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Code to generate synthetic data for the CRDC data models.
The user can run the command pip3 install -r pythonRequirements.txt to install dependencies.
To run the python script for generating Bento data in the local machine, the user can use the command
python configuration_files_bento.yaml
To run the python script in Docker, the user should take the following steps:
(1) Install Docker if the user does not have Docker running in their system.
(2) The user can build the docker images using the command below. Note that the user can give any name, not necessarily “datagenerator”. Be careful, do not forget the period!
docker build -t datagenerator .
(3) The user can check the image using the command below or open the “Images” section in the Docker Desktop application.
docker images
(4)The user can use the command below to run the python images. After the user types the command, the console will give the user serval URLs. The user should copy-paste the last URL to the browser to get the python script. The user can press control + c to stop the image.
docker run -v ${PWD}:/usr/app/src -it -p 8888:8888 datagenerator
If the user are using Windows Command Prompt, the user should use the command below instead.
docker run -v "%cd%":/usr/app/src -it -p 8888:8888 datagenerator