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CBenni edited this page May 16, 2016 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the TMoohI wiki!


TMoohI acts as a layer between your client applications and Twitch chat servers (Twitch Message Interface, "TMI").

It manages all connections to twitch chat servers via a single client connection. Additionally, it handles rate limits, allowing bots to send an arbitrary amount of messages without being globally banned from twitch for 2 hours.

Additionally, it seeks to prevent excessive connection initiation (and therefore being kicked from twitchs servers) by keeping track of how many connections were created.


  • Connect to twitch chat in an instant, without having to worry about connect/join rate limits
  • Restart your client without needing to reconnect to twitch, all channels are available instantly
  • IRCv3.0
  • realtime online statistics and debug output via WebSockets
  • Connection crash/death/reconnect detection and handling
  • IRC Client compatible

How to use

Install python 3.4 (or compatible) with the required packages (see README.txt) and run python

Command line arguments:

optional arguments:

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG  Config file in YAML format (see config.default.yaml)