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CAP Distributing's JavaScript Helpers

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We created this package so we could easily share these basic function across all of our applications.


It returns the following functions:

  • sortArray: a function that takes 2 parameters (Array to sort, and key to sort on) and returns a sorted array. For example:
    • var capHelpers = require('cap-helpers');
      var myArray = [{name: 'Zach'}, {name: 'Jamie'}];
      capHelpers.sortArray(myArray, ['name']);
      // returns [{name: 'Jamie'}, {name: 'Zach'}]
  • toBase64: a function that converts the given value to base64. For example:
    • var capHelpers = require('cap-helpers');
      var value = 'this is a string!!';
      // returns 'dGhpcyBpcyBhIHN0cmluZyEh'
  • fromBase64: a function that converts the given value from base64. For example:
    • var capHelpers = require('cap-helpers');
      var value = 'dGhpcyBpcyBhIHN0cmluZyEh';
      // returns 'this is a string!!'
  • orderObject: a function that orders an object's keys alphabetically. For example:
    • var capHelpers = require('cap-helpers');
      var myObj = {name: 'Jamie', age: 25};
      // returns {age: 25, name: 'Jamie'}
  • numberWithCommas: a function that converts a number to a string with commas. For example:
    • var capHelpers = require('cap-helpers');
      var num = 1234567.89;
      // returns '1,234,567.89'
  • camelcaseToUnderscore: a function that takes a camelcased string, object or array and converts it to underscores. For example:
    • var capHelpers = require('cap-helpers');
      var str = 'myString';
      // returns 'my_string'
      // if you pass in an object, it will convert the keys. For example:
      var obj = {thisIsMyKey: 'thisIsMyValue'};
      // returns {this_is_my_key: 'thisIsMyValue'}
  • underscoreToCamelcase: a function that takes an underscored string, object or array and converts it to camelcase. For example:
    • var capHelpers = require('cap-helpers');
      var str = 'my_string';
      // returns 'myString'
      // if you pass in an object, it will convert the keys. For example:
      var obj = {this_is_my_key: 'this_is_my_value'};
      // returns {thisIsMyKey: 'this_is_my_value'}
  • underscoreToTitlecase: a function that takes an underscored string, object or array and converts it to titlecase. For example:
    • var capHelpers = require('cap-helpers');
      var str = 'my_string';
      // returns 'MyString'
      // if you pass in an object, it will convert the keys. For example:
      var obj = {this_is_my_key: 'this_is_my_value'};
      // returns {ThisIsMyKey: 'this_is_my_value'}
  • titlecaseToCamelcase: a function that takes a titlecased string, object or array and converts it to camelcase. For example:
    • var capHelpers = require('cap-helpers');
      var str = 'MyString';
      // returns 'myString'
      // if you pass in an object, it will convert the keys. For example:
      var obj = {ThisIsMyKey: 'ThisIsMyValue'};
      // returns {thisIsMyKey: 'ThisIsMyValue'}


  • npm test > Runs all the tests and checks the code coverage.
  • npm run single-test > Runs all the tests once.
  • npm run watch-test > Runs all the tests and watches for changes.
  • npm run check-coverage > Checks the code coverage (this should be ran after running the tests).