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Cooperative Computing Mailing and SMS templates

A basic template and implementation of the Laravel mailing and sms services.

Minimum Laravel version support: laravel 7, laravel 8 and laravel 9

Installation command using composer

composer require cooperativecomputing/mailing-and-sms-template

The environment variables are provided in a text file called keys.txt

Use the @csrf keyword in your html form blade files as laravel uses it for protection against cross site request forgery and is a must before you send any requests from the forms.


Add the service provider

* Package Service Providers...


Publish the SMS and Maling services

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=CC-Emails
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=CC-SMS


For mailing template add these in your composer json file, inside autoload --> psr-4

"CooperativeComputing\\Routes\\": "routes/",
"CooperativeComputing\\Controllers\\": "app/Http/Controllers/",
"CooperativeComputing\\Mail\\": "app/Mail/",

For sms template add these in your composer json file, inside autoload --> psr-4

"CooperativeComputingSMS\\Routes\\": "routes/",
"CooperativeComputingSMS\\Controllers\\": "app/Http/Controllers/"

Run the composer du command in the terminal.

Next execute the commands below

php artisan install:email
php artisan install:sms

The above commands will install the files from the package folder into you main project files respectivly.

Sending Mails

Add the environment variables in your .env file


Send to a single user

public function sendEmail()
    $validator = [
        'sender' => '',
        'to' => '',
        'subject' => 'some subject',
        'message' => 'A message from sender',
    Mail::queue((new MailEmails($validator))->onQueue('emails'));
    return "mail has been sent";

Send to a multiple users

public function sendEmail()
    $validator = [
        'sender' => '',
        'to' => ['', '', ''],
        'subject' => 'some subject',
        'message' => 'A message from sender',
    Mail::queue((new MailEmails($validator))->onQueue('emails'));
    return "mail has been sent";

Mailable file

Sending a mail

public $validator;

    * Create a new message instance.
    * @return void

public function __construct($validator)
    $this->validator = $validator;

    * Build the message.
    * @return $this

public function build()
    return $this->from($this->validator['sender'])

Sending a single attachment

public function build()
    return $this->from($this->validator['sender'])
                ->attach(public_path('<single attachment>'))

Sending multiple attachments

public function sendEmail()
        $attachments = [
            public_path('<attachment 1>'),
            public_path('<attachment 2>'),
            public_path('<attachment 3>'),
        $validator = [
            'sender' => '',
            'to' => '',
            'subject' => 'some subject',
            'message' => 'A message from sender',
            'attachments' => $attachments
        Mail::queue((new MailEmails($validator))->onQueue('emails'));
        return "mail has been sent";

Inside the Emails file

public function build()
    foreach ($this->validator['attachments'] as $attachment) {
    return $this;

Add more options in your mail

return $this->from($this->validator['sender'])
            ->attach(base_path('<path of any file>'))
options description
from person who is sending the mail
subject purpose of the email
to the main recipient
cc carbon copy for adding people publicly
bcc blind carbon copy for adding people privatly

Sending SMS

Add the environment variables in your .env file


For the Twilio template, I am using the form request method of Laravel as I cannot disclose my personal cell number.


To actually send an sms after resigistering your number, make sure to use the country code like for example in Pakistan we use +92 otherwise the twilio cannot send sms.

Sms controller

public function sendSMS()
    $otp = $this->generateOTP();

    $request = (object) [
        'sms_message' => 'Text message with OTP: '. $otp,
        'sms_receiver' => '<The registered phone number(s)>',

    try {
        $sid = config('sms.sid', 'some_sid');
        $sender = config('sms.sender', 'some_sender');
        $authToken = config('sms.auth', 'some_token');
        $twilio = new Client($sid, $authToken);
                "body" => $request->sms_message,
                "from" => $sender,
                "mediaUrl" => [""]
        return 'SMS was sent';
    } catch (TwilioException $e) {
        throw $e;

public function generateOTP()
    return random_int(0,99999);

messages->create() this is a method by twilio for creating the sms and sending it.

First argument takes in the recipient's cell number and the second argument is the main sms itself.

  • body this is the main body of your sms or the text you write to send
  • from this is the sender of the sms, for twilio you have to register your number
  • mediaUrl this is an optional field, we can send some media URLs with this
options description
body this is the main body of your sms or the text you write to send
from this is the sender of the sms, for twilio you have to register your number
mediaUrl this is an optional field, we can send some media URLs with this

More twilio examples with laravel


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