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James Crean edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 4 revisions

This documentation is deprecated and no longer maintained. Check out the new and improved documentation here.


In order to troubleshoot issues with a vCDAT, open the log file while vcdat is running and compare any errors, starting from the top, to the ones listed here.

  • unable to load driver:

    • This can be fixed by exporting a variable containing the path to the missing file: export LD_PRELOAD='/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/'
  • X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)

    • First, try the above step and set the LD_PRELOAD to a valid path.
    • If you are on a mac and vCDAT is running on a remote machine, copy the following into a bash terminal: defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 enable_iglx -bool true
    • After running that command, restart your computer, or the change will not take effect.
  • If the above steps did not fix the issue, and you installed vCDAT on a remote server

    • Make sure that the vcdat environment is sourced prior to the next step
    • Run conda install -c conda-forge mesalib
  • ImportError: No module named ____

    • In order to work around the missing dependencies, simply run pip install package for each package found to be missing.(It may take several install and run cycles to find and install everything.)
    • In the event that a dependency is not properly installed, please let us know by creating a new issue with the following information:
      • The output of conda -V
      • The output of conda list
      • The output of the install process when you ran conda create
      • The full error text from the vCDAT log file
  • Plots are much larger than they should be

    • This is generally caused by a missing graphics driver
    • Install or upgrade your graphics driver by following the generalized steps below.
    • First, determine the brand of graphics card your computer has. (Intel, Nvidia, AMD, etc.)
    • Before proceeding to the next step ensure that all critical files are backed up. Installing an incorrect or corrupt driver can cause the OS to become unable to render a graphical user interface. This can often be fixed by entering the OS's recovery mode and uninstalling the faulty driver, but this can be a tedious process.
    • Then install an up to date driver for that platform from a reliable source, such as your operating system's package manager.
    • If you cannot update your driver, or if the problem persists, try installing mesa-lib: conda install -c conda-forge mesalib