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Merritt Integration Test Driver

This library is part of the Merritt Preservation System.

%%{init: {'theme': 'neutral', 'securityLevel': 'loose', 'themeVariables': {'fontFamily': 'arial'}}}%%
graph TD
  CAPY([Capybara Test Driver Container])
  CHROME([Headless Chrome Container])
  UI(Merritt UI)
  click UI href "" "source code"
  click STORE href "" "source code"
  CONFIG[[Test Config Yaml]]
  DOCK(Docker Compose)
  click DOCK href "" "source code"

  subgraph flowchart
    DOCK -.-> |docker run| CAPY
    DOCK -.-> |docker run| CHROME
    CHROME --> |http| UI
    CHROME --> |http| STORE
  style DOCK fill:cyan
  style CHROME fill:cyan
  style CAPY stroke:red,stroke-width:4px


  • Choose to run the application (1)locally with Ruby or (2)inside docker

Local Setup

  • Install ruby 3.0
  • Chrome installation is required
  • bundle install

Local Test Execution

  • rspec spec

Docker Setup

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d chrome

Docker Test Execution

Domain Scenario Command
Production Patching: Simple Ingest (queue unpaused) docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=production mrt-integ-tests
Production Patching: Retrieval only (queue paused) docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=production -e PREFIX=2022_03_14_1712 mrt-integ-tests
Production No Ingest docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=production -e INGEST_FILES=none mrt-integ-tests
Production Ingest Full Encoding Tests docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=production -e INGEST_FILES=encoding-tests mrt-integ-tests
Production Preview Url docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=production -e PREFIX=2022_03_14_1712 -e PREVIEW_URL='https://...' mrt-integ-tests
Stage Patching: Simple Ingest (queue unpaused) docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=stage mrt-integ-tests
Stage Patching: Retrieval only (queue paused) docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=stage -e PREFIX=2022_03_16_1520 mrt-integ-tests
Stage No Ingest docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=stage -e INGEST_FILES=none mrt-integ-tests
Stage Ingest Full Encoding Tests docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=stage -e INGEST_FILES=encoding-tests mrt-integ-tests
Stage Preview Url docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=stage -e PREFIX=2022_03_16_1520 -e PREVIEW_URL='https://...' mrt-integ-tests
Development Simple Ingest docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=development mrt-integ-tests
Development No Ingest docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=development -e INGEST_FILES=none mrt-integ-tests
Development Preview Url docker-compose run --rm -e INTEG_TEST_ENV=development -e INGEST_FILES=none -e PREVIEW_URL='https://...' mrt-integ-tests


docker-compose down

Running outside of docker

  • Comment out CHROME_URL: http://chrome:4444/wd/hub
  • bundle install
  • INTEG_TEST_ENV=... bundle exec rspec