv
│           │   └── dafm-afm$no$linear$rmsprop$0.1_rnn-correct_100_same_euclidean.csv
│           └── Prediction
│               ├── dafm-afm$no$linear$rmsprop$0.1.acc
│               ├── dafm-afm$no$linear$rmsprop$0.1_rnn-correct_100_4_euclidean.acc
│               └── dafm-afm$no$linear$rmsprop$0.1_rnn-correct_100_same_euclidean.acc
├── AFM
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── DAFM
│   ├──
│   └──
├── data
│   ├──
│   └──
├── datasets
│   └── Example
│       ├── example.txt
│       └── Users
│           ├── subtest.csv
│           ├── subtrain.csv
│           ├── test.csv
│           └── train.csv
├── log
│   ├── 3.mat
│   └──
├── Qmatrix
│   └──
├── Representation
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── src

#ToDo Add each file description


Deep / Dynamic Additive Factors Model






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